Plane Universe

Chapter 1889: Venerable Dove Wind

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Indeed, as the Lord of Dragons said, Cheng Buyun has reservations in exchange for the treasure.

Ordinary treasures are fine, but treasures such as soul treasures and flying palaces are relatively few in number, and there are not many treasure troves in the ethnic group. You can't pull hard into your arms with money.

"Alice is, after all, a master of the realm. In the realm of the realm, he can use a superlative soul treasure, which is already top-notch compared to many strong men at the level of the venerable universe." The master of Longxing explained Chengbu Cloud thoughts.

The Lord of Chaos nodded in recognition, as a teacher, he could not understand the character of his disciples.

I don't live up to the teachings I gave.

"Well, although Alice is a fake person, killing herself by using her as a bait, she also has a record of merit. After all, she is five high esteemed and one middle esteemed, and these six venerables cannot show up in the future. , More credit. "

Shen Sheng, the owner of Chaos City, said: "For those who have merit, the ethnic group does not hesitate to reward, and the talents we express are enough for us to pay attention to. The treasures given by the ethnic group will be given in advance, and then she will choose a life-saving treasure, how."

He inquired the Dragon Lord in a negotiated tone.

The Lord of Dragons said that he had no choice but to say: "It's a trifle. Other people see what Alice shows. I don't think I will oppose it. I will choose it for her in a moment, and then condemn me. Disciples can be sent over. "

Any ethnic group is very generous to geniuses and geniuses, and will make great efforts to attract and cultivate, as is the case with human beings, ancestral religion, and so is any ethnic group.

If a genius does not pay attention, and waits for the genius to stiffen his wings, he will definitely not miss the goodness of the ethnic group.

Perhaps it will not betray the ethnic group, but it is estimated that the major events in the ethnic group will not be too concerned.

When he needed help, the ethnic group did not pay attention. When the genius became strong, how can he return the ethnic group?

Isn't it a joke!


The Lord of Chaos nodded, his face revealing the color of thought, looking at the direction of the gate, a strange color in his eyes, he did not know what to do.

The Lord of Dragons was seated side by side with the Lord of Chaos, so he did not notice the expression of the latter. When the words came to Cheng Buyun, he frowned and said anxiously: "Cheng Buyun's behavior is a bit strange, As a matter of fact, he is not a stupid person, but what he did today is a little unwise. "

The Lord of Chaos turned his head and looked at him with a light smile on his face. "You mean he shouldn't show up intentionally, even if it's confusing. Once he shows up, he will be found by the alien."

"Yes, although the ancestral religion is safe, it is not his own place. In consideration of safety, he really shouldn't have such a move." The Lord of Dragons sighed and said with anxiety: "You don't know, how afraid of the foreign race is to him , According to the information I received, the Interracial Venerable is almost to the point of talking about his discoloration. "

Cheng Buyun's deterrent is extremely powerful in the eyes of aliens.

Because of the problem of class, Cheng Buyun can worry about anything, and he can take action against any strong man who is above his rank.

Unlike those cosmic overlords, cosmic masters, etc., you must consider your own identity, and you cannot massacre aliens and weak people.

But Cheng Buyun, he is just a lord!

Therefore, the scope of what he can do, the immortal king, the level of the venerable, etc., can shoot at will, killing who ca n’t say anything, at most he will just say bullying the weak.

You ca n’t always say that a realm should not bully you.

This can't be justified everywhere!

Do you need a face?

Things are a bit shocking, such things have never happened in the universe.

In this way, it is reasonable for the aliens to fear Cheng Buyun.

The Lord of Chaos smiled proudly. Cheng Buyun has such a prestige in the eyes of aliens today. Among them, he also has a huge contribution.

There is nothing better than teaching such a talented disciple.

The most proud thing in his life is to teach Cheng Buyun, the genius, to be at the forefront, compared with very few proud things.

"Maybe he has any worries."

The Lord of Chaos said with a smile: "I'm not worried, just look at it."

The Lord of Dragons opened his mouth slightly and smiled with a strange color: "You two mentors wow, sooner or later you can kill aliens."

"It's better to pit all the aliens, then that's better." The Lord of Chaos sneered. He didn't have any compassion for the aliens.

A few quick things after killing.

The Lord of Chaos is as stable as Mount Tai, although he does n’t know what Cheng Buyun wants to do, but he is not worried, he has the ability to doppelganger, and he is like the guardian of the dream clothing soul, and in a safe place such as the ancestral religion Say!


Bauhinia Island.

Two days have passed since the assassination.

Alice is as stable as ever, playing a thousand games in the battle space of Glory World every day and seeing the peculiarities of thousands of races.

For her, it was a very perfect experience.

And the second of these alien strengths is the peak limit king level, many of which are close to the invincible king level, which has caused her combat experience to soar.

The secret method is becoming more and more proficient.

And perfect his secret by fighting.

Once tens of millions of invitational battles are over, Alice really does not know what a huge gain.

Even Cheng Buyun could not predict it.

When Alice finished her last invitation and quit the world of glory, she opened her eyes and found that there was an extra person around her.

Venerable Dove Wind!

He came to the mansion as a guest.


Alice was about to stand up, and Venerable Doufeng squeezed her hands and smiled, "No, I won't wait for the first time. I don't need any etiquette or rules. You can use your patience sooner or later Sit up with me, meet me later, just call me Doufeng. "

Alice nodded slightly and answered, not knowing what was polite.

Venerable Doufeng treated Alice in such a way that she was so happy with Yan Yue that it was only one of them. The main reason was that Alice's talent was too strong.

The rule of the level of the lord of the realm is so high that when it becomes the level of immortality and veneration, which one can get it.

Rather than waiting for a change in the future, it is better to be more interesting now and be more generous so that everyone can get along better in the future.

Equality with Alice, secretly let Cheng Buyun squeeze himself, Venerable Hao Feng didn't even think about it.

The master of his teacher Long Xing was very sure that Cheng Buyun's success would never be a cosmic overlord.

Venerable Doufeng said with a smile: "A few days ago, it was really eye-opening for me, and I immediately pitted six aliens of the alien race, haha, my heart is fast, great."

"It's just a trifle."

Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "For trillions of years, people of all races have died. My human heart will not die. I also follow their thinking, so I set a trap and let them jump."

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