Plane Universe

Chapter 2415: Was suppressed a bit miserable

The Lord of Sirius stood in the distance and sneered again and again, but did not continue to pursue it, as if to maintain the demeanor of the senior.

However, he was secretly surprised to find that Cheng Buyun had eaten his own divine body abruptly without much loss.

Although he didn't do his best with this blow, he almost didn't keep it, and at least had 70% of his peak attack power.

But Cheng Buyun, the human kid who was under such a powerful attack, didn't suffer much loss. How could this not surprise him.

"What level of supreme armor is he wearing?" The Lord of Sirius was puzzled and thought to himself that even if the top supreme armor was hit by me, even if he had a height of 100,000 kilometers, he would have to lose a hundred thousand kilometers. Two or three points are right.

But what does it look like now?

There is not much difference from no loss, the loss of the divine body is almost negligible!

how is this possible!

Is my secret magic power weak, or is the human kid's defense too strong?

He doesn't understand!

"The loss of one hundred thousandth of the body can be resisted!" Cheng Buyun also secretly sighed. Sure enough, none of the masters of the universe is easy to provoke. Before, I was able to suppress the top universe with a powerful realm. The hegemon is the strong, but it does not mean that the master of the universe can be suppressed.

No matter how high the realm is, but under the huge power gap, it is infinitely smoothed.

Even in the rich experience of fighting, there was too much difference, so he immediately suffered a loss.

But fortunately, his defense is strong enough, with the protection of the peak treasure, coupled with the perfect life level defense is already strong, and he has also practiced the Fudo Ming Wang Gong.

Only then did the material power of Sirius Lord minimize the damage,

In fact, in terms of Cheng Buyun's divine body and divine power, one hundred thousandths is quite a lot.

If he is not 100,000 kilometers tall and changes to a normal human size, he will be almost finished with the move of Sirius Lord.

It's useless to have even the pinnacle armor.

The normal human overlord of the universe is only a little taller, but only two or three meters, and the stored divine power is even more pitiful.

"Well, do you still think you can fight me now? Did you make you a little more in awe of the Lord of the Universe!" The Lord of Sirius said with a sneer on his face.

"It's okay, really good enough."

Cheng Buyun said with a faint smile: "But it's a little bit like trying to beat me down!"

Is this something almost interesting?

One hundred thousandth of the divine body is consumed, and it takes nearly one hundred thousand attacks to kill you.

"There is very little loss of the divine body, about one hundred thousandths of it, which is not outrageous." The Lord of Longxing also had his own judgment, and at the same time put his heart down and watched the play leisurely.

With such a small loss of divine body, the Lord of Sirius wanted to kill Cheng Buyun in a short period of time.

"Huh, still stiff!"

The Lord of Sirius snorted coldly, his sharp eyes filled with contempt, "I thought it was a lot of genius, but it was based on talent. Humph, today... I will let you take a good look. The Lord of the universe is not you. This kind of junior can be despised, let me die!"


Facing the wind, the Lord of Sirius looked at Cheng Buyun with a leisurely look in his eyes, with a look of contempt.

After a big loss, Cheng Buyun was more cautious. A pair of eyes stared at the movements of Sirius Lord, and the big iron rod in his hand was also gently turning in a circle in the middle of his body, and a lot of law and secret patterns flickered. It was densely covered with light, but it didn't take the lead again.

Seeing Cheng Buyun being so cautious, the Lord of Sirius sneered mockingly and said: "Why? Afraid? Wasn't it arrogant just now? How powerful, he beat me!"

"Come on again, you are welcome, my head is here, hit here!" The Lord of Sirius raised his left paw and patted his cheek. He looked at Cheng Buyun with a mocking expression, contemptuous in his attitude. Cheng Buyun was secretly angry, and his anger soared.

But he knew that with his current ability, he really couldn't get a big dog.

Cheng Buyun’s silence made the Lord of Sirius extremely arrogant, and continued mockingly: "Come on, you didn’t yell at me just now, how come this is silent? Are you humans who only know how to use your mouth, but do it? There is no ability at all? Come on, let me see what you have to be the most talented person in human history, come!"

After Xiao Hong, who had been following the battle next to him, immediately shouted in anger and shouted: "Damn dog, what are you arrogant? Don't give my brother a trick. I will kill the Lord Banff for a while. Make you look good!"

"Kill me?"

When the Lord of Banff heard the ignorance in Xiao Hong's words, he immediately roared and shouted: "Who can't speak big words, come on!"



The spear pierced the side of Xiao Hong's head at a strange angle, but he didn't even have the qualifications to make Xiao Hong retreat.

After Xiao Hong's head turned, a pair of jewel-like eyes shot out a beam of light. At the same time, the big sword was swung diagonally down and shouted: "The **** guy actually attacked while I was talking!"

"Sneak attack you? Do I need it?"

The Lord of Banff was dissatisfied, and said directly angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, it's obviously that you are distracted and turned around. What's wrong with me!"

"Go to **** you!"

After Xiao Hong shouted, she swung her big sword again and again, so that the Lord of Banff could only dodge, causing the latter to be furious.

The Lord of Banff is aggrieved!

Own opponents are utterly messed up, and if they don't agree, they will lose-lose. Who can stand it!

If another opponent is so tough, he might have taught him how to behave.

It's a pity... Xiao Hong Empress's body is terribly hard, and the powerful secret magic power can only make Xiao Hong Empress stop for an instant.

The battle between the big guy and the Lord of Order is extremely fierce. The power of the former is so strong that every bombardment can shake the sky, and the Lord of Order can be described as miserable.

With reservations, he has nothing to do with a big guy. The big guy is huge and powerful. With a fist, he can cover hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and he can hit millions of kilometers away.

Naturally, he can only carry it hard, but if he does it hard, the big power is not something he can resist, and it is knocked away every time.

Although it didn't suffer any damage, it looked too ugly.

"Haha, since you can't make a move, then it's on me." The Lord of Sirius sneered, his body flashed over with a whirr, a sly color flashed in his eyes, and his claws fluttered towards Cheng Buyun's chest. Grab it.

The seemingly light and fluttering claw shadows have many powers, but Chengbuyun is very clear. When the claw shadows are not solid, the power is hidden and not emitted. After all, there are a lot of flashing secret patterns and different lights, and the surrounding laws power , And there is room for easy tearing.

This trick cannot be underestimated.

Cheng Buyun hurriedly swung the big iron rod forward. The diameter of the huge big iron rod was much larger than the entire body of Sirius Lord, and immediately blocked all the opponent's attack routes.

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