Plane Universe

Chapter 1945: Soul segmentation

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It takes a long time to cultivate the most complete world tree.

Even with the power of time and space, this time is not short.

While waiting, Cheng Buyun went from excitement to calmness to the final silence.

This waiting time is indeed too long.

Even Alice came out of the house of time, and the seeds of the world tree have not yet been successfully cultivated.

"Master." Alice looked curiously at the colored seed above the sky, but didn't ask much.

A large number of soldiers around are also looking at the sky, and there is also a lot of discussion in private.

Talking about what the "Chief Executive" has done in the end.

The glutton finally couldn't help but ask: "Master, what is in the sky, it gives me a faint feeling, it seems like something very extraordinary."

Cheng Buyun turned his head and said with a smile: "The seed of the world tree."

"World Tree Seed?"

The gluttonous nature naturally heard the special plant life of the world tree, and the expression on his face immediately changed, exclaimed: "After that, we will not have an extra powerful fighting power."

"Accurately, it is my avatar."


The gluttonous mouth widened in amazement.

Cheng Buyun didn't pay attention to the gluttony that was trapped in ignorance, but turned to Alice and asked with a smile: "How do you feel about the cultivation of the Youhai avatar?"

"Very good, master."

Alice quickly replied: "The cultivated Youhai avatar is about 300 times the life gene strength, and then I let it practice the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, pushing the life gene strength of the Youhai avatar to 1800 times."

"not bad."

Cheng Buyun nodded, and the Aegis gene given to Alice before did not overly pursue perfection.

Alice is not like him. The avatar cannot practice the Nine Tribulation Secret Code. As long as the first five tribulation of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code are available, the life gene can be directly transformed to the peak of 10081 times.

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun remembered something. Before, he seemed to have told Time and Space that there was no way to perfect the first five tribes of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

But there was no noise at all, he didn't ask, and time and space didn't say.

This guy.

But now is not a good opportunity, time and space is estimated to have no time to ignore their own problems.

Time and space are now cultivating the seeds of the world tree, and they are not distracted.

Let's talk about it after the cultivation of the world tree seeds is completed.

"Master, I hope that Youhai Doppelganger will be able to use the mystery of the sea, and also ask the master to allow it." Alice made her own opinion.

"Wait first." Cheng Buyun shook his head. He wasn't sure if the Youhai avatar could improve the life genes after it was transformed into the sea. There is no problem at all.

"Yes, listen to the master." Alice thought about it, and the master's concerns were indeed right.

You should think clearly about the time of your own sea avatar.

This time, the gluttons on the side also heard dumbfounded.

Youhai avatar?

This may be able to conceive?

He didn't quite understand it. Does the Golden Horn be so capable?

Of course, Alice has a golden horn sniper, he certainly knows it.

It is known to know, but as far as he knows, the secret of the golden horn beast's birth talent, the strongest can only breed the master class.

Or it can be said that most of the secret methods of gestating talent in the universe can only conceive life below the immortal level.

Immortal life with spiritual wisdom is already an eternal powerhouse, unlike the immortal puppet tool made.

The two cannot be the same.

An immortal life with spiritual wisdom can increase its strength through years, and the immortal puppets created are limited in strength, cannot be increased any more, and do not have any spiritual wisdom.

Equal to a tool.

Or weapons!

In this way, how does Alice give birth to Youhai avatar?

Gluttony does not know that the Lord of Nine Nether has 108 heirs, it is not a special case.

Even the existence of Chaos City Lord did not know, so the secret of this matter could be seen.

Since countless years, there has never been any case of a strong man who has entered the core of the Nine Nine Space and Time and brought out secrets.

As if seeing the gluttonous curiosity, Xiaohong explained to the side: "The Lord of Nine Nether is not only as few as three offsprings, there are as many as 108, and more than half of his 108 heirs are of the main level."

The gluttonous man was dumbfounded.

No wonder Alice can spawn and have avatars, it turned out to be so simple.

While waiting, time slowly passed.

When the time came ten years later, the World Tree paid attention to nurturing for nearly ten years, which was a bit out of the way for a long time.

Under everyone's eyes, the world tree seeds vibrated gently, and a special breath spread from inside to outside.

This breath is very special, there is a feeling that makes people feel comfortable and transparent.

Is the breath of life.

In Cheng Buyun's heart, was this successful cultivation?

"All right."

Suddenly, time and space made a noise, "Finally succeeded, take it to the temple, so I can take the last step."

The seed of the world tree above the sky turned into a stream of light falling into the hands of Cheng Buyun. I saw him nod, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and quickly cast a teleport and moved into the temple.

Xiao Hong naturally followed immediately.

Then Alice and glutton also quickly followed up and came to the core of the temple together.

The place where the second doppelganger was cultivated.

Cheng Buyun placed the seeds of the world tree in the incubation cabin. He waited for time and space to tell him to lie in another incubation cabin.

And at the moment when the incubation cabin was about to close, Cheng Buyun seemed to remember something, and said in amazement: "No, if I cultivated the world tree avatar, and the soul is not linked, is it a second person?"

His worries are not impossible.

If the soul is not linked, it is equal to the second person.

It seems that the person is still in the present time and space, and has pulled back his soul from the time of the previous time and space.

This is an act not allowed by the rules of the universe.

After all, the avatar that was conceived is linked to its own soul, and the strength of the avatar has improved, as has the deity.

"Your worries are superfluous. The behavior of splitting the soul and reversing the time and space pull people's resurrection are completely different, just like the Panlong universe is becoming a **** outside the body. Any behavior that is allowed in any universe is no exception here." Space and Time explained lightly. : "Ready, I'm going to do it."

The energy bins are closed.

Cheng Buyun suddenly felt his consciousness fell into darkness, as if the passage of time had stopped.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and a very painful feeling came, making him groan involuntarily.

The humanoid soul in the sea of ​​consciousness is directly divided by the supreme power, forming two souls, one of which is pulled by a force, and instantly disappears into a colorful world.

In this colorful world, endless energy washed his soul.

This feeling made Cheng Buyun extremely familiar, because he had experienced such things when he first cultivated a doppelganger.

Time and space are washing his soul.

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