Plane Universe

Chapter 1801: Hilarious

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The time and space palace is so lively, attracting countless light.

The surrounding palaces, including the servants and disciples of the universe, all looked up and looked at the space-time palace with shock and envy.

The so-called people are more dead than popular.

It was only at this time that Cheng Buyun practiced, and today he has been able to make so many Venerable Universes come to visit, showing his power.

It ’s not strange to envy.

In addition to envy, I have to lament that I don't have that kind of talent.

The lively hillsides were also seen below the plains. For a time, countless commentators were asking what happened above.

Caused so many powerful presences around a palace.

For that!

But no one can answer their questions.

In the streets, the more people gathered, the more people came out of the building and even asked what happened.

In the end, a few insiders who received the information shouted loudly: "Everyone, be quiet, I know what happened above."

"King Airo, if you know, then quickly explain, what happened to the mountainside above? How come there are so many cosmic Venerables in the party?"

"Yeah, knowing that you haven't hurriedly said, King Airo, be careful I kick your ass."


The strong human king King Ai Luo looked at the messy situation in front, similar to the vegetable market, there is a little immortal spirit? Helplessly said: "Be quiet, okay, you shout like this, I can't explain it."

After being shouted by King Airo, everyone also seemed a little embarrassed, slowed down and calmed down, waiting for the former to disclose the news.

King Ai Luo nodded slightly and said with a sense of superiority: "What happened at this time is very simple. I asked a friend just now. He told me that today is the day of the relocation of His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun's palace. The palace is the palace just built by His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun, and the Venerables of the Universe are visiting. "


So many people visit?

Everyone looked up slightly.

At this moment, the number of cosmic Venerables around the palace is not less than five or six hundred.

This is just after the palace was built, and those who respected the universe could not wait to come to visit, it is really invincible!

It can be seen that the Lord of the Universe attached importance to His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun.

"Did you know that I heard that even the space overlord has come to the digital, and it's shocking to think about such scenes." King Airo threw another huge news and shocked everyone.


Universe overlord!

That's how great shore exists!

It would be nice if I had the privilege of seeing the previous one!

Thunder Island immediately caused a great sensation. Countless people were concerned about chaos, and countless people knew that the palace of His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun was relocated.

However, some people are extremely worried. If the palace of His Highness is relocated, what will happen to these immortal gods who have not purchased the silver battle armor in the future?

Is it rushing up the mountain without permission?

Once there is no communication, go up the mountainside privately, and the rules of Thunder Island will teach them to be humans.

Very serious thing.

Will be greatly punished.

It seems that in the future, if you want to buy silver armor, the difficulty will increase, and you need to get in touch with the immortal gods in the Palace of Time and Space, and the money will be inevitable.

It's already poor, and you have to give gifts!

Mom sells it!


Inside the mountainside palace.

Cheng Yiyun said one after another after shouting one by one, Venerable Nine Swords and Venerable Lan Yu: "Everyone just come and go, I will go back."

"Together, together."

Everyone also stood up quickly, and the Lord of Witchcraft even smiled and said, "All those who have come together are coming. I won't be able to sit here again. Let's go out and see together."

The one-of-a-kind is the level of the cosmic overlord, and the voice of the chaotic city master. He has a high status, and the top cosmic overlords must be treated politely.

These high and low cosmic venerable people are usually more difficult to see.

Cheng Buyun naturally knew this, and nodded slightly, and flew towards the gate of the palace together with everyone.

"Second Brother, Third Brother, Eight Brother, Nine Brother, Fifteen Brother, Eighteen Brother, welcome." Cheng Buyun smiled and bowed.

Three Senior Brother Yankong Sovereign have not seen before, this is the first time to meet.

Brother Eight met last time at Chaos Palace Square. Brother nine is a Gold Axe Venerable. Like the one who is one, he has been stationed in the Chaos City for a long time to practice and has seen too many times. It is an old acquaintance.

The six brothers visiting, except for the strength weakness of Venerable Gold Axe, are regarded as the pinnacle of the Venerable Universe, and the three realms of the second, third, and eighth brothers are not much different, and are all at the level of cosmic overlords.

Unfortunately, the three brothers are all normal human bodies, and the level of life genes is not high, and they are relatively weak among cosmic overlords.

However, by virtue of the profound law, it still has considerable power.

Almost can be regarded as the limit of the universe.

One step further is the Lord of the universe.

Brother Fifteen and Brother Eighteen, their strength is even weaker, and they are at the level of higher cosmic respecters.

"Sister Junior, congratulations." The one who is respected smiled and looked at Cheng Buyun in amusement. "We will not blame us for not coming here? If so, Brother may be sad."

"How come, I'm welcome if you're welcome." Cheng Buyun also responded with a smile, and then looked at the Three Senior Brothers Yankong Venerable with a little respect and said: "Brother San, thank you for congratulating me."

"It's such an honorable event, how can I not come out." Yan Shuang Venerable Lang Shuang smiled and looked at Cheng Buyun with great appreciation: "Brother, your battle on the seventh battlefield outside the domain, sturdy, It really made Brother San my eye-opener look at me and did a good job, and gave me the prestige of humanity. "

"Fortunately, I might not have that kind of competence to be a real opponent of the universe." Cheng Buyun said modestly.

Do n’t look at the huge gluttonous **** body and more than 300 million times the divine power. In fact, the strength of the soul is really not as powerful as the medium cosmic venerable.

After all, the level of the venerable universe, the law of space has become great, and the soul jumps again, condensing more points.

In the past, gluttony was eaten between the low and middle levels of the Universe Venerable, which was the achievement that the encountered Universe Venerable did not have too great in the soul together.

"Humble enough." Venerable Starry glanced at him and said in disdain: "Somehow, the brothers still don't know? Even if I shoot, it is at most a kill, not like you, killing each other. Slavery. "

"Yeah, I don't even have any under the level of the Venerable Universe, which is really enviable." The Venerable One quipped, in fact, really envied in his heart.

The reminder of the one-of-a-kind sage immediately shook the body of many cosmic sages around him, and his look changed slightly. The look of Cheng Buyun respected his points even more.

In the human alliance, the powerful people who have the subordinates of the Universe Venerable are basically the greatest existences, or the top cosmic overlords such as the Eclipse Palace Master and the Tree Demon Venerable.

General cosmic overlords, such as those who belong to the One-level Lord, are not willing to join.

After all, the ordinary universe hegemony, where is the strength level, there is no qualification to face the existence of the universe master.

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