Plane Universe

Chapter 2060: Surprising exercise books

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Nor can it be said that there is absolutely nothing there. But many secret codes that can enhance the genes of life are very precious.

Ordinary practitioners are completely impossible to possess.

Only some of Fuyuan's deep generations can get it, such as Luo Feng!

Luo Feng asked the chaos master, is there any means to make the genes of life evolve?

The Lord of Chaos hesitated and answered no!

If you want to evolve your life genes, one is to rely on the accumulation of resources and treasures, and the other is to take advantage.

Even the strong men at this level of Chaos City Lord have never seen the secret of cultivation that can increase the genes of life.

On the side of the main universe, such physical exercises are publicly traded.

The book of refining exercise in Cheng Buyun's hands is still at a very low level.

He judged that there are definitely higher-level exercise books.

The main universe really surprised him.

Of course, there are classics of refining physical exercises. As for whether you can practice, you have to experiment.

He is a god-cultivator, and he is not sure whether he can practice body exercises.

But since there are, even if you can't practice, there are always ways to solve them.

Cheng Buyun has enough confidence in this trump card of time and space!


Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate immediately and sat directly on the ground. He began to recall the content of the classics of the physical exercise, gloriously understanding them thoroughly, reading them in the heart, and doing it in the chest.

Seeing Cheng Buyun sit on the ground suddenly, Xiaohong was immediately taken aback, wasn't he looking at the classics of cultivation? Why did you sit on the ground suddenly after seeing it well?

She is still very clever. Although the meaning of the soul does not reveal anything, but she still guessed the latter's original intention.

"Hee hee!"

Xiaohong smiled, and murmured secretly, "Hey, brother, he saw something good, and then tried it in person, and then prepared to pit people! The swords were all swayed. What happened? "

How horrible is the refining classics that can increase the genes of life?

Getting into the universe over there will inevitably cause high-level riots throughout humanity.

The higher the life gene multiple, the harder the price to pay.

In the case of King Zhenyan, his life gene is also 10 times, and it can no longer be increased.

It was n’t that Zhen Yan did not want to increase, but that he did not have that qualification.

After the life gene is 10 times, every increase of 1 point must be a huge effort, which is the accumulation of countless wealth.

Isn't it great to be one?

As the second proselyt disciple of the Lord of Chaos, there is no need to talk about the wealth of the family, but the gene of life will be thirty times.

This level is also commendable in the human universe overlord.

The human body itself is too weak and has a poor foundation. It is difficult to compare with some powerful races.


Cheng Buyun understood all the contents of this exercise refining classics on his chest, and after fully understanding, he immediately smiled.

This exercise book is divided into five stages, the first is to exercise the skin, the second step to exercise the muscle cells, the third step to exercise the meridians, the fourth step to exercise the internal organs, and the fifth step to exercise the blood.

Finally, relying on these five steps to form a large circulation in the body, the practitioner's body will reach its peak, and the purpose of increasing life genes will be achieved.

In this cycle of evil, Cheng Buyun saw the prototype of the universe.

With some shadow taste of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

Of course, this classic body refining book is only the foundation of the foundation, and it is far from the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

At the very least, it does n’t even have silk thread when the body is circling badly, and it does n’t form a cosmic array. It ’s just a series of energy.

But in general, Yu does not conceal his flaws!

It's better than nothing!


Once he began to practice, Cheng Buyun's face had a lot of surprises.

His comprehension is first-class and strong, coupled with his high level, and his ability to understand is excellent, he can get started almost instantly.

However, a few hours later, the content of the physical exercise classics was run by him, and he completed a great cycle.

Naturally ... the life genes have not increased.

It is 10081 times the limit allowed by the universe. Want to increase it?

Ordinary means are almost impossible.

Unless it is detached from this universe, there is no possibility!

Or, it is possible to have a more powerful secret code.

Chaos engulfed the secret code, what Cheng Buyun cultivated is still the basic level, and there will definitely be more powerful follow-up content in the future.

"Brother, is the cultivation completed?" Xiaohong saw Cheng Buyun open his eyes and asked, "Look at your smile, should it be effective?"

In fact, no need to ask, Cheng Buyun's expression revealed everything. He even nodded and smiled, and said happily: "It does have an effect. Although there is no increase in the life gene, which part of me is too strong. But ... There are still changes in the body, and changes that are not visible to the naked eye are subtle. "

He is in full control of the body, even slight changes can't escape his control.

After practicing this basic exercise book, almost all of his defense, strength, and physique have been doubled.

Cheng Buyun's strength is very powerful, but that kind of strength is all experienced in the realm of laws and the special effects attached to the secret code.

He is still a pinnacle.

Hearing the information revealed by Cheng Buyun, even Xiaohong had to widen her eyes, screaming and shouting, "The power has also doubled? What a joke!"

Originally, Brother's strength has been enough to dominate, and now it has doubled, then it has to be?

"The foundation is only doubled, not doubled, not as perverted as you think." Cheng Buyun quickly explained clearly.

The peak of the realm is 10 times the normal force.

This is true of almost all life races, including special life.

The multiple of life genes is not equal to strength, these are two effects.

It's easy to understand that the life gene is equal to the physique, and the increase is the energy level. The terms in the game are HP, blood bar and blue bar!

Of course, power is also applicable, but it is not equal to actual power.

If the cultivator wants to increase his own strength, he can only rely on the rank promotion and resource accumulation.

However, in the starry universe, there are few cultivation resources that can increase the strength.

Anyway, Cheng Buyun has not encountered it.

Generally rely on the eruption mysteries to improve, such as the beast god's artistic conception, chaotic mysteries and other amplitude mysteries.

In fact, this aspect does not need to be deliberately promoted, because the limit of the universe is 100 times, and the level of the upgrade to the person of the universe is almost 100 times the strength, reaching the limit.

No matter what you say, being able to reach the limit of strength level one step earlier will also have many advantages, which will make your attack stronger and more powerful.

No one will give up.

"That's good too, hee hee, you're not an ordinary cultivator. If you double it, that's a 10,000-fold increase." Xiao Honghou said with a smile and a happy smile: "If someone else comes to the top, it's only a hundred-fold increase."

This statement is true and correct.

One hundred times the body is the limit.

One hundred times the mystery of soul amplitude is the limit, and one hundred is the limit of power amplitude.

Normal life, no matter what the arcane amplitude, cannot exceed 10081 times the extreme of the universe!

Once this value is exceeded, the universe itself will be affected or hurt.

Enter reincarnation ahead of time!

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