Plane Universe

Chapter 1324: Leaving the Fire Underworld

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Early the next morning, Cheng Buyun took the little girl, accompanied by Charlton and his two bodyguards, to the fire palace of the city's main palace!

On the lively streets, the people who watched them and the others along the way secretly peeked one by one, especially Cheng Buyun, who had the most eyes on him.

"A lot of people are secretly watching you, especially the strong women among them." Charlton looked at the beautiful women who appeared from time to time, enviously frivolously smiled: "It's really enviable, when will I be like you In this way, they are loved by these women. "

Cheng Buyun didn't even turn his head and walked forward without squinting, said lightly: "When you are one day as strong as I am, there will be no less beautiful women around you."

Indeed, women who are generally confident in their appearance are naturally very picky. Even women with better talents, beautiful women who can become gods independently, will not look at the men who refine their spirits into gods!

Refining the Divine Realm, the highest achievement in this **** is only an elite, not to mention the strong, they are not even strong.

Only the five-star demon and above can be called a strong man. Only the five-star demon has such a little security in **** and has a great future.

Ambitious people, both men and women, do not want their other half to be a waste.

Very realistic!

Competition is much greater than material planes.

Without strength, you won't even have a wife!

Sanctuary women?

In fact, it's the same. It's not that you can have it if you want it. You need to pass the tribal chief's approval, but you don't even have the strength, how can you have the other half!

Therefore, regardless of the holy domain and the **** domain, as long as they are women, they are all precious resources.

Very realistic, just like in modern society, there is no house, no car, no money, it is just a joke that men want to own the other half!

Poor people can be appreciated by some women, but only a small part!

Like Cheng Buyun at the beginning, although his character is sunny, he also has his own house, and he has hundreds of thousands of money, but his future is not great. Twenty-five years old and have no girlfriend.

Life is a compromise!

Pull away ...

Over two hundred miles, we will arrive in a while.

In front of the gate of the city's main palace, the Huomo Devil, who had long received the news, already stood and waited.

Seeing Cheng Buyun and his party arrive from afar, he immediately gave a big laugh. That kind of happy laughter would make this space shake, and he beckoned and shouted, "Haha, my brother is coming, these two God made me wait. "

This look made the eyes of the people around them widened. This is how He Bu He Yun can even make the Lord of the City so valued.

"Brother Huo Ming!"

Cheng Buyun stood in front of the oncoming Huoming Demon, smiling and preparing to fall back, but did not wait for him to make a move. The latter had already pulled him and then smiled and asked, "Things are done!"

"I'm alone. I don't have much concern in hell. To be a good friend, it's just Charlton." Cheng Buyun nodded his head and specially mentioned Charlton. Obviously Huo Ming will take care of him a little later.


Huoming turned his head, glanced at Charlton, and nodded, "Yes, any trouble in the future, come to Huoming City and tell me."

"Thank you Lord Lord!" Charlton was excited.

But let the Fire Underworld Master remember himself, he knows who it is.

"This is also my brother's affection, haha!" Huo Ming laughed loudly, then looked at Cheng Buyun and said: "Okay, since the matter has been settled and there is no concern, then we will start as soon as possible. I do n’t want to waste your time anymore! "

"it is good!"

Cheng Buyun nodded.

Huomo Devil smiled again, then shouted directly into the main palace, "Titanic!"

As he fell, a slender, medium-looking woman flew out of the city's main palace. The woman's strength was judged by her breath, and she was in the middle of the gods.

On the spot, Charlton and others were startled.

Because this woman is metal life!

Don't think that the metal life of the median **** realm is cheap, as long as it can be owned by five trillion yuan, in fact, you want to buy it!

You can only buy it if you are above the main level!

Even the Seven Star Demon is not qualified!

When this metallic life flew into Cheng Buyun above a group of people, a strong golden light appeared, and a red phoenix appeared in the sky.

The fiery red phoenix suspended in the air slowly swayed its tail, a burst of fire rain gently floated down, and the whole sky showed a brilliant color, but the fire rain did not have a little temperature, and it did not hurt people!


Huo Ming sipped softly, and the people had disappeared.

The speed was so fast that only Cheng Buyun and Caesar could see it.

"Charlton, take care." Cheng Buyun patted Charlton on the shoulder.

"Well, take care, come back to see me when you have time." Charlton said deeply, too.

"Master Buyun, take care." Caesar also blessed.

Cheng Buyun looked at him and nodded, pulling the little girl up and raised her body, flying into the Phoenix inside the sky.

Flying into the interior of the Phoenix, Cheng Buyun looked at it. The interior of the Phoenix is ​​a vast space like a hall. This hall is very elegantly arranged. Huoming is sitting on a fur sofa deep in front of him, looking at this side with joy, "How about, let's get into your eyes!"

Sitting next to him, Cheng Buyun looked around and said enviously: "Very good, the metal life of the median god, Gee, who doesn't want to have it!"

As soon as he said this, the expression of the little girl standing beside him was wronged immediately, and there was a confused light in his jewel-like eyes.

Cheng Buyun shook his head, turned and took the little girl ’s hand, and said ridiculously, "Sit, the master did n’t say you want to change you, even if the master has other metal life in the future, wo n’t let you leave, you know? ! "

"Hmm, the master is the best." Upon hearing the master's assurance, the little girl's grievances disappeared, and she immediately became happy.

"Haha! No need to be envious, you will have these sooner or later."

Huo Ming smiled suddenly. People always have emotional animals. He was not like that. The six metal lives that he had replaced at first were reluctant to let them leave. They all lived in the city's main palace.

However, after a long period of cultivation, each one has now become the lower god, the middle god, and the strongest metal life is this phoenix.

"Okay, we set off." Huo Ming smiled and reminded.

As his words fell, the phoenix tail twitched in the sky and rushed out at once. It was thousands of miles away in an instant. After a second, it had reached nearly 100,000 miles away.

This powerful speed can make a group of people on the ground dizzy.

This is too fast!

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