Plane Universe

Chapter 1690: Chaos City Lord's kindness

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The growth of life gene multiples can be so rapid, which is the result of Cheng Buyun's use of energy at any cost for hundreds of years.

To the end, the growth rate is slower. The life gene was nearly nine thousand times that year, and it would take countless time to grow without paying a price.

To the extent of 9800 times the life gene today, even if the time in the time house is thousands of times, it takes 100 years for the outside world to grow a little.

Such a long period of time is simply trembling and shaking!

So using cosmic energy to practice has become an inevitable result, unless Cheng Buyun can endure that time.

But is this possible?

"It's worth using money to buy time. Although it's expensive, it can afford it."

Cheng Buyun once again practiced according to his predetermined plan, withdrew from the ocean of the universe's original source, and was about to enter the Yupei space to practice, the voice of the chaotic city master rang in his ears, "Bu Yuntuer ..."

"Teacher!" Cheng Buyun stopped quickly, turned around and bowed slightly towards the chaotic ruins of the city's main palace, respectfully responding to the chaotic city's voice.

"Bu Yuntu'er, what's the soul cultivation, okay?" Chaotic City Lord asked with a smile and concern.

"Teacher Xie cares, and Tuer is very good." Cheng Buyun reverently replied: "As long as another one or two hundred years, it should be able to return to the previous level, and then the whole soul can be condensed and the soul strength can be strengthened."


There was a hint of joy in the voice of Chaotic City Lord, and then he said in a deep voice: "This time you are very good, and once again recognized by the law of the universe's origins, at that time, the teacher is not as capable as you at your level."

"The teacher praised it." Cheng Buyun said: "I'm still far away, and I want to cross the universe. This is not enough."

"How old you are, you want to be in the universe!" Chaos City Lord smiled and said with satisfaction: "But with this heart is a good thing, we humans can rise in the universe, relying on a hard work and fighting spirit. There is no strong Fighting spirit, we human beings were destroyed hundreds of billions of years ago. The death of our aliens is uncertain. If you encounter aliens in the future, you must not be soft-hearted. "

"Ethnic wars are extremely cruel. Once weak, they will be swallowed without even a little scum. You need to know this." Chaotic City Lord said.

"Teacher, rest assured, the cruelty of the aliens, the disciples are very clear and understand their insidious and cunning." Cheng Buyun looked gloomy, with two irritated glare in his eyes, the whole person exudes a greasy expression.

The cruelty of the aliens is very clear. On the virtual universe system, there are countless disaster videos. One planetary galaxy, the annihilation of countless lives, are the damages of the three major aliens to the human race.

He often gritted his teeth with hatred.

Do not say that he is not a human in this realm, not a common ancestor.

Human beings are always human beings, they are the same gene, and they will not change differently because of different regions, and they are 100% similar.

This situation has been studied before by Xiao Hong.

The human who devours the starry sky is no different from the human on which he lives. Even the humans on the outer planets are genetically similar, but the intensity of life is different.

Humans should hate aliens, just like other strong human beings. Whenever they mention aliens, they hate their teeth and Cheng Buyun also hates aliens. This is a problem of the butt.

Seeing Cheng Buyun's angry expression, the Lord of Chaos nodded secretly. He has always been very concerned about Cheng Buyun's cultivation.

"Ethnic war, there is no right or wrong, every ethnic group wants to develop, only to expand outward, we humans want to grow, to occupy territory and territory, and the same is true for aliens." Chaotic city master said: "So war is inevitable. '

This is true. Without territories, ethnic groups cannot grow. With the arrival of science and technology today, there will naturally be no cases of starving to death. Even if hundreds of billions of people live on a life planet, supplies will be available, and there will be no problem in getting full.

You can have luxury.

But these are useless. Humans need geniuses, not ordinary people. The energy of a life planet is limited. A certain number of years can only supply a certain amount of life energy. If there are too many lives born, then the proportion of genius will be Become scarce.

Not even!

After all, the life planet has not been transformed, so is the qualification.

This is also the reason why high-level humans discovered the earth and then refused to let go.

Even if the talent shown by Cheng Buyun is enough to withstand it!

Human beings have limited qualifications, and the gap between the strong and the strong is very large. It is difficult for trillions of human beings to appear as an immortal god.

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. It will be fine if you understand it later. Today, I talk to you and I have something to say to you." After a pause, the chaotic city master smiled faintly: "It's also an old saying!"

The last remark of Chaos City Lord reiterated, Cheng Buyun immediately knew what was going on, and said quickly and respectfully: "The teacher means, let me go to the palace in the city's palace."

Let him go to live in the palace in the city's palace. This request has been said twice by the city chaos, this is the third time.

There are only three things.


The chaotic city lord said: "It's inconvenient for you to live outside. It's too eye-catching. Every time there is noise, it's a nail in the eye of the alien. If you continue to make such a sensation, the teacher is afraid that the alien will kill you at any cost This is what the teacher is most worried about. "

It ’s all so clear that Cheng Buyun ca n’t touch the teacher ’s kindness, but he has a secret, and the city ’s palace is also covered by the “Qianbaohe” area. .

In fact, the entire initial universe is under the control of the Lord of Chaos, but it is usually quiet, not too subtle.

If you are in the area covered by the treasure of the Qianbao River, every move in it will be noticed.

In the future, it will not be so casual. Alice's entry and exit problems will require him to deal with it personally and use his own world as a transit point.

And this is precisely what Xiaohong can't operate unless Xiaohong is entrenched in his world.

But this has become a problem again. Xiaohong has a soul. Unlike ordinary intelligent life, it is already a mechanical life. Once two appear at the same time, it will be suppressed if it violates the rules of the universe.

Forget it, forget it, when it ’s time for yourself to be troublesome, the teacher ’s kindness ca n’t be refused. Cheng Buyun thought of this and quickly bowed down and said, “Yes, teacher, I will move to the palace in the city ’s palace immediately. "

"Very well, the teacher has reserved seven or eight palaces for you. You can choose one you like. Well, the conversation will end here." The voice of the chaotic city master faded away.

PS: I fell asleep with the code, I am really sorry, sorry!

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