Plane Universe

Chapter 1731: Battle of the King

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A real master blocked the attack of Feng Wangqiang, and it seemed very easy.

This is shocking.

The powerhouses in this region were so shocked to see such a scene that they could not themselves.

"Just the Lord, when is it so strong."


"The human race is really terrible, and it has brought up such descendants!"

The level of the lord can resist the blow of the strong king of the seal, which shows that the rule of the lord is extremely high and terrifying.

Proud enough!

The dull eyes of King Liyun are also contracting, and their hearts are trembling. For this task, they have no end.

If the target person is really forced out, he may really fall away.

Hope it's not good!

Cheng Buyun, the most powerful genius of mankind, can it be better?

A low-ranked king like him will never be an opponent.

Although the goal of sending him here is not stated, it is not a fool.


Weak people, no autonomy!

"Impossible, even if the strength of your realm master reaches the level of a king, but the realm can't be so high, I don't believe it." The biting king roared with rage, and his heart was obviously twisted. He hated the genius most in his life. Kill one.


Zhong Rou looked at the other person's eyes with contempt, punched out, and easily resisted the attack of Heart Eater King, mockingly said, "Do I want you to believe it?"

These words made the Heart Eater almost spit up blood and couldn't hold his face. The attacks became more and more frequent and stronger, and he almost didn't burn the **** body.

It's just that Chong Rou has learnt the Void Wave Boxing, which is a bit worse in terms of law and realm, but in terms of attacking the mysterious law, it's impossible for Biting King to compare.

Void wave punch, peak learning, even placed in front of the universe overlord, will also cause madness!

That is the bridge that leads to the universe!

The heart-biting king has only ordinary secrets of medium level, which is more than one level lower.

Alice's eyes were dull, and there was no movement to stare at King Liyun, as if the fierce fighting next to her could not arouse the slightest fluctuation in her heart.

Standing like a battle, every time you bombard each other can cause others to exclaim from time to time.

It is a rare scene.

Is there any more exciting thing for the Lord of Seals than this?

"Ha, King of Hearts, your secret method is really not dripping. It has been my turn to attack me for so long. It should be my turn." Zhong Rou whispered, left fist bombarded against the endless gun shadow, right fist squeezed, space breath burst The law of the earth is frantically condensed on her side, "Old man, let you see the top-level peak masterwork created by my master-Void Wave Boxing!"


Extremely gorgeous, the inside seems to be sealed with a whole universe, constantly flowing complex mysterious patterns, under the energy package, as a wave of light is pushed out, whistling toward the heart king.

The fierce and crazy screams, the space was turbulent, and the space blockade that the Biting King had applied early in the morning was almost unsustainable and collapsed.

It can be seen how powerful the attack power of this light wave is!

At this moment, the eyes of the Biting King were widened, and there was an incredible feeling on his face.

A real master has the ability to learn such precious secrets.

But the matter could not allow him to think more. The blow in front of him was quite terrifying. He had to wake up for twelve minutes to avoid overturning the boat in the gutter.

If it was hit by the other party, it would be funny.

He will definitely be hung on the column of shame and be ridiculed all his life.

The result is what he did not want to see!

The spear is flipped over in the hand, and it is split in successive counts. The golden spear is split in the light wave to slow down the internal stability of the cut to achieve the purpose of resistance.

Although the Void Wave Boxing is just an entry, the secret method is created by Cheng Buyun with excellent insight combined with advanced applications. A Feng Wangqiang who wants to resist easily is very difficult.

Therefore, the defensive action of the Heart Eater made useless work, and the light wave still rushed in front of him. At last, he couldn't look right. He reluctantly drew a circle in front of him with a spear, protecting himself like a shield.


The light wave did not pass through like the previous attack on Feng Houqiang, but exploded directly. The powerful impact force caused the body of the bitter king to throw away thousands of kilometers, and finally it was stable.

A shock on his face!

"Not hurt?"

Zhongrou's complexion was a bit ugly, but she didn't know how difficult it was for her to knock back a strong king.

The power of the Nether Wave Fist is strong, but the other party is a strong king. The condensed degree of the **** body is one level higher than that of Feng Hou, and the power of Chongrou itself is still the power of the realm master.

The gap is so large that it is difficult to cross!

Take Luo Feng as an example, the power of the realm is 100,000 times, the eighteenth layer of the Tongtian Bridge is able to bear, the deep beast spirit conception, the pinnacle of the unrivaled swordsmanship, and those who want to kill the high-level Feng Wangqiang must rely on Fermo Venom. Strong.

Even if the void wave fist created by Bu Yun is very powerful, the Chourou Realm is only an entry, and he has not yet the ability to kill the Feng King.

At most flat!

"A very powerful attack secret, no wonder it can easily kill the high-ranking princes." There is a light of different colors in the eyes of the biting king, and the sentence before the heavy attack: let you see the top peak of my master.

What he shocked was not the words of the most pinnacle, but the word "master".

so horrible.

What a horrible thing is the so-called master behind such a genius.

He wanted to leave.

Goubi's superior, even let him provoke such existence, didn't he ask him to die?

Stay quiet inside the warship with no movement at all, and the owner must be at least the ultimate king.

If it was guessed, it was Cheng Buyun, then he must die here today.


Zhong Rou's body suddenly ejected, a phantom of Phoenix appeared on her head, the secret lines of the law were not condensed quickly, and then a huge pair of fiery red phantom wings formed behind her.


The red wings patted lightly, spreading at the ultimate speed, pushing the heavy and soft body towards the place where the heart biting king rushed.

"She wanted to get close?"

The Heart Eater immediately judged the purpose of Zhongrou. Although he didn't know why, he always felt some uneasiness in his heart.

Naturally, the enemy will not be allowed to approach in vain, and the fog will be quickly blocked.

Before he heard of it, he thought that an immortal peak leader of the demon clan was bombed to death by Zhong Rou.

It is very likely that the Void Wave punch is not simple, it is estimated that the power has not been fully released.

Feng Wangqiang did not have a mentally retarded, and soon judged the closest truth!

In this way, he couldn't let Chongrou approach.

He doesn't want to have a boxing match with the human female master!

"Damn, this old guy is really tough, but you think you can stop me and think about it too much." Zhong Rou sneered again and again. In the past, I didn't show it. It does not mean that the masterwork created by my master really needs to be close to reach the peak power. can.

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