Plane Universe

Chapter 1968: Luo Feng

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The aliens have great reservations when they are doing things for the rest of their life.

In terms of his strength, the original universe, including the entire universe, is ranked at least in the top five.

As for why it is not the first, not the strongest one.

It can only be said that he is afraid of the laws of the universe, and the other party is staring at him too tightly.

There must be no mistakes in what you do, you can only do it after thinking about it.

"Don't be surprised." The lofty old man's eyes shined on Luo Feng's soul, "For your brother and you, as early as the earliest evolution of the universe, I had ideas and plans, which took countless efforts and won for countless years. Most of the treasures of wealth are on both of you. "

"Most of the treasures of wealth?" Luo Feng was stunned and also stunned.

How many treasures are there in the lifetime of the strongest person in the universe?

It can be known by looking at human body mass.

That is an enormous sum of wealth, absolutely comparable to one third or more of the total wealth of the human race.

"If you make this star-making tower, even if your human race puts all of your efforts, even if I have the means to refine the treasure, how many pieces can be refined?" The majestic old man turned his head to look at Puti. Help the least. "

Puti bowed down, "Teacher, without your help, the disciples may be immortal gods throughout their lives."

"Even if you don't have me, you can become a venerable universe." The majestic old man shook his head. "The servants I received at that time were all very talented, and I all helped guide. The talents are almost the same, and I have my guidance Help, but the rest of them are cosmic Venerables, only you have become the master of the universe. "

"However, it is very harsh to recognize every treasure in the universe. I will prepare for your second and third brothers before they are born."

The so-called treasure in the mouth of the mountaineer is not the most general treasure at present. The treasure that he can call the treasure is not too low.

It must be at least Xeon Zhibao level to count.

General treasure, do not even have a complete secret pattern, which treasure?

"The disciple already has the treasure." Puti said with a bow.

"You're not that. Among the six great grace groups and the masters of many forces in the universe, your treasure can only be regarded as ordinary." The majestic old man shook his head, or even ordinary, not even the peak level. What kind of treasure is, "I am preparing a treasure for you to collect the endless era. It has already been roughly prototyped. It is estimated that there will be hope in another ten million era."

Puti excitedly prostrate down, respectfully and gratefully said: "The teacher did, the disciple is hard to report."

"Haha, my disciple, I am an extraordinary person." The majestic old man laughed and said: "I just hope one of you can catch up with me, haha ​​... that's a great story in the universe, all masters and students It is the strongest in the universe, ha ha ha ... "

Luo Feng listened secretly and convinced. For the teacher he had never met, he had countless points in his heart.

Such an open mind is rare!

At the same time, the number of disciples of this interracial master is very small, and the second and third disciples also took the initiative to lead a new ethnic group, actively create secret methods, and select the most outstanding disciples.

It can be seen how harsh this almighty person chooses a disciple.

If it were not for him to actively lead the two gestations, the majestic old man also chose the only master of the universe among the deep-hearted servants to become the big disciple.

Other than that.

Regardless of the universe's hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, regardless of the infinite years in the past, regardless of the genius and the strong, countless powerful people do not accept a disciple.

Like the chaotic city lord, it bears the responsibility of the strong human race. However, where there are some super geniuses and peerless characters, the lords of the human universe will take you and me as the apprentices, resulting in a bunch of prose It's scary.

Even the creator of the giant axe is no exception.

They have to take it because they have the ties of ethnic groups.

"Luo Fengtuer, you haven't called me teacher yet." The majestic old man looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng immediately had no hesitation, pressed down all doubts in his heart, kneeled down respectfully, the strongman shouted excitedly: "Teacher!"

It is also a good story to be able to worship under the door of the alien almighty. Chaos teacher knows that he should not object.

"it is good."

"You are my disciple, I am a teacher, and I am responsible." The towering old man's voice boomed, overlooking Luo Feng. "I teach disciples to have three habits. First, I like to prepare disciples for the top resource conditions in the universe. . Second, I wo n’t teach any kind of mystery. Third, you ’re alive or dead, and I wo n’t control it. It ’s even less likely that I will reverse time and space to resurrect you after you die. ”

Luo Feng was stunned.

Do n’t teach the secret? Regardless of life or death?


"True superpowers can't be taught." The majestic old man said lowly, "Everything depends on you. Any one of the universe's masters, is to step into that layer by creating secret methods."

"There is always a teacher's protection at all times, and that won't make a strong man."

"I teach disciples, don't teach secret methods, no matter life or death, just provide resources treasure." The majestic old man said: "If you fall on the way to becoming a super powerhouse, I will choose candidates from the earth's vein, and then accept the inheritance of life and death , And find a third disciple. The two veined groups that I lead and breed are destined to have leaders, and the leaders are not necessarily only one generation. You can only say that they are the leaders of the earth ’s generation, and hope is also the eternal leader. "

The sound was booming and it was implanted in the soul.

And the voice of this alien power seems to be magical, and it is convincing.

"Understood." Luo Feng said respectfully.

"The truth is that you understand, no matter how powerful the teacher, no matter how much resources, no matter how good the treasure is, if the disciples don't work hard ... then it is impossible to become immortal." The majestic old man said lowly: "External Resources are very important, and your own efforts are more important, but the stronger the strength, the smaller the role of external help. Even if the qualifications are endless, with the endless treasures, as long as you practice actively, you can cultivate immortality and cultivate cosmic respect. Those who ... have strict requirements on themselves and become the master of the universe ... If you want to go further and reach my level, any treasure is useless. Your master brother and brother two are stuck in this step endless Years, apart from the founder of the giant axe, none of your human race has taken the last step. "

"The disciple understands that the disciple must work hard." Luo Feng was excited.

Yes, very excited.

This is the great chance.

It made him possible to catch up with Cheng Buyun.

Who doesn't want to be the most dazzling one?

Don't you want to get everyone's attention?

Who does n’t want to be a superpower in the universe?

Admire the admiration.

In practice, he can't admit defeat.

In the past, he envied Cheng Buyun to have the strongest in the universe and the alien powerful person to give instruction.

Now, he and Luo Feng have the same resources and starting point.

The heat in my heart soared again, and I wanted to continue to compare with Cheng Buyun to see who is stronger and more dazzling in the future.

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