Plane Universe

Chapter 1515: Liang'an

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Speaking of this issue, Babe is very helpless.

He doesn't need any help if he knows, just don't know, so he needs someone to help.

In the past, everyone separated too quickly, and many things were too late to explain. In the end, Nisi and his brother Salomon went to the house of Bifu mainland.

"Okay, don't laugh, this kind of thing is not shameful." Delia sees Babe's face is not good-looking, quickly hit a round field, comforting him and said: "Sister-in-law is coming, will not laugh at you."

With Delia's words, Babe looked better.

"Bei Bei, Bifu mainland is very big. You have to be a little bit in your heart. If you want to find someone in such a large area, you will undoubtedly find a needle in the sea." Cheng Buyun said.

In fact, he remembered vaguely that Salomon and Nise seemed to be living in the city of Liangan Mansion in Bifu mainland.

However, there is no absolute thing in the world, and it cannot be said so clearly.

"What do you mean?" Babe couldn't hold his face.

Seeing that Beibei was anxious, Lin Lei quickly said, "Bebey, don't be angry first. The words in Brother Yun's words mean that the blue floating continent is very large, with hundreds of cities and a vast area. It is difficult to find people, so We have to think long and not blindly. "

Beibei was silent, but soon he reacted. It was wrong to think that Nis had told herself where she and her brother were going, and they were almost confused by the two.

He immediately raised his head and said, "No, right, I'm telling you something confused, stop for a while."

Everyone could not help looking at Babe, wondering what he was going to say.

Bebe calmed down, and said with excitement and serious expression: "I know where Nisi is. She told me before to live in Liangan Mansion, Bifu mainland."


Lei stunned, this babe never mentioned to him, and even said: "Are you sure babe?"

"I'm pretty sure that I'm not mistaken, it's Liang'an Mansion." Babe nodded affirmatively. "Nice chatted with me accidentally when she chatted with me. She said she was with Cossack this time. Luo Meng settled in Liangfu mainland Liangfu, but ... "

"I don't know which city it is!" Cheng Buyun said.


Bebeton stayed silent.

He really didn't know that city.

"It's easy to handle. Now that I know the house, it's a lot easier to find people." Lei laughed and took up Babe's shoulder and smiled: "Bebe, don't be discouraged. Although the general range of houses is very It ’s vast, but the number of cities is limited. Most of them are about ten cities, and there are no more than fifteen. "

"Yes, the boss is right. There are more than a dozen cities in each district. We can find them one by one. If we can't find one, then we will go to the next city to find it." Babe was excited and shouted: "I don't believe it That ’s why I ca n’t find anyone. ”

More than a dozen cities?

My heart is a bit big!

A government is not small in scope, the area is very wide, at least tens of billions of miles in diameter, and dozens of cities are distributed in it, if you want to run all to lie down, you do n’t have to think about it for more than ten years.

Of course, this is based on the speed of low-level metal life. In the case of Sophia, the situation is very different.

The time can be shortened by a large amount, and it can be completed in about a year and a half.

"Now I know the location, boss Yun, you can no longer make excuses. If you want to help me, even if something is wrong, you have to lend me Sofia to use it." Babe laughed, seeming to forget the unhappiness before.

This is his character, and his anger is temporary, and he won't remember it for a long time.

"Did I ever say that I wouldn't help you?" Cheng Buyun patted Beibei's head and said, "Idle is also idle, just run with you for a trip."

"Uh huh."

Babe's heart was full of anticipation, a pair of eyes hiding the gloomy afterglow, at this time exuding dream light, as if caught in the encounter with the beloved woman, one shot couldn't extricate herself!

"Brother Yun, we are blind to Bifu mainland now, we don't know where it is. We might as well go to the nearest city and sell a map of Bifu mainland, and then see where Liang'an is in that location. Set a route to start, "lei suggested.

"it is good."

Cheng Buyun nodded and was about to say something, but Sophia said aloud, "Sir, I know where Liang'an Mansion is."

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun blushed old.

He has forgotten this matter, but all the maps of **** are recorded in the core of Sophia, including some dangerous places, regional landmarks, cities, teleportation sites, mountains that cannot be changed, and so on. Almost all places are very complete. .

After all, Sophia is used to assist the genius and powerful people, and naturally records the map of the whole hell.

"Sophia knows?"

Lin Lei stunned, and then laughed with joy: "Then it couldn't be better."

"Well, go!"

Cheng Buyun said quickly, he didn't want to talk more about this topic, so that Sophia would continue to say something to let everyone know and embarrass himself.

What a drop!

It's so shameful to forget this thing.

'call out! ’

The weird spaceship crossed a rainbow, and in a blink of an eye, it had gone thousands of miles away, and the speed continued to climb, reaching 100,000 miles per second before it stabilized.

Such a fast speed caused O'Brien and others who had never sat in metal life to exclaim.

An Mu Mansion is really far away from Liang An Mansion, separated by five mansions.

Liang'an House is located on the edge of the Bifu mainland, not far from the diameter of the blood peak continent. As long as you have the ability and confidence to travel through the sea of ​​stars and fog, it will take about a hundred years to reach the blood peak continent.

A month later, on this day, over the gate of the prosperous Lianganfu, a weird metal life appeared at a rapid speed, constantly magnifying in the eyes, causing many people to look up.

"This metal has a fast life."

Someone exclaimed.

But it's not that, from the small black spot to the big one, things in the blink of an eye reach the city gate from a distance. Such a speed has a spectrum in the mind of knowledge.

This is definitely the metal life of the **** level.

Sure enough, the breath emanating from the weird metal life that reached the hover, as everyone expected, was a god-level metal life, and it was still the realm of the median god.

This is the right big man.

‘Hula! ’

A group of people appeared, male and female, old and young.

"Wow, it really is prosperous. It deserves to be the leader of a house. There are so many people."

In the eyes of O'Brien and others, as the earth leopard enters the city, he keeps looking around.

Such strange behavior, but no one dared to laugh.

Do not die.

Before joking someone else, you have to see who the other person is. You can ride this level of metal life. The background has broken through the sky, and it is not that these little people can laugh at.

"Anliang Mansion!" Lei nodded.

"Of course it is Anliang, and Sophia is very rigorous and can't go wrong." Cheng Buyun laughed.

"This is Anliang Mansion!" Beibei took a deep breath and turned to look at Cheng Buyun and lei standing beside him, waiting for them.

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