Plane Universe

Chapter 1409: You can't get out when you get in

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"The supreme **** is above, how is it possible!"

"Under such a strong attack, there is no appearance of injuries, this is impossible!"

A group of people from the Lelydshish family were almost crazy at this time.

I hoped that hundreds of high-level gods would finally get such a result, and whoever changed would be desperate.

This battle is here, and there is no chance of victory.

Everyone has this idea!

The joint attack of two thousand high gods will not work, what else can they do?

Assemble the rest of the people to unite a little attack?

The other party is not a fool, how can you stand in vain and let you attack.


Cheng Buyun's current defense, whether it is material or soul, can stand among the top 100 among the top strong, and only the strong with the main artifact of the defense can stabilize him.

Combined with a drop of essential blood from the Bauhinia Lord, and the Token of the Lord God as the armor defense increase, the strength of the material defense. In this hell, he dare to roar, there is one count, who dares to come and compare the defense!

Of course, under such a joint attack, Cheng Buyun's body is very uncomfortable even if he has a strong defensive armor on the outside, and his body is also very uncomfortable. The shock of the physical force cannot be defended by the powerful armor, but can only be resisted by his own strength.

Fortunately, after several transformations, his body defense is also top-notch in hell, which means that the heirs of the main gods such as Lei Sijing can only press him.

"Very well, you finally annoyed me." Cheng Buyun said coldly, and the high-level **** warriors of the Lelydshish family looked blank.

What a drop, this annoys you?

In other words, were we playing before?

Not serious before, but now?


There was a fear in everyone's heart.

‘Oh! ’

As soon as his body moved, Cheng Buyun lifted the bright goddess sword obliquely, and his body was full of anger. The monstrous power was so scared that panic shouted, "Hurry, stop him, attack!"

Cheng Buyun, who is serious, is terrible, and his movement speed is several times faster than before. It seems to teleport and kill the crowd in front of him.


At this time, no one was afraid anymore. The reason was simple. Cheng Buyun, the enemy, would not die, and none of them could escape guilt.

The joint attack became a little bit, blasting towards where Cheng Buyun was.

‘Om! ’

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun's body ranged a few hundred meters and raised a khaki light, quickly forming a round ball, completely trapping hundreds of people.

After the ball was raised, those trapped inside were divided by layers of rocks, and the look became muddled, without any sense of autonomy.

The powerful gravitational repulsion is changing, and those people's bodies can't help flying, but when they are around themselves, they are facing a bombardment of material attacks and soul attacks!


At this moment, all talents are truly desperate!

They didn't even think that Cheng Buyun had such a trick.

The combination of several mysteries and mysteries forms a gravity space!

How can I fight this?

"Small show, you are desperate?" Cheng Buyun's heart is free, the power of the desperate maze, he is currently exhibiting less than one tenth of his own, the limit situation, the range can spread to 10,000 meters Fangyuan.

Wrapped in a labyrinth of despair, Cheng Buyun rushed past with all his breath.

Looking at the huge rock fortress that was coming under pressure, everyone was so scared that they didn't dare to be the man with the arm.

What a joke!

This is no longer possible.

In the sky and underground, the inside of the huge fortress that is rolling is all own people, and all of them have high-level material defense artifacts. The high-level gods at the same level want to break up such high-level gods with powerful defenses. They simply cannot do it.

The rumbling crushed the past, and the elite and maid warriors of the Lelydshish family, who could not dodge it, also fell into the rock scum and became another victim, and the state became muddled, without a little sober consciousness.

Falling into a killing, there is no room to fight back.

The massacre is on!

Groups, one by one, a few miles from the edge of the foggy sea, fragments of broken limbs, and countless gods of various colors flying above the sky.

It's just that the people who wait and see are no longer greedy, and they dare not approach at this time.

Where is a massacre being staged, who dares to pass.

"Stop me!"

At this time, there were several rumblings from far away in the sky, and dozens of rainbow shadows flew over, and there was a large group of people approaching quickly in the sky behind.

The other families in the Eighteen Family Alliance came to support.

The dozens of figures that fell down included men and women, middle-aged and youth, but all were angry.

"I told you to stop, did you hear me!"

Seeing that the people inside the rock fortress did not stop, a young man shouted directly in anger.

Cheng Buyun ignored them, but took the rock fortress and killed him.


"Damn it!"

"Rush in and take him down."

After a series of roars, the visitors turned over their weapons and rushed into the rock fortress.

Unfortunately, once rushed in, all these dozens of figures were dumbfounded. What appeared to them was a rock wall in front of them.


These dozens of people invariably picked up weapons and attacked these rock walls, but they did n’t know that the hardness of these rock walls was beyond their imagination.

Too hard!

The high-level artifact was cut down, but the result was that some rocks flew away, and it was impossible to blow up a large piece like it was outside.

"A group of people who are accustomed to being tall, met today, it is your end." For this group of people, Cheng Buyun has no pity in his heart, and his consciousness controls the changes in the maze of despair. The figure slowly moves and appears in a In front of a black middle-aged man.

"It's you?" The middle-aged man with thick black hair and soaring eagle-nose nose, saw Cheng Buyun, the initiator, with a watchful expression.

"How about me?" Cheng Buyun sneered, and the bright goddess sword immediately slashed towards the other party.

"Who are you?" The black-haired middle-aged man shouted: "Don't you know the consequences of offending our 18-family alliance?"

At this time, the dark-haired middle-aged man quickly dodged away. He didn't want to play against Cheng Buyun. The opponent's strength was beyond his expectation, and there was a wave of panic in his heart.

Being able to pull a six-star powerhouse who cultivates the law of destruction so easily here, the other party's perception of the earth system law surpassed him a lot to achieve.

"How about offending your 18-family alliance?" Cheng Buyun's indifferent face, black eyes burst out with a strong anger, "I not only dare to offend, but also dare to kill you, let me die!"

The horrible words made the black-haired man panicked for a while. Where did this come out, but the median god's strength, but the realm is so powerful.

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