Plane Universe

Chapter 1484: 100 years

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Lei's attacking power is very impressive.

The use of laws is superb

"The black hole appeared, and there was space turbulence." Sitting in the distance with his mother and others watching Little Lewis, who was practicing lei, he jumped up and shouted loudly, "Father is so powerful."

"Naturally, your father is a strong man." Babe raised his hands and shouted, "Come, come here Uncle Babe, I will teach you well, and you can be so strong in the future."

Babe is like a weird uncle who tricks a little kid

"Really Uncle Babe?" Xiao Weidi actually believed, and walked over with anticipation.

The kid was so deceived, Cheng Buyun Anzi shook his head, stood up and approached lei, then gently smiled and asked: "how?"

Lei stopped and turned his head to say hello with joy, "Brother Yun, ha, it's done."

"Your method is so good, I can't think of such a practice." Lei looked very happy and inexplicably excited. "Did you see that? I just used the four elements of power, earth pulsation, gravity space, and the elements of earth. Xuanao is combined, I can barely combine with each other, haha! "

The most difficult part of the fusion of Xuanao is how to find the meeting point with each other.

As long as you have found a point of convergence and started, it is only a matter of time before you achieve complete integration.

"That's because you have a high level of understanding, so you succeeded so quickly." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly and turned to look at the place where he was sitting. Where did Delia smile and say something to Xiao Weidi, a happy face? With a smile, he smiled and said: "Delia is very difficult. Give her a way to practice for so long. She only knows how to release it, but she can't find the meeting point between the mysteries. Once you don't follow the secret method I taught The operation route is played so that she can perform it according to the results of her cultivation, then ... there is no use at all, and even the attack of the law cannot be exerted. "

Delia's talent is very poor. If she is allowed to practice herself, even if she can become a sanctuary, it is estimated that she will be two or three hundred years old, or even close to the life limit.

"Brother Yun, Delia doesn't have much time to practice, her mind is on her son, you can't ask too much." Lin Lei said with a smile: "Trust her, give her some time, I believe Delia has With the method given by Brother Yun, even if you ca n’t become a strong player in the future, you will have the power to protect yourself. "

"Of course, the secret method I taught can be multiplied according to the gourd painting scoop." Cheng Buyun smiled.

The secret method is a major feature of the universe that engulfs the starry sky. It is a practice method created by predecessors in accordance with the theory of the operation of the universe. Many younger generations were like this at the beginning of cultivation.

Simple, almost everyone can practice.

Of course, if such a secret method is taught, Cheng Buyun is not in violation of the regulations set by the Supreme God alone.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of rule of mystery.

But no one can create this method.

Extraordinary knowledge, numerous secret methods, powerful insights, and the theory of the universe's operation.

Do people in Panlong Universe understand this?

In this universe, every plane is a continent, and it stays in place all the time, without cosmic stars, how to understand this knowledge?

Otherwise, it will not be so many years, and there is no effective way of cultivation.

Here, cultivation can only depend on oneself, the role of the teacher is not too big.

Many things depend on yourself.

Of course, cultivation is the same everywhere. You can only rely on yourself, others ca n’t help much.

"Ha, Brother Yun, I also taught me how many times, my dark six mysteries have only merged two now, and the third kind has no clue." There is a good thing, Babe naturally wants it.

"Don't you just remember to play around? What does cultivation look like to you?" Cheng Buyun was happy. He didn't involve the law of darkness, so he couldn't make it!

"Who doesn't want to relax anymore." Babe sighed, looking at Cheng Buyun expectantly, and walked to him with a smirk, helped him squeeze his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Are you comfortable?"

"I'm going to massage Uncle Yun too, and I want to, I also want to be powerful, just like my father." Xiao Weidi walked over, holding Cheng Buyun's thighs and kneading, then lifted his small head and learned to shellfish Bei's tone milk voice said: "Is it still comfortable?"


Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Cheng Buyun put his big hand on Xiao Weidi's head and rubbed it lightly, then said with a smile: "You are a devil, let's talk about basic skills."

"Uncle Yun, when will the basic skills be practiced?" Little Widy has pure blue eyes, full of doubts.

"That would have to wait, you have to wait until you grow up." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

"So how can I grow up? Uncle Yun, can you tell me?" Xiao Weidi asked expectantly: "I want to grow up quickly, and then be as powerful as my father."

"Eat more, read more books, and wait for you to learn to be a man, then you can grow up." Cheng Buyun still gave a condition.

This little ghost has a very good talent and a high blood line. He inherited the fine blood of his father, and he will definitely be a super strong in the family of Four Divine Beasts.

"Is that difficult?" Little Vetti looked very embarrassed.

"Hah, it's not difficult. There is a father who is teaching you." Lei likes Vidy Jr. very much. Over the past few years, a **** has been around to accompany him every day.

As the most important moment in the growth stage of future generations, he has missed the growth period of the children of Salsa and Taylor.

Now there is a chance that he will not make that mistake again.

Salsa and Taylor's childhood is something he has always regretted!

Time flows like water, quietly flowing.

Cheng Buyun and others are also quietly practicing in the Tianji Mountain Range, and their strength has steadily improved.

Five principles of his water system, after a hundred years of insights, practice and integration, two of them have been fully integrated, and the third has also been introduced. The period of success will not be too far.

Lei's progress is a bit scary.

With Cheng Buyun's instructions and methods of teaching, the integration of the four mysteries of earth element, earth pulsation, power, and gravity space has been completed, and the fifth type of astrology mystery has also been introduced, and I found a point of fit.

As long as you can practice with peace of mind for hundreds of years, there will be no problem with the fusion of the five mysteries.

As for the last kind of power of mysterious mystery, even if there is no entry and no clue, lei is not in a hurry at this time.

When his five mysteries are fully integrated, it is when he goes to practice the last mystery of the earth system law.

Babe, he is still the same. The third fusion of mystery has not found any fit, and his strength has not increased.

All these years, he was bored.

As for the breakthrough into the superpower, he did not consider it.

Of course, it is not without growth. At least Beibei ’s body is several times stronger and stronger than before. The body accumulated with the power of the main **** has no such cost, and no one can use it.

And what about Delia?

After she grew up in Wedi, she finally had her own time. After decades of practice in the wind system, she finally managed to find a meeting point. As for when the two mysteries can be perfectly integrated, the time is uncertain.

What about Little Veddy?

He has grown up long ago. More than fifty years ago, the first strength of the earth system, the mysterious mystery has become a god, and he is practicing the second kind of earth system.

Worthy of being a genius with excellent bloodlines.

The father is the power of the central god, the mother is the power of the upper god, the talent is naturally very good, plus it belongs to the family of the four gods and beasts, and is a member of the second generation of blood.

Lin Lei is the first generation, whose bloodline concentration is comparable to that of Qinglong clan leader Gasleyson and big elder Gaia. As its descendants, you can imagine the bloodline of Wedi.

Absolutely at the level of Vulham.

At the same time, after a hundred years have passed, Widy has finally officially become an adult, and will soon enter the Hualongchi baptism, officially inspiring his own blood.

Become a dragon warrior like his father!

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