Plane Universe

Chapter 1658: Can there be different opinions?

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Hell, destiny on both sides, you come and go, so agitated.

Lips, tongues and swords, offensive and defensive, are simply extraordinary, which made Cheng Buyun dumbfounded.

The Lord God is also a human, just like ordinary people.

When you see the fire, you have to pull away.

The person who first shot the table turned out to be the more elegant God Bauhinia, who saw her stand up fieryly and yelled across the finger: "I think you are itchy, come out, and see the old lady hammering you."


Immediately after the **** Xuanguang, he also vigorously patted the table on the spot, leaving a three-inch deep palm print on the metal table, stood up, waved his flag, and shouted: "It is estimated that no one has beaten you for a long time, and the body is uncomfortable, right? Come, no one will leave today. "

"A group of weak chickens, what is arrogant." Lord Xuefeng also stood up and glared at each other, a nonstop attitude.

Who is this arrogant!

A group of main gods watching the show were dumb, but they were very much looking forward to hoping that both parties would fight.

The main **** is usually bored, and it is natural to be eager to watch dramas.

"What shouting? Are we afraid of you hell?"

"Okay, accompany!"

Destiny Heaven ca n’t stand the attitude of the main gods of Hell. Several people have stood up in succession. One of the men with gray hair and a pair of yellow eyes with a little blue spot stands up, and his expression is sullen and angry. Slowly and gracefully said: "Bauhinia, don't think that only you are the beast, and me too, and now, when we fight, who is more dominant?"


The God Bauhinia heard the words and glanced at each other with a sneer and said with contempt: "A little zebra snake, only intermediate bloodline! Do you think it is comparable to me? Isn't I underestimating your rising sun, even if I am now in weakness, with one hand? Hammer you! "

It's a bit exaggerated.

With the current weak state of the Bauhinia Lord, against this man, it is really not an opponent.

What the other party says is also the main **** of fate, where is the foundation.


It is persuasive to say that the **** Bauhinia does not accept it, and in turn ridicules himself, do you really think you are afraid of her?

The man was very annoyed and gritted his teeth and whispered: "Well, since that's the case, we don't have to say it anymore. Come and come, no one can escape."

The six low school masters on both sides rolled up their sleeves and flew directly out of the spacecraft platform.

The battle is on the verge!

The two masters of Hell and Heaven Realm, however, smiled at this time, and did not mean to intervene at all.

The quarrel between the two parties was caused by their own face, and no one was willing to lose, and it brought the present scene.

For the Lord God, the face on the surface is very important, and the two Lords certainly cannot stop the reprimand.

Since there is no one to show anyone, just play a game, anyway, with them, no one will die.

"alright, alright."

As the two sides set out to prepare for a fight, the red-haired girl's voice suddenly sounded, making the scenes of the two sides daggered, they could not help but looked sideways.

At this time, I saw the red-haired girl with a pink face and a cold face, scolding and shouting: "Look at what you are, do I call you over to let you fight? I'm not afraid that others will read the joke. Even if it ’s a shame, it ’s still in front of the little guy. You are shameless, I want it! "

The two sides could not help glancing around, seeing the expressionless faces of the main gods, the trace of death in their eyes, glancing at Cheng Buyun again, and finally the expression came back.

Cheng Buyun was helpless and secretly speechless.

It's all about me. It's about me. I'm just watching the show.

However, the character of Lord Bauhinia is really hot, completely lacking the usual elegance and extravagance, making him a little afraid to know.

When the two sides sat back calmly, the red-haired girl still yelled, "I don't know what they are."

Scolded by the red-haired girl, all the gods on both sides bowed their heads slightly, daring not to refute.

"Sister, forget it." The beautiful woman patted the little hand of the red-haired **** the table and smiled to extricate the two sides. "This quarrel, originally, the more noisy and the more fire, no one stopped it at the beginning, it will naturally evolve No one succeeds, and eventually leads to fighting. "

"Oh, it's still mine, isn't it?" The red-haired girl looked uncomfortably, glanced at the trial white robe old man and the ruining master, and finally thought about it, just snorted and didn't continue to say more, glancing at all the gods, Shen The voice said: "Whoever dares to be unruly on my site for a while, I will make him look good."

The majesty ruled by the rules, no one dared to provoke.

And in the three-point acre of the underworld, the rulers of the same level also have to give a little thin noodles.

"Back to the topic." The red-haired girl said lightly: "How is everyone discussing? Who has a different opinion?"

Lord Gods, you look at me, I look at you, all carefully observed, no one dared to speak easily at first.

They are afraid of offending people!

Especially those who are extremely cautious.

The old man in the white robe sat quietly and looked at everyone with a kind look, but no one could guess at all what was in his heart.

With his crazy degree, seeing such a good research material, there is a sense of unhappiness, and naturally it is impossible to express a position.

Once expressed, it directly explains the result of being unable to study Cheng Buyun.

This is what he does not want.

"Why, don't you have any other opinions?" The red-haired girl glanced around and saw that no one was in her head. She frowned slightly and was a little dissatisfied. Finally she raised her hand and pointed to wearing a black robe. , A person with a hood and unclear about his appearance said, "Secret, you."

This man in a black robe hiding his appearance is the master of the dark **** realm. The dark master attached to the underworld is the most important man under the red-haired girl.

Suddenly, the red-haired girl named her first name and asked her to express her position first. The Dark Lord could n’t do it. She had to support her own adulterously. Immediately, a voice that did n’t distinguish between men and women and rubbed like metal sounded. “I have no other opinions, just like the adults It is rare that such a genius is born between heaven and earth, and we cannot naturally destroy it. After all, the Supreme God has given us the authority to manage heaven and earth, and to manage all sentient beings, some rules still need to be, so my opinion is just like adults, let him grow up, Treat as an ordinary god! I'm done. "

"Good talk." The red-haired girl nodded in satisfaction, motioned him to sit down, and then looked at the others and asked, "Are there any different opinions? Hurley, Augusta, Diya, don't you? Opinion? "

"I have no opinion, after all, it is a genius that can be made, and it is a pity to ruin it. I also agree with the secret statement." The bright master said with a smile, as if he didn't care about Cheng Buyun's earlier hatred. .

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