Plane Universe

Chapter 1954: Chaos Palace Encounter

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The two stood on the side of the square and talked and laughed, without scruples.

A group of juniors in the surroundings also stopped, listening carefully.

The same is true of countless slave servants, most of them are paying attention to them while doing things.

Star Venerable's question, Cheng Buyun's answer, although not directly acknowledged, did not deny it.

Many people couldn't help but brighten their eyes, feeling that they had heard something extraordinary.

Cheng Buyun is a very important genius of the human race, and there are a lot of people paying attention to every move.

Since such insignificant news is spoken directly, it can of course be disclosed to the outside world without worrying about them.

Taking out such news to brag about it and get compliments from people at the same level is also the only way to show many slaves.


"Come on, the aliens are not so stupid on the surface. Last time I was able to pit aliens. After all, it was a fixed location. The aliens could not support it, and they had such a big result." Venerable Starry Star looked at Cheng Buyun and reminded seriously At last, I felt a bit like saying too much. I was afraid of starting Cheng Buyun's plan. I quickly said with a smile: "The three brothers are not looking down on you, but a kind reminder."

"Come on, Brother Three, you can say this to me, indicating that you care about me, value me, and how can I blame you." Cheng Buyun was grateful, and then solemnly said: "I will not be stupid If the aliens provoke me to leave the ancestral religion, I will not be fooled. "

"Just understand it yourself." Venerable Starry patted his shoulder with relief.

Cheng Buyun has a good personality and will not be arrogant because he is a genius and no one can reach him. He has little arrogance to deal with people.

No matter who he is facing, his manners are calm and steady.

It is very popular with everyone, and it is also a talented strongman that many strongmen want to make friends with.

After a pause, Venerable Starry was going to end this conversation, and said with a smile: "Looking at where you are going, should you go to see the teacher?"

"Yes, I'm going to see the teacher." Cheng Buyun nodded slowly. If it wasn't stopped by the three brothers, it was estimated that he had arrived at Chaos Palace already.

"It doesn't matter to see the teacher, then I won't stop you. Next time we will be talking." Venerable Stars chuckled and reincarnated directly after saying goodbye to Cheng Buyun.

He devoted himself to taking risks outside, and this time it happened to be a place to rest, so he only had time to chat with Cheng Buyun and ask about the recent situation of the latter.

After all, as a brother, it is still necessary to care about the brother and mention something.

Looking at the back of the three seniors, Cheng Buyun smiled.

Practitioners are sometimes very busy and sometimes very busy.

It's hard to see people when they are busy.

Most of the time I'm working hard for my future. Who has time to control who?

Like Venerable Xiong Kongzong, it ’s already rare to take time out and take a look at Cheng Buyun.

"Good little uncle."

Some younger generations of children will bow and salute when they see Cheng Buyun coming, with a very respectful expression.

The maidservant did not dare to look up at Cheng Buyun at will, and only after he passed by, did he dare to look at his back slightly.

The class concept of the strong is very heavy, especially the subordinates must abide by their words and deeds at all times, and dare not commit them at all.

Just came to the teacher's palace, a figure rang in Cheng Buyun's ear, "Don't make a loud noise, just come in quietly."

Hearing the soul of Teacher Chaos, Cheng Buyun raised his eyebrows, and didn't seem to be surprised.

Since he moved to the primordial secret realm of Chaos Square, he has encountered many professional situations in just thousands of years.

Once I came to the palace and received a voice from Chaos Teacher, it was clear that Chaos Teacher was instructing the practice of the brothers or brothers.

The footsteps lifted gently and entered the gate of the palace. Cheng Buyun immediately heard the voice of Chaos teacher and was explaining the cultivation of the law of time.

Cheng Buyun hurriedly bowed to the chaotic city host who was on the throne. After the latter gave a slight signal, he quietly found a place to sit down without disturbing everyone at all.

Cheng Buyun is also lacking in the cultivation experience of the law of time. He naturally listens carefully.

The Lord of Chaos is a master of the universe, and the law of time has become great. Even the law of space and the law of time have been combined with each other. The cultivation perception is of course much stronger than him.

It was at this time that the Lord of Chaos talked about the combination of the two laws of space and time, and one of the small tricks combined the methods of each other.

With a simple explanation, Cheng Buyun felt that he had learned a lot.

With constant explanations, the content is getting richer and richer. At the back, even Cheng Buyun has been a bit incomprehensible, and can only rely on strong souls to memorize.

Record the content of the explanation of the chaotic city master. After the realm is stronger, go over it again.

Don't think that Bu Yun can fight against the universe overlord.

In fact, to say the truth, his law is far from real.

He just relied on quantity to greatly increase his strength.

Of course, when it comes to potential, it is natural that Cheng Buyun, who is not high, wins.

The Lord of Chaos sitting above was naturally paying attention to the bottom. When he saw Cheng Buyun, he was also confused. He smiled slightly and said, "This time you are here, you guys go back and practice well, and understand what I explain. Go! "

"Teacher Xie."

"Thanks to the Lord of Chaos."

Nearly a hundred cosmic Venerables in the hall stood up one after another. Some of them were Cheng Buyun's brothers and sisters, as well as a large number of Venerable Seniors of Virtual Cosmic Company.

Cheng Buyun also saw a lot of familiar faces in it, such as Venerable Lan Yu, Lord of the Witch Lord and so on.

At the same time, there are also many aliens, such as Tieling Venerable and Bloodwing Venerable.

Every ten million years, the Lord of Chaos will open such a large pulpit, the place is very precious.

Even the disciples under the main gate of Chaos City have to compete fairly.

Nearly one hundred Venerables turned around in an orderly manner, preparing to leave the hall quietly.

Just turned his head and naturally saw Cheng Buyun.

Many Venerables were immediately stunned, and then they all laughed. The brothers greeted him and said, "Brother."


"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"


Almost all the Venerables smiled and honored Cheng Buyun as His Royal Highness.

They called it willingly and Cheng Buyun could bear it.

"The content of the explanation given by the Lord of Chaos is too rich, and you don't even know if you are here." The Lord of Witchcraft made a haha.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but I can't expect to see you as a busy person here." Venerable Lan Yu smiled, and Fenghua peerlessly cooperated with that pretty face. It was really the best beauty among human beings.

Women among the strong are very scarce species and very precious resources.

In other words, the strong do not have too much desire for men and women, otherwise for this little resource.

I'm afraid the human brain has to be a dog brain.

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