Plane Universe

Chapter 2037: Miserable

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"It's up to you?" Xiaohong's face was disdainful, and she was scornful and was about to say something, but Dong Shi next to him was rushing and said, "He Yinxue, don't implicate innocent people, I am not familiar with them. Make it out to me, I will stand up to the ground, and if I frown, I will kill myself. "


He Yinxue glanced at Cheng Buyun, then smiled and looked at Dong Shi and said: "Don't talk nonsense, I have never said anything that would embarrass you. I wouldn't, I won't, I won't, and I won't."

It sounds like the real thing, if you don't have a ridiculous expression, everyone really believes it.

Cats catch mice, fake mercy.

Dong Shi has not left Tian Xuan Xing because he knows that once he leaves Tian Xuan Xing, his life is estimated to be gone.

He Yinxue wanted him to live awkwardly and showed it to everyone. This is how he ended up against him.

"Yeah, Master Snow, who doesn't know? Will it embarrass you, the weak who is nothing?"

"Don't talk nonsense, ruining Master Xue's reputation for no reason!"

"Master Snow can put you a horse, you should cherish it."

A group of dog legs echoed one after another.

"Brother Dong Shi, let's go and go back to the Qinglian Sect." The fabulous woman's face was weak, and she said helplessly: "Just never knew me!"

"Sister Qiuyue ..." Dong Shi looked incredulous.

He Yinxue sneered.

"Did he force you to say this?" Dong was so excited that he even forgot the difference in strength between the two sides. Roaring and roaring came forward to prepare a punch, "You bastard!"

When he saw East, he even had to start. The group of dog legs followed by He Yinxue, the two family guards immediately rushed up and scrambled to make a move.


Dong Shi was kicked directly by the guard of the opponent's family. The person spit out blood in the air, and then hit the wall and slowly fell.

"Brother Dong Shi ..." The stunning woman looked forward in a panic, but He Yinxue snorted her, apparently annoyed by her move.

The development of the matter, Cheng Buyun has become aware of his chest. Looking at the look of the stunning woman, it is obviously not that she is too poor to love the rich, but it seems that she has sacrificed herself for Zongmen?

A little bit of dog blood, so good to grab a girl!

"It's a bit too much!" Cheng Buyun said suddenly, and said in a dull tone: "Just forget it."

Hearing Cheng Buyun talking, He Yinxue turned to look at him, and said with a smile: "Are you talking to me?"

"Why?" Xiaohong said disdainfully: "Do you have an opinion? It's better not to have it. My brother said, it's a dragon or a snake. You have to hurry up and get out!"

"Haha, interesting." He Yinxue laughed and looked at Cheng Buyun with a sneer. "You are something!"

As soon as this word came out, someone's anger trough was very gas-storing, and it exploded with a bang. He screamed softly: "Bold!"

With a roar, a group of people's minds went blank, and they didn't know where they were.


The figure moved, and the soft and tender expression moved extremely coldly and quickly to He Yinxue.

"not good."

Secretly following the Hejia Immortal-level strongman who protected He Yinxue, his relaxed expression immediately changed greatly, and hurried into the tavern.

It is a pity that Chongrou has stretched out his hand and buckled He Yinxue directly, making him a mouse-missing device. He had to look at Cheng Buyun and said, "Do you know who this is? Haven't you released it yet?"

"Then you talk to me, who is the person I hold in my hand?" Chongrou looked cold and looked at the person calmly and asked.

At this time, a group of people recovered, and the scene in front of them shocked them.

Many in the tavern also looked dumbfounded.

"A very fast speed, a strong soul deterrent."

"A real master has such a strength, even I almost can't see its moving speed?"

"It doesn't look like the Raptors are just over the river. It's really a good show. I don't know who is strong and who is weak on both sides. It's a terrible snake, or is it a sacrifice of the strong!"

Those immortals and gods also talked in private.


"You ..." Despite the restraint, He Yinxue was not panicking at all, because with a strong family shelter, he did not believe how the other party would treat him. He looked at Zhong Rou calmly and said, "Beauty, you better let After me, otherwise ... "

"Otherwise?" Zhong Rou's face was cold and disdainful. "With a broken family shelter, you are so rampant, I don't know who you are? Go!"

Chongrou suddenly lifted He Yinxue and made a congratulation that he was ready to throw people sideways.

The Immortal of Hejia was shocked and said, "Dare you!"

While screaming, he also waved his hand across his chest, casting a blue aperture towards the soft finger.

The blue aperture quickly flies over and sets up again, and the aperture shrinks quickly, which seems to be a restraint-like secret method.

With an aura of mysterious mystery and a gleaming aperture of the blue law of glory, Cheng Buyun can see at a glance that it is the law of the water system.

What makes him feel strange is that this aperture is not a secret method at all, but something else, similar to magic.

But the power is much stronger than magic.

Is it a magic spell?

Spell aperture is a lot more powerful than magic, but it is not enough to see softness.

She sneered slightly: "Just want to restrict me based on this? Naive."

The body contained a violent violent force. Just listening to the "Peng", the blue aperture collapsed and exploded, and the face of the He family fairy changed, and exclaimed: "How is it possible? You are not a realm of spiritual cultivation. Lord, why did I free my spell so easily? "

Sure enough, it's a spell!

Cheng Buyun heard He Xianren's words secretly nodded, affirming his previous guess

"The glow of fireflies is compared to Haoyue!" Chongrou sneered, then threw He Yinxue in his hand and threw it toward the side wall.

"Ah ... no!" He Yinxue couldn't think of it. One day he would be thrown by someone, screaming ... The bang broke the tavern's wall with a bang, and slammed into the street. The large font fell into the stone.

The man was also in a coma, and Ao Hong's blood was still flowing from his mouth and nose, and soon the inside of the pit was stained with red.

"Do you dare to do this?" The fairy of He family was furious, thinking to catch the thrown out He Yinxue, but the location of Zhongruo was beside the wall. Cheng Buyun glanced and shouted, "You are waiting!"

"No need to wait, now I will make you look good, and go with your master!" Zhong Rou said indifferently, but he didn't want to let He Xianren let go.

"Don't think ..." The fairy of the He family was furious, but the words in his mouth could not be continued, because the figure of Zhong Rou had already appeared in front of him, and he slammed it with a slap.

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