Plane Universe

Chapter 1224: Speed ​​comparison

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An invisible great ancient power came down, covering the area where lei was, distorting the space around him.

At the next moment, he floated involuntarily.

"It's terrible." Lei sensed the immense ancient power of Hongdae, felt the greatness of it, and felt that he was a ants.

This is not the first time he has sensed this kind of power. To be sure, this is the second time he has encountered it.

It's just that this time he personally touched himself and felt even more profound!

Sensing this ancient boundless power, Cheng Buyun, who was practicing at Xinyue Yazhu Manor, instantly raised his head, looked over the snowy mountain hundreds of miles away, saw lei floating, and said with a smile: "This kid has finally become a god!"

"Huh, the curious fluctuations, are there powerful people in the gods field?" Feeling the powerful power above Xueyun Mountain, many maids and guards in the manor rushed out and looked at Xueyun Mountain's direction.

"How is this going?"

Xueyun Mountain is a mountain range outside the dark forest. Who dares to dare to do it?

The fluctuations of the gods are actually very weak, and it is difficult to sense them when they are far away. Ordinary people even feel the rules of the world.

Even the demigod warriors in the manor just barely felt the Gulai power hundreds of miles away, and even the ancient power class could not be distinguished.

I thought there was a strong man in the sanctuary where to do it!

Cheng Buyun shook his head and said, "Lin Lei has become a god."

"Ah, Master lei has become a god?"

"It's really amazing, we have a great **** domain powerhouse in Magnolia Mainland, great!"

Everyone cheered for a while, but this is their own family, of course they are happy.

The difference between becoming an independent **** and refining a divine personality into a **** is clear at this time.

Especially geniuses such as lei are extremely talented, and have a promising future. They are not comparable to those who refine their divinity.

"Okay, let me go and see." Cheng Buyun said, his body flew towards Xueyun Mountain.

When he came to Xueyun Mountain hundreds of miles away, Tiandi Rule had finished scanning lei's brain domain, and completed the transformation of divine power, and came down a small stone with a blue halo.

The rules of heaven and earth have slowly begun to dissipate!

"Lin Lei, split the soul, and become a **** outside the body." Cheng Buyun was a little nervous at this moment, as if he was worried about Lin Lei's muscles, and chose to become a **** inside the body, so he couldn't help reminding.

Lei opened his eyes, saw Cheng Buyun floating several miles away, nodded with a smile, and then didn't think much, and chose to become a **** in vitro under the prompt of the rules of the world.


With a fierce scream, Lin Lei's entire face was completely twisted. It was an extremely cramped expression, and his body muscles were shaking. Seeing this painful look, Bu Yun also changed his complexion, and his heart was a little bit panic.

So scary!

Although he has not experienced the pain of splitting the soul, he can imagine it.

It is a thousand times more painful than the body and flesh-body.

After a while, lei's voice gradually decreased, and even a colorful sword-shaped soul flew out of his mind. This colorful sword-shaped soul flew towards the godhead suspended above him, the two touched, and they were easily merged together.

The soul and the divine personality merged with each other, and with the help of the rules of heaven and earth, a wind **** avatar was instantly condensed, which means that lei has officially become a god.

Cheng Buyun, who was watching next to him, saw that lei did not open his eyes, nor did he disturb him. It was clear to him that lei was experiencing the magic of the power of the gods at the moment.

I also know that lei must be connected to the sea of ​​divine power.

It took a long time before Lin Lei opened his eyes and said with a smile: "The Divine Power Ocean is really peculiar, and it is possible to contact this distant place through the divine personality."

"Nature." Cheng Buyun did not reveal the details of the Divine Power Ocean. Generally, the Power of the Gods domain did not have that kind of knowledge. Once he said that the Divine Power Ocean is the origin of the Panlong universe, it would be a big problem.

"I have a big gap between my two bodies." Lei exclaimed. "The strength is a hundred times worse, and my wind **** avatar senses the elements of the wind law. It is also a thousand times stronger than the deity. This ..."

Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly, the wind **** avatar had a divine personality, and his perception and sensitivity were improved. Naturally, this is not comparable to the deity.

If lei chooses the deity to become a god, his consciousness and sophistication improve so much.

"Unfortunately, apart from the elements of the law of the wind system, my **** avatar can't sense the other elements at all." Lin Lei said with a greedy lack of pity.

Cheng Buyun sighed that the use of the Divine Avatar would have been more beneficial than the Inner God in the body. You also asked the Divine Avatar to be able to sense other elements. How does this person who is a God become self-centered?

"Okay, first borrow some divine power to enhance your deity." Cheng Buyun pointed to his **** avatar and smiled.

"Okay, Brother Yun, you wait, we will talk again later." Lei nodded, naturally knowing the importance of the deity, he moved his mind, the **** avatar merged into the body of the deity, through soul fusion, once again go with the divine personality Connect the ocean of divine power, absorb the divine power to transform the body of the deity.

Visible to the naked eye, his physical strength is rising, and soon he is very close to the power of the **** domain. After reaching a limit, no matter how lei no matter how absorbed the divine power can no longer improve the strength of the body, he stopped.

"This is the peak-level demigod power, which is really powerful." Lin Lei grinned: "No wonder two years ago, Delia and I have been in a beaten position during the test, this level of power is completely different."

"You still remember it." Cheng Buyun laughed and said, "The power of the demigod is already more pure than the energy of the sanctuary. That is already a quasi-god level. How can it be compared with each other."

Lin Lei smiled and didn't speak. Instead, he played a trick of body interchange. At one time it was lei in a black robe, and at one time lei in a green robe. This kid was having fun.

"I feel that there is no difference between the two bodies, and the change is also very simple. The two bodies switch at will, which is really wonderful." Lin Lei lamented. "When the deity appeared, the body of the **** avatar returned to the divine form. The deity sits in the sea of ​​souls and is sheltered by the divine personality. And my previous weapons, space rings and other items can also be used by the **** avatar, I am curious! "

The experience of becoming a **** is too pleasant.

Suddenly, Lin Lei's body moved. On the top of Xueyun Mountain, dozens of pale blue afterimages appeared at the same time, only to hear Lin Lei laughed: "Using the power of the bee system to exert the speed mystery, it is really powerful, the speed of movement It ’s a hundred times faster than before, so scary. "

"Of course, it was originally matched. You used to grudge to use the mystery of the law, and the power was naturally much weaker." Cheng Buyun also expanded his speed, turned into a white light behind lei, chasing him, and said loudly : "Comparing one to the other, let me see your current strength."

"Good." Lin Lei's eyes lighted up, which could not be better, he also wanted to know, his speed Xuanao great success, can let Bu Yun brother use some strength.

In an instant, his speed increased a lot, and his face was covered by the pale cyan light.

"Good boy, he sneaked away without saying hello." Cheng Buyun laughed and scolded, and his speed increased a bit, chasing behind him.

One white, one blue and two light and shadows chased each other on the top of the snow-capped mountains within a few miles, leaving a trace of afterimages.

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