Plane Universe

Chapter 2053: Detonate the Blue Dragon Empire

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Bai Suzhen's last words also surprised many people.

Carefully realized the meaning of this remark.

Most golden fairy strongmen may not have the opportunity to participate, that is to say, the starting price of Xianjia is estimated to be more than millions of holy coins.

Even tens of millions of holy coins!

Many golden fairy powerhouses are like this.

And most of the strong, that's just a net worth, not the mobile money you have.

Net worth is net worth, which contains all kinds of treasures, exercises and other values.

The most expensive thing in a strong man is undoubtedly a treasure.

Aside from the treasures you own, you can have three or two million holy coins.

Xianjia is destined to be a luxury that most people can only look up to.

Although everyone speculates that the price will be very expensive, the functions and effects of Xianjia have attracted countless people.

Apart from the other powerful functions of Xianjia, it is not only weakening Jiucheng's material attacks, but also resisting Jiucheng's soul attacks. Such a powerful defense force is not even available in many excellent fairy armor.

And how much do you need for a superb fairy?

That is calculated in billions of holy coins, there are not billions of holy coins, want to refer to dye-grade fairy artifacts?

Don't even think about it!

Of course, Immortal Armor can't reach the level of superb immortal artifact. After all, the description also says that it can't resist the full-scale attack of the king-level strong.

But these are trivial things. If you don't reach that level, who would go silly to fight against the king-level strong?

As long as you have a piece of such immortal armor, the level of establishment is not too different. Dominating the general level is not a problem at all.

The powerful people with a lot of wealth and deep background immediately shouted: "Master Bai, when will the auction take place?"

"Yeah, the auction is on that day?"

"I can't wait any longer, I have more holy coins."

Everyone is not afraid at this time that the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce company uses Xianjia to deceive people and publicly auction. If Xianjia is different from the actual description, Cheng Buyun would like to mix in the Qinglong Empire.

Basically impossible!

With serious black spots, no one would believe him.

"Please be restless," Bai Suzhen said with a smile: "The low-level auction held by our space-time chamber of commerce company will be held in the auction hall of our space-time chamber of commerce company three days later. It will be held on the spot!"

Held in the field?

"Very good!" A group of powerful people were even happy, looking forward to the upcoming low-level auction.

Although it is called a low-level auction, in the eyes of these powerful people, it is a very impressive auction level.

Just a fairy armor is attractive enough.

"Everyone, if you want to participate in the auction of my space-time chamber of commerce, don't forget that there is a barrier to entry. You can browse and see the treasures on the shelf of the company of the space-time chamber of commerce. It should be able to make everyone return with full load."

Everyone hurriedly spread out and went to watch a lot of treasures on the shelves everywhere. Soon afterwards, there were many strong cries of powerful people.

I guess I saw something good.

On the shelves, the level of treasures taken by Cheng Buyun is really not low, and many of them are ordinary treasures of medium level.

A large number of cultivation resources, a wide variety, are the resources that Alice had seized on the battlefield outside the territory.

From the cosmic level to the immortal **** level, and even the king level.

In the extraterritorial battlefield, there are not only the limit of the king, but also many cosmic-level troops.

When encountering such an alien army, there is no need to say that with Alice hating the alien degree, there is only one word-kill!

Alice hates aliens very much.

"Wow, this fairy is amazing, and it's also the top level in the middle fairy. I can't think of the time and space company to take it out and put it here for anyone to buy, it is really courageous." Watched a heavy war knife in his hand, his face full of joy.

Looking at his expression, he was moved by this heavy sword.

"Good majestic styling." A golden fairy next to him also looked at him, and asked curiously, "How is the power?"

"Go, I'm the first to see this sword." The mighty man with the sword was unhappy.

"I'm just asking, and I'm not robbing you. I still understand the reason for coming first and coming later." The Jin Dan strongman next to him said with a smile.

"It's almost the same." The mighty man stroked the sword in his hand, his eyes soft and delicate, and his expression was extremely joyful. He was a strong man who cultivated the law of earth, and this sword was also an attribute of earth, which was very suitable for him, and answered: "It is estimated that it can enhance my material attack power by about 30%, and the war blade is also sealed with a special ability to hit hard. In accordance with the law of the earth I cultivated, the power may rise."

"Very good attack fairy, good thing!" Jin Xian beside was also surprised.

A majestic man holding this medium-level treasure immediately asked the waitress standing behind the counter, "How much holy coin?"

Treasures of this level cannot of course be settled in Qinglong coins.

"Guest, the price of this Earth War Saber is 360,000 holy coins." The waitress respectfully stated the price of the Saber.

Ordinary treasures are worth around 10 holy coins worth 1,000 holy coins, while medium treasures are worth between 1,000 holy coins and 100 holy coins.

The jump is very powerful.

Higher treasures, worth 100 hundred sage coins and 100 million sage coins, are treasures of the highest level, which are already calculated in billions.

The price is uncertain, generally the cheapest attack treasure, followed by armor.

Assisting treasures is the most expensive.

As for flying palaces and mixed classes, there are no treasures of ordinary level.

These two types of treasures are generally owned only by the treasure level.

So the Xianjia effect will make the strong man crazy.

The treasures displayed on the shelves of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce company have amazed countless people. There are so many kinds. Many people return to their homes with full load. Almost no more.

With the passage of time, the fact that the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce companies are holding semi-earth auctions has spread.

Especially the effect of Xianjia has attracted the attention of countless powerful people.

Countless people came to hear the wind and watch the power of Xianjia.

Where is Xianjia? The Space-Time Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of someone looting.

Thousands of warlords wearing black armor will teach the snatchers to be humans.

The warlords under Cheng Buyun each have the power of the rank of hou, or they cannot win the strong fighters, but it is not a problem to resist the strong fighters.

The armor armor is owned by the soldiers under Cheng Buyun.

It is not difficult to exert 100 times the power of the Lord.

Talents are better, and they can achieve it by their own cultivation and increase the secret method. Even if they ca n’t, it is not a problem to merge a few blood Luojing.

The space-time chamber of commerce company disturbed the sky and clouds of Tianxuanxing, and the news spread, detonating the entire Qinglong Empire, and countless people went crazy.

A large number of strong men swarmed towards the sky Xuanxing, the radiance transmitted by the kingdom of God flickered one after another, and the beam of light that the surrounding planets continued to bombard from the high altitude of the universe represented a wave of arrivals.

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