Plane Universe

Chapter 1428: Tianji Mountain

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In the middle of Cheng Buyun's rush to the horizon mountains, the Bauhinia Continent Wuhai City side.

Five days later, the message of the conflict between him in the Amethyst Wuhai and the Eighteen Family Alliance finally reached Wuhai City.

At this moment, everyone understands why the eighteen alliance families were targeted by the Bauhinia Army. It was because they offended the big men.

A big man that even the top family can't mess with.

"Come here, adults, don't miss it when you pass by, as long as 100 ink stones can watch the floating shadow crystal ball shot by the peerless strongman." I saw a street with people coming and going. The gray air-like crystal ball shouted excitedly at everyone, and immediately made people around him look at him with a curious look.

Peerless strong shot?

Just one hundred inkstones?

This is too cheap.

Yes, you can watch a floating image of a peerless strongman with a hundred ink stones, which can be said to be very cheap.

Many people couldn't help but have doubtful eyes.

This is in the city. If you pay money to watch, even if you are cheated, you will have no choice.

"My lords, I really didn't tell lies. The content inside this floating shadow crystal that I'm holding is really a picture shot by a peerless strongman. The content is very wonderful. You won't lose money if you look at it." Hand The next **** holding Fuying Crystal saw the skeptical eyes of everyone and said sincerely.

A hundred ink stones, for his next god, is already a great value. The number of people in Wuhai City is billions of people. As long as a small part of it is watched, it can also make him a rich man.

He said so surely and sincerely that some people couldn't help but believe it.

"Okay, this is a hundred ink stones, I hope you don't deceive me." An upper **** directly took out one hundred ink stones and shouted into the hands of the lower god, and then the divine power was swayed, and the consciousness had come to the latter. In that floating crystal.

At the beginning, this high god's face was very calm.

But soon, only a few seconds later, the face of the upper **** changed. In the floating crystal, he saw Cheng Bu Yunguang blasting a middle body with a middle artifact shield with his own power. The strong man, and then grabbed the head of a median **** to Shengsheng and crushed it like a watermelon, he felt his body tremble.

Judging from his realm, the strength of this unknown powerhouse is at least five stars and above, which is still the least.

This one hundred ink stone is not a loss.

As the content progressed, he became more and more surprised and excited.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and exhaled whispered: "So strong!"

I was exclaimed after this sound observation. The other onlookers didn't know that the content recorded by the floating crystal was absolutely true.

"Sir, I didn't lie to you, this hundred black stone is absolutely good and cheap." The lower god's expression is very happy, one will have two, since there is the first to watch, then the second, the third, and then Countless, not far away from him, as long as time passes, he will also become one of the strong.

Even if you buy a house in Wuhai City, it will not be difficult!

At the next moment, several higher gods paid their money and lined up to watch the Fuying crystal.

Finally, he found that there were too many people who wanted to watch. He had to collect the money, and he took the people who wanted to watch to a hand in the building. In the form of a display, the floating shadow in the crystal ball appeared above the crystal ball, so that more People watch.

"Wow, it turned out that the Eighteen Clan Alliance had an accident because it was planted in the amethyst sea of ​​mist. What a offended person this is!"

"Obviously because this matter is no doubt, I don't know who this stranger is."

"It should not be difficult to guess. It can command the Bauhinia Army, and know the master of the palace. It is estimated that it is just two identities."

"Have you thought about it, since you know the master of the palace, this adult may not show such a strength, and the realm is likely to be more than the peerless."

"You have heard no gossip. I heard that on the street a few days ago, the eighteen families seemed to be in conflict with a young median **** on the street. Finally, the Bauhinia army appeared, and the median **** pulled out a black Token, the Bauhinia knelt down on the spot and called the messenger. "

"In this way, this strong man is a master messenger!"

Everyone had a lot of discussion, and at the same time, they also knew why the eighteen families were unlucky.

As for what happened, they didn't talk much.

The strong is nothing but respect!

In Wuhai City, not only did this happen on this street, but almost every street and every corner had the next **** and the middle **** shouting while holding a crystal.

As a result, it caused a sensation directly.

Soon some family members appeared, wielding huge amounts of black stone to acquire the floating crystals in the hands of these people, and each crystal even bid for tens of millions.

The content of a floating shadow shot by a master angel messenger is very worthy of research. Even if it is collected in the family, it is also a good way. This is the essence.

In the end, even the Bauhinia Castle was alarmed, and joined the panic buying. The price of these floating shadow crystals increased and reached higher, reaching one hundred million ink stones.

At that time, there were tens of thousands of people who saw this conflict on the side of the Amethyst Wuhai. The number of tens of thousands of floating crystals is not worth mentioning. It is a very small number for the huge number of families in Hell.

Anyone who is a strange strong shot the floating shadow crystal, anyone will take it to study, not to mention the main **** messenger.

In the main palace, Romeo watched the picture displayed above the floating shadow crystal, and saw that Lily Desh hoped that the family deacon was so arrogant that he would single out against Cheng Buyun, and he could not help laughing.

Just such a rotten watermelon and rotten egg, who gave you the courage to dare to fight this black-bellied kid alone?

Even if Lei Sijing is pressed against the ground and rubbed, you little six-star demon, there is a kind!

The two moves were wiped out by the soul of the corpse. Romeo did not have much expression. With the power of Cheng Buyun, he knew very well that the first move did not kill, but the power released by the latter was too small.

Looking at the entire floating crystal, he sighed again. As Cheng Buyun said, standing high above the ground for too long also made them forget their previous hardships.

Regardless of the cause of the incident, people must surrender to confess their sins with them. Can the strong man bear it?

This is already Cheng Buyun's politeness, and it is not his fault. If it is not a bit of friendship with him, it is estimated that it will directly hit the door of the 18th family and bombard their family.

The Tianji Mountain, located in the northern area of ​​Youlan Mansion, is located 200 million miles away from Fansi City, about 5.8 billion miles from Youlan City.

The location is not too remote. Youlan House has a diameter and width of more than 60 billion miles and has 32 cities under its jurisdiction.

However, the distance of more than 5 billion miles is also a bit choking for Cheng Buyun, and it takes more than a day to arrive.

In order not to work hard for himself, Cheng Buyun asked Sophia out.

"It's finally here." Sitting in Sophia's changing metal life, Cheng Buyun looked at the huge mountain peak far into the cloud shield, and there was a little happiness in his heart.

"Wow, what a magnificent mountain range, it really deserves to be called the Tianji Mountain Range. These peaks are really high enough." The little girl Qiulan looked at the sky-like majestic peaks in the distance and admired.

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