Plane Universe

Chapter 1931: No trace

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The power of Cheng Buyun can already be counted as the level of cosmic supremacy. Of course, it is not that the strong ones at the level of immortal gods can resist.

It can be said that it is extremely easy to break out of the encircling circle of the Nine Nether Warriors.

"His Royal Highness, that foreigner is too strong, our warriors can't stop it." In the outermost encirclement, a burly nine-nine clan immortal warrior is wearing a gorgeous black armor with a **** face, similar in appearance to humans The handsome young man reported.

This Junke young man, who is similar to humans, is very different from the Nine You Clan. His skin is fairer, except for the **** lines on his face, he can't be said to be human.

The most typical is that he is a flesh and blood life.

The Nine You Clan is an energy life.

"Too strong?"

The handsome young man's face has a different color, and it was naturally a matter of excitement to have a foreigner break in, but now, knowing that the foreigner is very strong, the prince can't help frowning.

"Yes, including me, there are dozens of invincible kings of immortality who have already faced with the foreigners, but ..." The burly man said with shame: "But we are not his opponents, or even The opponents are not counted. That foreigner's secret law is extremely powerful, and I haven't seen him to do it, so I was **** and tied in place. "

"It's also that the opponent has no killing heart, otherwise, we don't know how many soldiers are going to die in the hands of the foreigners." The fear of the burly man's face reminded him of meeting with the foreigners, his body felt a kind of trembling.

"What, is it even better than this?" The prince was very surprised, originally thought that the soldiers who guarded the vortex channel shirk their responsibilities, nonsense, but I did not expect it to be true.

Even the immortal king of the invincible level has been defeated so miserably, the strength of the aliens is at least estimated to have the level of high venerable.

"His Royal Highness, let me and Rio Tinto pass over to capture the foreigner?" The handsome young man of the Nine Nether Clan, who belonged to the Supreme Sovereign, was exclaimed around the handsome young man.

The handsome young people were followed by ten strong nine-nine warriors around them, and the breath from them was at least respectable.

From this, we can see that this prince is very strong, and should be the prince with a higher ranking.

The Nine You Clan is very powerful. The number of Venerables in the clan is much stronger than the general powerful group in the universe.

After all, with the super existence of the Lord of Nine Nethers, the Nine Nethers are certainly not weak.

"Okay, then trouble both of you." The handsome youth smiled gracefully.

The two strongest Venerable fighters around me must be ready to go.

"We will capture the foreigners." The burly giant bowed and nodded slightly at the other people, meaning that everyone would protect the prince, no big problem.

Two Venerables of the Nine Nether Clan sent out and quickly flew towards the encircling circle.

During this meeting, Cheng Buyun, who was in the surrounding circle, had encountered countless Nine You Clan warriors, and he met the invincible and immortal level of Nine You Clan warriors, which made him feel numb.

The invincibility and immortality of the Nine Nether Clan is not necessarily too much.

It was just one direction, and there were as many as ten digits.

The limit level of King Feng is even more unknown.

In the realm of this prince, the quality of the strong is terrible.

Of course, Cheng Buyun also knows that this is the accumulation of the Nine You Clan for countless years before he can have such a strong man.

After all, the Lord of Nine Nethers is also a very old existence, and the Nine Nethers grew up under his protection without worry.

"Two strong breaths were detected, and we were approaching our side. It is likely that we have locked our position." Xiaohong Houwen said.

"Obvious thing." Cheng Buyun smiled faintly. The Nine Nether Clan could communicate the power of the **** Nine Nether in the space. Everything had no way to follow. Now he laughed and said: "Never play with them, let's go."

"It should have been this way." Xiaohonghou smiled, as if he didn't put the Jiuyou clan in his eyes at all.

But yes, with Cheng Buyun's strength and Xiao Hong's power, as long as he is not the master of the Nine Serenities, he naturally has no worries about security.

Cheng Buyun disappeared in place and lost his trace.

The two Venerable Nine You Clan who rushed towards here suddenly froze.

"It's gone, how is it possible?"

"It disappeared under our eyelids, without any fluctuations and traces, impossible."

The two Nine Youzu Venerables changed their faces in shock and rushed past quickly.

Soon after, the two Venerable Nine You Clan reached the place where Cheng Buyun disappeared, and then searched inch by inch, searching every space.

But ... the results are extremely disappointing.

The aliens seemed to disappear from the sky and disappeared.

Xiaohong's ability is much better than them.

It has become an atomic substance that is hundreds of millions of times smaller than dust, without control of space and time, how can it be detected.



It turned into a smiling palace where the dust was invisible, fly and fly!

It's so slow.

Several hours passed, and they only flew thousands of kilometers.

After all, if you want to hide the trail, you must be unhappy.

Otherwise, any little fluctuation will be detected by the Venerable of the Nine You Clan.

"His Royal Highness, the alien has disappeared, and there is no trace at all." Two Venerable Nine You Clan swiftly transmitted the soul, reporting the incident.

"What, missing, no trace?" Junmei youth was shocked, "missing under your eyes?"

"Yes, it was suddenly missing."

"We estimate that there must be a palace-like treasure on that foreigner's body, and it can be hidden even we can't find it. The palace treasure is definitely the kind of super strong."

"Will the alien have left, can you expand your search?"

"Back to His Royal Highness, the two of us have searched millions of kilometers of nearby space, and there is no trace at all."

"Damn the alien." The handsome youth received such a return from his subordinates, and the whole person was angry for a time.

Big fanfare, but in the end let the aliens run away, face to face?

However, even the two strongest Venerables around him can't find the trace of the outside group, what can they do!


"Continue to search and find me the **** alien, I don't believe it, he can hide in the treasure palace forever."

Chicken flying dog jumping.

It's just a mess.

Countless Nine Youzu warriors rampaged, expanding outward in the place where Cheng Buyun disappeared, searching for an inch of space.

Cheng Buyun sat in the changing palace after Xiaohong, drinking fine wine, leisurely watching the nine outsiders warriors cursing themselves in anger, searching every inch of space.

This search was several months long.

But the traces of the aliens still did not appear and were not detected.

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