Plane Universe

Chapter 1295: Horror level demon assessment mission

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There is more than one fire underworld in the whole hell, and if there is no point to hinder surveillance, once Cheng Buyun goes high through the reputation of demon assessment, Ayunte is estimated to vomit blood.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the other party to send people to participate in this demon assessment.

Unless these surveillances on the bright side are hidden, there are still people who belong to Ayunt in the dark, then he is really not true.

However, according to his estimates, as long as the people around Ayunte are not mentally disabled, in order to succeed, there must be stronger backers, such as the powerful five-star demon.

This is what he guessed by the other party's very clever way. After all, people who can cultivate to the **** realm will not have fools. What started to send out the middle god, the strongest upper god, a little bit like a whetstone, absolutely not Will appear.

"It's weird. In this demon assessment, even the next **** can come to participate, sure this is not a play house?"

Suddenly, not far from Cheng Buyun, there was a voice of doubt, which caused many people to turn their heads and looked over.

Cheng Buyun, who was indifferent with his face, seemed to say that the other party was not talking about himself. On the spot, many insiders laughed.

"What are you all laughing at?" The young man who asked Zhao Zhao aloud looked curious and continued with confusion: "Is this question strange, or is there something I don't know?"

"Yeah, I also feel very weird. Doesn't it mean that the demon assessment is cruel, and the next **** can never succeed? What's the matter with this person? Come and participate in this strength?" A young short-haired young man wondered. But with a meal, he said strangely: "But the breath of this person is a bit strange, and it is not the same as the breath of most strong people, and it feels different."

"Yeah, for you to say this, I also feel a bit strange, it feels a bit like earth power, but if you can feel it carefully, there will be fire violent, I am confused."

The divine power exposed by Cheng Buyun is naturally a fusion of the two divine powers, which gives people a very special feeling, different from the general system divine power, and rarely appears in the entire divine plane.

Since the two divine powers have not yet fully merged, the fusion divine power stored in Cheng Buyun ’s body is basically unable to dissipate, and he does not dare to gamble. Unbearable.

For the time being, this can only be done.

As everyone talked about it, soon, those who didn't know Cheng Buyun's details were also aware of his situation.

Therefore, many people looked at his eyes full of pity, offended a large family, so sad thing.

Every step will be very difficult, even if you are not careful, your life will be lost.

Suddenly, in the passage of metal life, this would kick up a group of twenty or so formal demons with devil medals on their chests.

These extremely powerful demons, as soon as they came up, walked directly to the front cabin.

Before we were surprised to talk about it, not long afterwards, the entire metal life set off.

After just a few breathing hours, the blue luan disappeared over the Fire City.

At the same time, not far away from the west city, a golden dragon with a length of 100 meters also moved, following the speed of the Qingluan that started earlier.

"This time the demon assessment task looks unusual." Cheng Buyun frowned secretly. Once the demon assessment task in line with the advanced task was almost cruel, the success rate was less than half.

When he secretly thought about it, many people in the entire rear cabin also noticed the formal demons. At this time, there were also discussions. Some people were white, and they clearly understood what happened. This time, the demon assessment task was difficult. !

After the metal life flew for a long time, the front cabin belonging to Devil Castle was finally in the back cabin.

It was the middle-aged man who started receiving in Huoming City and the two young men who belonged to the army of the Lord God.

In an instant, everyone looked at the three people, waiting for their words.

The middle-aged person smiled slightly and looked at the person sitting, Hong Liang said aloud: "Hello, everyone, I am the person in charge of this demon assessment. Compared to everyone, it should be clear that every time I participate in the demon assessment, Thousands of people! The demon assessment process has always been very dangerous and cruel, and the mortality rate is extremely high, but everyone is still coming. As for courage, you are enough to become a demon. "

"It's not enough to have courage, but you need strength!" The middle-aged man's face was serious. He glanced at everyone and continued to say in a deep voice: "This time the mission assessment site is a place named more than 50 million miles away from Huoming City. The place in the Silvermoon Mountains. At the speed of this metal life at our feet, we can reach our destination at about noon tomorrow. "

After the middle-aged man finished speaking about the task assessment location, some people had exclaimed, his face was white in vain, cold sweat permeated from his forehead, and his face was shocked.

There was some kind of fear, and the whole body shivered a little.

It seems that this place called Yinyue Mountain is very unusual!

"It needs to be solemnly stated that this demon assessment task was not deliberately created by our demon castle. Anyone who is more familiar with the devil should know that the devil can receive some tasks in the devil castle. This task is divided into levels. "The middle-aged man solemnly said:" As for your assessment tasks, we have selected from a large number of tasks, suitable for your one-star task. As long as you complete this task, it is naturally a one-star demon! "

The name of the Yinyue Mountain Range has caused many people to panic. Where is the place where these median gods can fall their feet?

Do not make jokes.

"Some people may already know that the Silver Moon Mountain Range is a mountainous place, which is very dangerous, but the danger is also relative, because another team of demons will also go with you to fight against the powerful source beasts on the Silver Moon Mountain Range, your The task is, everyone gets a silver moongrass back, then the assessment task is successful. "The middle-aged man said here, gently smirked:" At the same time, when assessing the demon task, there is an additional reward, For every additional silver moongrass, you can get 10,000 black stones of wealth. "

The assessment task is very simple, and the remuneration is extremely amazing, even reaching the price of 10,000 inkstones per silver moongrass, but the risk factor is also very high, because there are many, many powerful source beasts in the Yinyue Mountain Range, of which Some powerful source beasts have the power of the upper gods, and even have a king source beast close to the six-star demon level.

Once that demon team can't contend with each other, then the entire evaluation team will be wiped out.

This is not a joke.

It is the real situation. There have been several such incidents in the Yinyue Mountain Range in history.

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