Plane Universe

Chapter 1762: One blow

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Outside the battlefield, the tribal joint station.

Interracial and human beings are in tension.

On the other hand, the one with the most people looked nervous, and every eye seemed to be sending a message, panic!

"This time is coming to an end, mankind is really calling!"

"Where is our strongman ..."

"It's finished!"

Confidence, in addition to a few aliens, other aliens are very guilty.

"Okay, gossip, if I'm ready, I'm going to attack." As Catherine spoke, countless tall figures like her suddenly appeared around her.

Needless to say, these tall figures are naturally the elite guards she carried in the world ring.

At the sight of these Titan warriors, whether it was King Baiyu, King Guli, or King Star Luan, his face was tense, and King Bai Yu shouted in a panic, "Spread away, spread out soon."

At the same time, there were tens of thousands of worm warriors with grim appearances, heavy thunder beetles, and light armored dragon worms.

But all these made him feel less secure.

The opponent's immortal empress, the warrior under her command, is too strong, and it is not a rank at all.

A worm warrior with a force of 100,000 times requires hundreds of billions of crystal coins in each head, and no immortal mother emperor has such great wealth.


The divine power began to burn, and the direct ten percent of the divine power was instantly burned. Catherine felt that she had never been stronger. Her thunder and lightning power was flashing, her eyes were shining, and the spirit began to come.

"Crazy, the mother emperor opposite is crazy." Star Luan King's beautiful face was immediately shocked. Then there is such a battle, and when you come up, it burns divine power. What kind of **** is this?

But now it's too late to say that the opposite side burned the divine power. If she didn't follow her, she didn't have to fight anymore. She instantly burned the divine power, and the spirit came to the insect warrior around her, ready to fight.

"Damn, this crazy woman, what hatred, what resentment, so desperate." Bai Yuwang also appeared helpless, and immediately followed the burning body, not burning the body, could not resist the next strong attack.

Not far away, the king of Guli did not move very slowly. The black pyramids were released from his hands one after another. Twelve of them were arranged in a certain direction. There was also an energy channel connected in series between each black pyramid to form a Blue light film shield, rushed up.


Catherine sneered repeatedly when she saw King Guli leading the "Twelve Constellations".

At this moment, she can look down on any enemies here. Even if the Venerable Universe comes, she should make the other party look good.

Not her madness, but she has this ability!

"Everyone will listen to my command, don't mess up, don't fear, we are the last defense, we must suppress the fear in our hearts, even if it falls, don't let the ethnic alliance lose face." Bai Yuwang went toward everyone. Soul transmission, shouting loudly: "And so many of us can definitely defeat this arrogant immortal empress, and we are all at ease and quiet down."

"Don't mess up, hurry up and stand up." Bai Yuwang keeps cheering everyone up.

But you just said that falling is a bit scary.

Before you hit it, you say fall!

Who can not panic in their hearts.

"Warframe, condensate!" With Catherine's order, tens of thousands of Titan warriors roared, their breath soaring, their skirts fluttering, and their momentum rose.

Then the body was covered with golden light, and a golden armor covered all parts of the body,

At this moment, the strong momentum madly oppressed the past, all the aliens' faces turned wild, and their legs and feet were trembling.

"Kill, death has come, ha ha ha !!!" Catherine's crazy and arrogant laughter spread far and wide in the void, "Heavens, this is your punishment against my master, let's die!"

When the Titan warriors fell in Catherine's words, they all lifted the Thousand Thunder Knife in their hands neatly, holding them high above their heads.

The blue arc flashed on the Thunderbolt, and the long silver-white blade was even cut through the space.

The thunder and lightning war knife held by tens of thousands of Titan warriors swung forward violently, with countless radiating silver rays, but hiccups were powerful attacks based on the law of thunder and lightning.


At this moment, the whole space oscillated, and countless attacks converged and merged. Thousands of lightning attacks formed a thicker thunderbolt during the flight, which was thousands of kilometers wide and ten kilometers long. Some small things broke out from it.



The power of judgment is spreading, just like God is angry!

A group of strong interracial people watched the huge lightning from the attack, and many people were trembling with horror, sliding constantly between their throats, swallowing saliva.

If the willpower is weak, the whole person is frozen.

"The power is too strong, I guess it can't be stopped. Star Luan King, I'm ready immediately. I fight." Gu Liwang snarled at the soul of Star Luan King, and immediately roared before she returned King Guli is not so irritating, let me burst! "

In the heart of life, the stored divine power is also burning, and a force of soul is transmitted to the twelve constellations, so that the energy on the surface of each constellation is rising, and the color of the shield has become thicker.

But this is also true for the joint attack by the Titan fighters.


boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The light shield of the shield was as weak as paper. It was penetrated by the huge lightning, and suddenly, one constellation after another exploded.



The huge thunderbolt is still spreading out, and it looks like it is not weakening at all.

"Not good, can't stop, escape!" Gu Liwang thought of it, and immediately stretched his hand to tear it, puncturing it, the space was torn like paper, and he quickly stepped into it.

"Damn, he escaped." Upon seeing the star Luanluan, he hurled a blow through his subordinates in a hurry. He could help as much as he could, and then he also had a divine power to put all the worm warriors away, like Gu Li. Like the king, he ran away.

"Everyone escapes, damn, I know these two guys are not credible." Bai Yuwang's face on the wolf's face is very unsightly, but he can only cry out and run away.

Since the space was blocked, it was impossible to teleport at all, and a group of aliens all panicked.

The leading ones have escaped their lives, and what can they do.

The big defeat begins!

Under Catherine's blow, all the aliens collapsed.

"Quickly unlock the space blockade, and we will also escape!"

Countless people quickly awakened and gathered up their power to block the space, but when they wanted to teleport, they realized that the **** space was still blocked and could not teleport at all.

"Enter the space mezzanine!"

An interracial reminder that countless aliens quickly tore the space around them and ran in.

In the mezzanine of space, the space was also penetrated into it, and it was also blocked by the power of the blockade, and it could not be teleported.

Unable to do so, these aliens fled back again, only Bai Yu Wang, Gu Li Wang, Xing Luan Wang who first entered the space mezzanine continued to fly towards the depths.

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