Plane Universe

Chapter 1924: Negotiation defeat

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Cheng Buyun has a lot of ideas about the world tree.

He had never thought of having a body of a world tree, but with the reminder of time and space, he had such a thought.

World Tree!

The height of hundreds of millions of kilometers, something more perverted than his deity, the person who does not want to have is absolutely a fool.

If you can have a world tree as a body, you can do more than one thing.

The world tree itself has two talents for cultivation, space and time. After all, controlling space and time is based on these two talents for cultivation.

In addition, plant life itself has the strongest wood law cultivation talents, which can supplement his cultivation shortcomings.

Special life is even more outrageous, and it is immortal in adulthood.

When you are an adult, you can immediately control the most basic Dacheng rules you have.

Just like the God Beast in Hongmeng Realm and Panlong Universe, adulthood is God Realm!

Of course, if you practice, you will accelerate your growth. If you are lazy, even if you are an adult, the rules will only be in control, and you wo n’t know too much.

At the lowest level.

For the strong man who cultivates step by step, he is just a weak man.

However, even if the special life is weak, the law can be compensated with a powerful physical talent.

Thinking in his head, Cheng Buyun once again saluted the strongest tree in the world: "Sovereign tree sir, please allow me to turn myself less, I ..."

But before he finished, the strongest world tree interrupted and said, "I know you, the most talented member of the human age, the time and space master Cheng Buyun."

Cheng Buyun smiled.

He made a lot of big things and shocked the whole universe. The strong man could not hear his ears.

Just listening to the strongest world tree and ridiculed, "You are so polite, you are actually named as time and space. Are you afraid that those super existences will trouble you?"

It is indeed a bit unkind, the title of time and space is arrogant.

Generally speaking, when a strong man calls himself a title, he needs to integrate his own level of strength. After all considerations, he will cautiously give a name.

Unlike Cheng Buyun, the level of the realm of the realm is the title of time and space.

If it weren't for him to be talented, there would have been many super-presences clamoring to kill him.

Especially the Lord of the Universe, who already has the ability to control, you become a step-space title, but what does it mean?


After all, once Cheng Buyun became the master of the universe, the title would change to be the master of time and space. This title can almost be said to stand on the head of all the universe masters.

Who can bear it.

Even if no one is bothering him with this matter now, there will definitely be it in the future.

Unless Cheng Buyun's strength surpasses the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe will not be convinced.

But this day is still far away.

Cheng Buyun was confident that no one would dare to oppose him.

In a faint smile, Cheng Buyun said: "Sovereign Tree Master, I named myself this title, which means that I have enough confidence and potential to protect this title, and I will never let this title be on my head. Move down. "

Being confident is a good thing, but if you are too confident and proud, then he is over, and other world trees are pouting.

Cheng Buyun no matter how fierce, but fierce life.

Like their world tree, once they are fortunate to enter that step, no one in the entire universe is their opponent.

The body is so large that even the strongest in the universe can vomit.

This is not a joke.

The light stand lets you fight, and you do n’t know how much time it takes to consume.

"I won't mention this matter, it's your own business, and it doesn't have much to do with me." The strongest world tree smiles lightly, its voice is very gentle, and the tone of the voice said seriously: "Speak your intention."

The world tree is actually very kind in nature, and not many lives die in his hands.

It is even rare to leave Tree Island in his life, as long as he does not provoke him, he will not fight with other lives.

World Tree Talk is so direct?

Cheng Buyun felt extremely stunned. He still wanted to make friends with the other party. In this way, the plan he made was useless.

After thinking for a while, I scratched my head a little.

"Why, it's embarrassing?" The strongest world tree smiled and said deliberately: "If you just come to me to chat, please forgive me for not having time to receive you, please go back!"

Damn it's not available.

What a special place.

Cheng Buyun scolded himself secretly, and the world tree was countless and boring.

Otherwise, it will not come up with the other eight world trees at the cost of reducing its own potential.

"Sovereign Tree."

Cheng Buyun said sincerely: "I did come to you not to chat, but to ask for something, but this is a bit embarrassing and I am not embarrassed to speak."

"Since it is difficult, then go back." The strongest world tree tone is very weak.

It can almost be said that Cheng Buyun's inner thought, he sees it very clearly, of course it is impossible to follow Cheng Buyun's routine.

Disrupt his position and prepare for the next negotiation.

"Old guy, it's really not a good match, old cunning." Cheng Buyun said secretly, for a time it seemed a bit embarrassing, and had to admit defeat: "Sovereign Tree, I didn't go without reaching my purpose . "

"I know." Sovereign Shu Shu's tone was very weak, but if he listened carefully, he could hear laughter from the words, which was very proud.

It is indeed an old antique that has lived for countless trillion years, and Cheng Buyun was defeated in three or more times.

Time and space have covered my face, and I haven't seen it.


There is no way to ask for help.

Cheng Buyun can't dare to say that he is just here for sightseeing. If that is the case, the strongest world tree waved his hands to give away guests, then it would be a big trouble.

He didn't even know that the strongest world tree had already received an order from the Lord of Nine Serenities to lure him into his faction.

If you know it, you won't be so passive.

"Let's say, what exactly is the request, I can judge." The strongest world tree tone is very weak, a gesture in full control, "I guess, you want one of my branches, but you use What to exchange? There are not many things in the universe that make me want to exchange them. Do n’t take out the treasures or something. "

"Don't you change the peak treasure?" Cheng Buyun choked.

Directly making the strongest world tree dumbfounded, said with a smile: "The natural price of the highest peak treasure is extremely high. Of course, it is enough to replace me with a branch. It is far beyond even. The question is, do you have it?"

Have it?


The pinnacle of treasure is already a treasure of a strong ethnic town.

As strong as human power, the treasure level is just that.

Cheng Buyun was a little discouraged.

Looking at Cheng Buyun's extremely discouraged look, the strongest world tree immediately exposed **** fangs, Shen Sheng said: "If you don't have the exchange that I can see, and want my branch, also simple."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Buyun's inner heart lighted up directly, thinking secretly, what does the strongest world tree mean?

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