Plane Universe

Chapter 2422: Don't let the human kid escape

The universe's strongest from the three peaks of alien races is coming together!

At this moment, even Cheng Buyun took a breath, and the three strongest in the universe were all dispatched. It would be impossible for anyone to escape from being surrounded by this!

In such a dangerous situation, Cheng Buyun was just shocked, not afraid!

Who is afraid of whom!

Hammer scissors cloth!


If I'm afraid you are puppies!

"Longxing, retreat immediately!" The Chaos City Lord was also anxious, and directly sent the order through the soul.

The Lord of Longxing immediately flew towards Cheng Buyun and shouted in a voice transmission: "Cheng Buyun, hurry, retreat to my side, and I will take you away."

But when he moved, everyone understood that human beings were leaving.

But surrounded by the strongest in the three universes, if you want to go, it is so difficult and there is almost no possibility of success.

"Lord of the Dragon Walk, stop, you can't save the human being step by step cloud, leave him behind, maybe you can still save your life." The enchanting voice of the Zerg Queen directly sounded, and at the same time a dreamlike The catalog unfolded above his head, and the unparalleled power spread in all directions, instantly covering all the space of the Flame Continent.

Suddenly, the flight speed of the Lord of the Dragon Walk dropped sharply, not much faster than the turtle!

"No, protect Long Xing and resist the pressure for him." City Lord Chaos was anxious and screamed.

"Hahaha, humans, today you can't do what you want, leave Chengbuyun behind!" The incomparably thick voice of the mechanical demon also resounded through the world, and bursts of black light spread from his body.

You don't need to guess that the Mechanical Demon God has also used the domain treasures he possesses to oppress the Lord of Longxing, and even Cheng Buyun, Xiaohong Empress, and the big man are suppressing.

The so-called sun and moon discoloration is nothing more than this!

The power of a large number of realm treasures collided, overlapped, influenced each other, interfered with each other in the void.

The powerhouses of the four pinnacle races are surrounded on all sides, Chengbuyun is in the central core position, and under the threat of the strongest in the universe, it is difficult for the great existence of mankind to have enough time to fly to rescue, everything can only rely on himself .

After all, the Lord of Longxing was also greatly restrained by this society, and he could not stretch out any room for relief when he had more than himself.

Although Cheng Buyun is not so good, he is extremely calm. His divine body is as high as 100,000 kilometers, and he has the highest treasure armor body. In addition, he has cultivated Fudo Mingwang Gong, perfect life level effect, and extremely strong defense.

Therefore, a large number of powerhouses control the domain treasure to restrain him, but it can only weaken him a little speed.

However, although the impact was small, it was still affected a lot in the fight with the Lord of Sirius.

After all, he was originally weaker than the Lord of Sirius, and he was even less of an opponent when he was affected.

He was attacked many times in the blink of an eye.

In this case, there is no opportunity for tempering at all.

"After Xiaohong, put away the big guy, let's go and leave the Skyfire Secret Realm!" Cheng Buyun issued an order towards Xiaohong.

The big guy has no treasure, his speed is very slow, and he can't use his own strength to counter the supernatural power covering him.


Xiao Hong replied again, and then passed the idea to the big guy, and with a small hand wave, the big guy suppressed by the Lord of Order disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the big guy disappeared suddenly, the Lord of Order was also taken aback, even spreading his own consciousness around,

Before the Lord of Order could figure out what was going on, Empress Xiaohong also began to retreat, her body suddenly enlarged, kicked the Lord of Banff away with one kick, and then stepped towards Chengbuyun. Rush.

The sudden change made the strong aliens pale in shock. Even the Zerg Queen, Dream Demon Ancestor, and Mechanical Demon God were extremely surprised to see them. None of them could see how the big men disappeared.

But they knew very clearly that the human kid was going to escape.

"No, the human kid wants to escape!" The Lord of Banff even shouted to remind.

Dream Demon Ancestor also repeatedly reminded the spirit transmission in the direction where the Lord of Sirius was, and shouted: "Sirius, be careful, don't let the human genius escape!"

Although I didn't think Cheng Buyun would have a chance to escape to the Lord of Longxing, but there is always something in case, and I can't be too careful.

After all, it looks like it will be successful, and if it fails in the end, it will definitely become a big joke in the eyes of the universe.

Whether it is for the future interests of the ethnic group or for one's own face, this suppression plan cannot fail!


After Xiao Honghou put away the big man, Cheng Buyun immediately took advantage of the opportunity of the opposing Sirius Lord to bombard him, and even turned to leave.

And the direction he fleeed was the location of the little red queen.


The silver-white wings shook, breaking open the heavy pressure in front of him, and flying forward at the speed of light.

"Damn, there is even a wing to assist the treasure!" There was a resentful look in the eyes of the Lord of Sirius. He hadn't expected that before fighting with himself, Cheng Buyun had some reservations.

It almost made him blow his lungs on the spot!

A loud roar, earth-shaking!

"Want to go, have you asked me!" Ever since the Dream Demon Ancestor descended, the Lord of Sirius has been paying attention to the movement of Cheng Buyun to prevent him from being afraid of running away.

"A good human boy, he managed to achieve this under heavy resistance. The level of threat is really not to be underestimated." The mechanical demon was surprised secretly, and then changed the suppression target, a heavy black light with a huge mass. Gather, to oppress his speed.

Under the mechanical devil's vigorous targeting, naturally, Chengbuyun's speed suddenly decreased.

Even if he tried his best to operate his Condensing Mirror Domain Supreme Treasure, his deeds were not too great, and he was overtaken by the Lord of Sirius, and he was hit by the latter's claw on his leg.

A huge power blasted at the leg position, Cheng Buyun also staggered, his body flew out horizontally.

The Lord of Sirius continued to pounce, and his hoofs slammed on the former's chest.

With this blow, Cheng Buyun flew away, but instead fell straight to the ground. Unable to do so, his eyes widened and his left fist slammed out.

It hit the back hip of the Lord of Sirius.


The Lord of Sirius flew around and flew, but he was extremely fierce. After stabilizing his body, he pounced again viciously, trying his best to stop Cheng Buyun from escaping.

Once blocked by the Lord of Sirius, Cheng Buyun also seemed extremely helpless.

"Huh, human kid, see it, you can't escape today, this is the graveyard set up for you!" The Lord of Sirius smiled with a smug smile on his face, and looked at Cheng Buyun mockingly. Said: "No matter how talented you are, you won't be a genius when you die!"

"I can't escape?"

Cheng Buyun had a funny expression and said with a smile but a smile: "Just rely on your dog? Are you capable of keeping me? Well, you don't have to be too proud. Today someone will help you suppress me and prevent my strength. If you play, I won’t accompany you. I’ll get back to the venue next time, so wait.”

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