Plane Universe

Chapter 1810: Contribute wealth to me!

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After sending away all the Universe Venerables, King Shuying looked at the list in his hand, and then counted it slightly, and his heart was greatly shaken.

A total of 1368 Cosmic Venerables have registered, of which 463 high-quality crystal armor are sold, and the total value of the two types of armor is more than 450,000, equivalent to more than 900 trillion yuan.

Such a huge wealth almost made the Shuying King fainted.

Different levels have different feelings towards wealth.

More than 900 trillion and 450,000 treasure points are really not much. It is only more than 100 points to switch to treasure points, and there is not much money.

However, the sale of the crystal armor has caused a huge impact.

The heavy treasure armor in the treasure trove of human races is unsalable.

More than one item has not been sold in a few days, and the number is increasing.

Because many cosmic Venerables lacked money, they took their armor down and gathered valuable points to buy crystal armor.

It is foreseeable that Zhongbao Armor will no longer have a market within the Human Alliance.

Regardless of the ultimate treasure armor, it can't compete for the crystal armor with excellent special effects.

Unless it is a combination set, there is really no market.

However, the great existence of mankind has long anticipated this consequence, and has also come up with a solution.

It's very simple.

There is no need inside human beings, and there are many alien needs in the universe.

For example, the thorn ring alliance that human beings have been cooperating with, give them cheaper, can the other party still do?

Then replace it with the resources needed by human beings, how good!

In fact, more than a thousand pieces of crystal armor were sold within a day, which is already very few.

Many venerable cosmos are still on the sidelines, not determined to buy.

The people who readily pay for the purchase are all cosmic respectors who trust Cheng Buyun's signature.

Not afraid of Cheng Buyun deceiving them.

Once the sold crystal armor and the described special effects are different, the Chaos City Lord will definitely give them an explanation.

The original secret realm, the Palace of Time and Space.

Cheng Buyun looked at the sales results sent by Shuying Wang and nodded with satisfaction: "The results are not bad."

The forging of Crystal Warframe does not require him to work hard, Xiaohong will handle it well.

Over the past few days, the square of the primordial Chaos Palace has been very busy, and immortal spirits have been sent from the kingdom of God with precious materials.

The handover of the materials was all received after Xiaohong came forward.

Cheng Buyun didn't have that time himself, he continued to refine the Mo Feng collar in the world ring.

It takes a long time for this treasure to be recognized and refined.

As the days pass by, Cheng Buyun's wealth also grows day by day, and the sale of the golden armor of space-time shops is also very busy.

In addition to the limit of the King of Armor with heavy treasure armor, it is almost a must-have armor for the King-level manpower.

Even if Hou Qiang can use it, as long as he has money, he will definitely have one.

The sale of two types of armor affected the entire human race.

Now the first time everyone meets, they almost always ask each other if you bought it!

But in addition to the virtual universe company, the other four human forces are a bit uncomfortable.

Damn Chengbuyun!

Over the years, the name Cheng Buyun must have been cursed the most.

Immortal gods who are not eligible to purchase Warframe are cursing.

It is also a very rare thing to be able to be cursed by the entire class of human beings.

Ten years have passed.

One day, Xiaohong issued a notification based on the information registered by the orderer.

"Ziyan Venerable, the crystal armor you ordered has been created. Please come to the headquarters of the virtual universe company to collect it when you have time. Please check whether the seal is intact when you receive it!"

"Sovereign Demon Flame ..."

Messages were sent out, and all the Venerable Masters who were notified were excited.

It is equal to waiting for this powerful armor.

Hundreds of thousands of venerable universes gathered from all over to the headquarters of the virtual universe company. The light transmitted by the kingdom of God was continuously shining from high altitude, and a powerful presence appeared.

Cosmic Venerable who got the armor will recognize the Lord's refining and use it on the spot.

boom! boom! boom!

The colorful light refracted the intoxicating light on each of the Universe Venerables, and the violent momentum almost didn't upset the lobby of the virtual universe company headquarters.

The siren sounded sharp and intense howling.

"Haha, great, this armor is great."

"It's worthy of being the best armor. I'm also at the level of the Supreme Universe Venerable at this moment. Haha, aliens, the Venerable Supreme Venerable is coming!"

The roar of joy and excitement spread.

The whole primitive realm was shaking.

"A bunch of bastards, leave me alone!"

An annoying cold drink spread from the void, and on the spot, this group of cosmic Venerables seemed like chickens with their necks pinched.

Everyone immediately converged on his own breath and dared not be a demon again.

Chih, although they do n’t know who they are, but the faintly fluctuating breath makes everyone know that they are the masters of the great universe.

Although he didn't dare to be a monster again, the excitement in his heart could not be suppressed. Everyone continued to talk about the effectiveness of the crystal armor, and almost everyone was very satisfied.

I feel that the armor I bought is worth the price, even more than the deeds.

Such powerful armor effects are not worse than the peak treasures, even far beyond.

The crystal armor is really at hand, and the effect is as described. The satisfied universe sages will show off their newly purchased crystal armor.

The Universe Venerable with enough wealth naturally goes to the Time and Space Palace to place orders immediately.

And the Universe Venerable without enough wealth, had to watch with envious eyes.

The value of 100 heavy treasures is not unique to all universe respecters.

The poorly-mixed venerable universe has a relatively poor wealth, and the total is no more than 20 points.

Since Cheng Buyun has no restrictions on the crystal armor, the other four forces within the human race can also come to the Thunder Island Space Time Palace to buy it.

Once again accelerated the growth of Chengbuyun wealth.

The giant axe fighting field, the universe mercenary alliance, the universe galaxy bank, and the universe first bank, the four major cosmic venerable people are not willing to buy crystal armor, but the effect of the crystal armor is indeed very good and very attractive.

Finally recognized.

It seems that the wealth of the entire human race is converging on one person, which arouses the envy and jealousy of many powerful people.

Even the Lord of the Universe showed greedy eyes.

If Cheng Buyun is not sheltered by the Lord of Chaos, this would be estimated to have been captured and enslaved by the strong.

The huge amount of wealth, even the Lord of the universe needs to take a long time to fight to get it.

The Human Alliance has more than 20,000 universe venerable people, including more than 8,000 virtual universe companies, and the giant axe fighting field is not much different from the virtual universe company, also more than 8,000.

The number of cosmic Venerables in the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance is second, probably more than 2,000.

Universe Galaxy Bank and Universe First Bank each have hundreds of Universe Venerables, the weakest.

Because the training mechanism of the latter two is much worse than the first three, the selection of geniuses is all based on recommendation and discovery, which is much worse than the selection of the geniuses of the virtual universe company and the strong men of the giant axe battlefield.

The good geniuses are taken away by these two human forces.

The space mercenary alliance is almost the same, but relying on a large number of space mercenaries can still find some good seedlings.

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