Plane Universe

Chapter 2158: The top grade holy treasure mirror

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One is a good treasure, and the lowest treasure is this ability level.

With Cheng Buyun's knowledge, the level of this so-called holy class inferior holy treasure was judged at a glance.

It should be on the same level as the ordinary treasure of the original universe.

Ordinary Treasure's ability is roughly these effects, generally not too much.

Most of them weaken the enemy's attack by one percent.

The value is between one treasure point and 1.5 treasure points, not too high.

Sure enough, Cheng Buyun's judgment is correct, because there is a clear point exchange price under this Shengbao: 1 billion points.

It can also be seen from this that the price on the side of the main universe is not much different from that of the original universe, and Cheng Buyun's dream, even a treasure dream, collapsed.

If the so-called Shengbao is expensive, then he is developed.

It is a pity not to give him this opportunity.

Throw this emerald dream into the sky at will, mixing between many stars, slowly rotating.

When he was about to take another star down to watch, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe walked over and greeted slightly with a slightly surprised expression: "This Daoist is courteous and poorly white jade."

Being disturbed, Cheng Buyun was not angry or annoyed, but instead turned around with a smile and politely replied: "Your Excellency Bai Yu is polite and has seen you in time and space."

"It turns out that the Lord of Time and Space is a deity." Bai Yuzi's face flashed unnaturally, and he smiled awkwardly, but he couldn't leave, so he laughed and said: "Your Space and Time face is tight, it should be Let ’s join the new powerhouse! "

Not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

It can be seen that this Bai Yuzi is very popular, and judges his identity almost instantly. Cheng Buyun knows that the source of such a strong person is the broadest, like the venerable Venerable of the original universe. Selling intelligence news for a living.

Such a strong person is that many people need to make good deals, because maybe one day you will need the energy of the other party.

Cheng Buyun will naturally not offend such a powerful person with wide sources. Although the other party's expression is a bit unnatural, he ignores it.

For the strong who rely on the sale information, their position ... No, there is almost no position, as long as they are not guilty, the rich party will serve you.

Cheng Buyun glanced at himself all over and looked up and asked with a smile: "I have something strange, but you can see it at a glance." |


Bai Yuzi Lang smiled and said with great confidence: "Because the strong people who can come here, I know, even if I don't know, I have seen a few sides, only the time is the first time, so I will be so ask."

"So it turns out."

Cheng Buyun confirmed the speculation in his mind that only those who rely on sales information will work so hard to maintain the network around him.

"Your time and space is here for the first time, the treasures of the sky, can you see it?" Bai Yuzi asked deliberately, he still wonders if there are any points for a newly joined strong man?

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, not knowing what Bai Yuzi meant in his heart, just wanting to look at his embarrassed expression, and said generously: "What does it look like? Even if the sky is a treasure, it is just because it is shy , No matter what! "

"Haha, don't be like that, time and space. In fact, most of the people here, that is not shy?" Bai Yuzi felt embarrassed, pointing at the surrounding comfort and laughing: "Many people, actually come here to take a look I have had addictions, including me. It takes a long time to accumulate a favorite treasure. "

"Since I am qualified to enter here, I have only exchanged five treasures for billions of years." Bai Yuzi said with emotion: "It's too difficult, the weak level can't be seen, the high level can be seen. No points! "

"Your White Jade is really amazing, even you have the ability to get five treasures from here." Cheng Buyun praised in disgust.

It took billions of years to get five treasures, and even if each piece is a treasure, it can't get rid of the reason for its weak strength.

In this case, Cheng Buyun can only blame his vision.

At a venerable level, if you can have five treasures in your body, you are already a rich man.

For example, the Supreme Universe Venerables such as the Nine Swords Venerable and the Lord of the Dry Witches, but they are only two or three ordinary treasures. Most of the alien Venerables do n’t have a single coat.


Never touched it.

Of course, this is not to say that there are no treasures, the strength of those who respect the universe is poor, and many treasures are not worse than the treasures.

Treasure's only superiority to Chongbao is its solidity. Treasure is very strong and difficult to destroy.

Chongbao is not the case. Once attacked by the Lord of the Universe, it will be destroyed at most dozens of times and then collapsed.

If you don't play against the Lord of the Universe, you don't need to think about the treasures. It is enough to change some top treasures.

"By the way, Your Excellency Bai Yu has watched here many times, and you should have an understanding of the effects of many treasures. May you give me an introduction, a comment, and I have a score in my heart." Cheng Buyun said.

"It's okay. When it comes to others, I dare not pack tickets. If I let me comment on those treasures, I'm a little confident." Bai Yuzi even smiled: "But it's just a family statement, it shouldn't be true."

Cheng Buyun said: "Of course!"

Bai Yuzi twisted his beard and began to point Jiangshan, "To say that the treasure of this layer is the best, you have to talk about the Qiankun mirror. It is said that the Qiankun mirror is a replica of the Kunlun mirror, a congenital superb holy treasure. In the end, it's really a reduction, I won't say this first. "

"Let ’s talk about the top-grade acquired treasure of Qiankun Mirror first. It has three major effects, which are to increase its own defense effect by 30%. For example, a piece of armor weakens the enemy ’s attack to 100%, and increases its effect by 100%. Thirty, at the same time, the material that rebounded 30% of the enemy attacked the attacker, and the space and time were still. "Bai Yuzi's eyes showed a longing color, and he obviously had a long time for this treasure.

With his introduction, Cheng Buyun was also shocked. He immediately asked in disbelief: "It's a bit too powerful to be able to improve one's own defense by 30% and rebound the enemy's attack!"

Really little insight, Bai Yuzi sighed, the most powerful place of Qiankun mirror is not its improvement of defense and rebound, but the last special ability-static time and space!

But he and Cheng Buyun are obviously different in their focus. The main universe has a new attribute, rebound damage!

This is simply a **** attribute!

Such a strong body with strong body like Cheng Buyun and strong divine power, once wearing such armor with rebound properties, is simply an enemy's nightmare.

No one wants to meet someone.

If you do n’t die, you will bounce back, what a lying trough!

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