Plane Universe

Chapter 1437: Difficult to determine

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And this trick is also very penetrating. The general surface law defense intercepts the surface attack power, but the penetrating power contained in it must penetrate the remaining defensive power of the enemy ’s surface and reach the inside of the body. It is similar to the one hundred waves he had previously realized.

What is different from Baizhonglang is that the attack method of Baizhonglang is too simple. In the high plane of the master such as hell, the law armor is a method that many people will use, so it has not much effect.

However, the attack carried out by Cheng Buyun just now is very unusual. It has a powerful physical tearing force, tearing the enemy's surface defense, and finally breaking the enemy easily, causing damage.

But this looks like a new bottle of old wine, a bit of the meaning of going the old way.

Thinking deeply, I felt wrong.

In the end, Brother Yun's attack seemed to be a last resort. How powerful his own body's defensive power is, and it is already very rare to be able to split his own defensive power.

The power of the blow was finally exhausted, and it penetrated into his body with double strength.

Since it is a two-strength force, Wei Neng naturally cannot compare with the first strength.

After all, the power of the first force is already very strong. If the enemy can't resist, it can directly smash and smash people. If it can't penetrate, it is basically the same level as its own and the defense is also quite strong. You can earn a bit of money by using the double strength, it is a profit!

Combat is to accumulate a little advantage, and then defeat and defeat the enemy.


LIN Lei looked stupid, where he stood smiling like an idiot.

Why are you nervous?

"What a smirk?" Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "Return!"


Lin Lei pushed up his head and saw Cheng Buyun's smiley expression, and on the other hand Delia covered her face with an invisible look, and his tender face couldn't help but red.

"Boss, I just saw where you have been straight and stupid, do you think of anything lustful?" Babe asked as an ignorant boy.

Lin Lei looked black, pretending to be angry, "Go, don't disturb my cultivation."

Then he turned his head and looked at Cheng Buyun and said, "Brother Yun, you just got a good blow, and gave me a lot of inspiration. I can't wait to experiment."

"No, come on, just shoot at me." Cheng Buyun shook his head directly.

"That's good." Lin Lei nodded after hesitating for a while. He didn't cause any damage to him through the attack he just made, he knew Yunge's defense was very strong, and it was estimated that it would not be much worse than him.

So, where to find such a good target!

The two stood again, and Lei first realized the application skills of Cheng Buyun just now, and pondered for a while, then his eyes lighted up, and he sighed, "Brother Yun, here I come, you see what I use right."

The two of you walked in the open space.

With Cheng Buyun's guidance, lei created his own unique tricks and made rapid progress.

He is also the one who owns the Amethyst Soul Mother Stone, which already possesses various methods of applying advanced techniques in the soil system.

The unique power created by lei before is not high, and the power is not great. The combination of application and mystery is not ideal. It seems that the unique power is not enough.

After a few days, after thinking and practicing, lei has fully understood it, punching it out empty-handed, thundering, every fist blows like lightning, the front space fluctuates like a broken mirror, imposing Very scary.

Moreover, the techniques and methods he applied are completely different from Cheng Buyun, which is based on his own talents and combines his own strength as the main core creation trick.

The physical attack power is very strong, every move and every style is opened and closed to force people!


In the core of the Tianji Mountain Range, five dark castles with a height of nearly 100 meters are scattered between tens of miles, and the castle guarded in the center by the outer periphery is the main hall castle of the Four Divine Beast family. Family matters.

Today, by the giant table on the second floor of the main hall, the four patriarchs sat together at the same time, as if to discuss something important.

Three men and one woman with different looks and temperaments.

The blue hair is elegant, the cold face is like a knife, and the domineering person is the Qinglong patriarch.

A white tiger with silver hair and a tiger robe with a cold face and a silent look is the white tiger chief.

With a handsome face, a middle-aged man with a smile and a close look is the patriarch of Xuanwu.

At last, the fiery red-haired woman with a passionate look was naturally the chief of the Suzaku.

"Gaisleysen, call us today ..." The first thing to say is the Patriarch Suzaku. Her eyes are flowing, and she smiles slowly with a nice and pleasant voice: "People are now together, just say anything important."

"Well, what happened to lei?" The white tiger clan squinted coldly.

"It's also about lei." Qinglong clan chief said a little solemnly.

The Patriarch Xuanwu leaned on the Qinglong Patriarch with his eyes, and said softly, "Is it about lei's good brother?"

The Qinglong patriarch nodded, and the other two patriarchs said nothing.

"The guest's background seems a little bit simple." Patriarch Suzaku looked at Patriarch Qinglong, frowning and said: "You are not sure of the identity of the other party, so we asked Qi to come over and discuss."

Cheng Buyun has been with the Qinglong family for several days, and it is no longer a secret in the high-level of the Four Divine Beasts.

The other party's information has also been placed on their respective tables.

They are all very clear about the origin and the like. They are from the same place as lei, and they arrived in **** about a hundred years earlier than lei.

But after coming to hell, they couldn't find out a lot of information, and it was also because the time was too short.

Besides, in the past 10,000 years, the family of Four Divine Beasts has been suppressed by the eight big families outside, and the information system has collapsed. It is actually quite difficult to check a person ’s information.


The Qinglong patriarch nodded again, with a worried expression: "You also know that the situation of our family of four gods and beasts is now very difficult. I just can't figure out what the person is coming from, and lei is the hope of our four families' rise. The spy, naturally I do n’t need to say more. "

"Then you want to ..." The white tiger clan's face was cold, and his face directly said coldly: "Kill him?"

"Do not."

The Patriarch Xuanwu hurriedly said, "This is unfounded. Kill the opponent. How can you make sense in lei?"

"Yes, and this is still speculation, how can you do it without credentials." The Patriarch Suzaku shook his head quickly. "Anyway, that person may not be a spy as you think."

If Cheng Buyun is here, I'm afraid he will be dumbfounded!

What kind of head does this man have, he even guessed him in this direction.

Enough is enough.

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