Plane Universe

Chapter 2438: Desperate pursuit

Cheng Buyun officially entered the stage of escape.

Whether it can escape from the hands of the strongest in the three universes depends on when the founder of the giant axe will arrive.

It's useless if... can't get there when the strongest of the three big universes is close, or if the distance is too far away.

At this moment, even if Cheng Buyun had Xiaohong's help, and the distance and speed of tens of millions of kilometers in one step, the foreign powerhouses were not very optimistic.

Because of the difference in rank and strength, it is very passive.

After all, there are as many as the three strongest in the universe, not one.

If there is only one person, everyone does not need to think about it, and it will be judged that Cheng Buyun can successfully escape and have enough time to drag the human giant axe founder to come.

But the current situation, alas!

I didn't see that the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Mechanical Demon God had broken away from the maximum control range of time and space, flying along the outer edge, obviously they wanted to make humans into a cloud of dumplings.

As long as either the Dream Demon Ancestor or the Mechanical Demon God blocked Cheng Buyun's path of retreat, then... the situation would be much more serious.

The Lord Chengbuyun and Longxing who are in the center can't see it.

But there is no way to stop it.

Once the Lord of Longxing left Xiaohong and helped him, the domain suppression of many foreign powers had to be bombarded and covered, suppressing his speed and basically unable to move.

There is no way to stop it.

The situation was once dangerous.

The Chaos City Lord also scratched his head, and couldn't think of a good way. He could only keep in touch with the creator of the Great Axe in the virtual universe, hoping that he would return to the original universe as soon as possible to help Cheng Buyun resist the pressure of the opponent.

As long as the founder of the Great Axe arrives, the threat of the alien race can be immediately lifted.

But at this moment, the founder of the giant axe is also embarrassed.

He ventured deep into the Qingfeng realm in the Universe Sea. After receiving the email from the Lord of Chaos, he has tried his best to rush, but it will take some time!

The universe is extremely vast, even if the creator of the giant axe is sure that there is no danger, he has been using teleport to move, and it will take more than half a year to get it out.

In fact, at this time, the founder of the Great Axe was more anxious than the Chaos City Lord.

I almost got angry. I ignored the danger many times, and forcibly teleported in some more threatening places. I was not afraid of getting stuck in a dangerous environment and wasting time.

No way, Cheng Buyun is not much worse than him in terms of importance.

He wasn't even sure, once Chengbuyun fell, whether he could reverse time and space.

Cheng Buyun is a powerhouse completely different from Chaos. Where the most important deity and Jiuyouhai are threatened are completely different in nature.

Experience, experience, why should you let the deity go out and bring Jiuyouhai clone, I'll go!

The founder of the giant axe was full of grievances, and he was so anxious that he even wanted to hit the **** of the confused master and apprentice of Chaos City Lord and Cheng Buyun.

The development of the situation to the present level is not what Chaos City Lord wants to see. He has repeatedly reminded Cheng Buyun to keep a low profile.


Don't reveal your identity, but Cheng Buyun, as soon as it comes out, it looks like a bird in a flying cage, it's so ridiculous.

Venerable Qian Tianhua will do the Venerable Tianhua, and he will be procrastinated while doing it.

What can he do!


When the three strongest in the universe began to outflank, Cheng Buyun fell directly into an extremely passive situation.

No one can see the scene before him. It is only a matter of time before human beings are caught up.

At this moment, the mechanical demon had copied Cheng Buyun's back path, and the dream demon ancestor kept moving towards Cheng Buyun in the left direction to compress his movement space, but Cheng Buyun could do not much.

Only after instructing Xiaohong to move to the right, the range was once again narrowed and fell into the opponent's trap.

There's no way, the opponent's position is arrogant, you can see the arrogant, Cheng Buyun can't move to the right.

Empress Xiaohong is big, with a height of 250 million kilometers, and she can span 30 million kilometers in one step, but the strongest in the universe does not necessarily lose much to her.

The power of speaking is not effective because the distance is too close, but the strongest person in the universe has many abilities. For example, the divine body becomes larger. Although it can't become larger without limit, there is absolutely no problem in coming tens of millions of kilometers. .

After all, it's not a battle, no matter how big or thin the divine body is, no matter how bad the defense is.

They only need to catch up with Chengbuyun.

The situation has reached its most dangerous time.

"Haha, let's see where you can escape this time." The powerful voice of the Mechanical Demon moved the nine crumbs, relying on his huge body that is nearly one billion kilometers high, and has been marching towards the place where Chengbuyun is.

The speed is several times faster than Xiaohong.

The Mechanical Demon was originally a metal mechanical life. Before he became the strongest in the universe, he was also a hegemon in the universe. He used a large amount of precious metal to strengthen his body. In terms of defense and quality, he was not worse than Xiaohong.

But at this moment, in order to catch up with Step Cloud, he had to enlarge his huge sphere of one million kilometers by 1,000 times, reaching a terrifying height of one billion kilometers in diameter.

At the same time, it has become a robotic body, with a pair of feet falling on the ground, and a span of more than 100 million kilometers, which is far more ridiculous than Xiaohong's speed.

It's not that the mechanical devil can't become bigger, but no matter how big it is, the defense is too weak, even if it is protected by the peak of the treasure armor, if there is any accident, he will definitely not please.

Even now, a random Lord of the universe with a stronger strength can penetrate his divine body with a single blow, causing a lot of divine power to evaporate.

He just relied on the bullying of many people to become Buyun.

If there is only him, even if it can become bigger and faster than Xiao Hong, the Lord of Longxing who protects Buyun will be enough for him to drink a pot.

Not only the mechanical demon god, but also the Zerg queen, her figure has become much larger, and her body height is one billion kilometers, which is directly more than 20,000 times its own body. The defense of the divine body is even weaker.

But the Zerg queen has one thing much stronger than the mechanical demon, that is, there is a strongest treasure palace, which can protect herself well.

On the ground, a huge silver-white snake snaked around, crawling with a bow and a curve.

In order to kill Cheng Buyun, Meng Yaozu didn't even want his face, and even performed such a downgrade behavior. You can see his determination to kill Cheng Buyun.

The situation is very bad!

Worried, the Lord of Longxing’s face was full of worry, and at the same time he thought to himself: I must not let Chengbuyun fall here. At most, I will drag the mechanical demon **** in the past to give Chengbuyun a chance to rush out of the encirclement. More time to wait for the arrival of the giant axe.

The Chaos City Lord and others are also worried about Chengbuyun. It has only been more than a month, and the mechanical demon has approached Chengbuyun's distance of more than one trillion kilometers, and the distance range of half a light-year is only close to five trillion kilometers. .

In other words, in less than four months, the Mechanical Demon God will definitely get close to Cheng Buyun and launch an unparalleled powerful attack on him.

At that time, it was impossible to resist just by relying on the strength of Longxing.

PS: To reply to Hongmeng Tianyuan book friends, it is inevitable that the four pinnacle races will be able to live together in five years, and it is also a common tacit understanding.

No matter how you fight below, most of the masters of the universe will not participate. After all, no matter how many strong people below the master of the universe die, it is nothing more than a problem of resources.

Death reversal of time and space is, but once the Lord of the universe dies, the loss will be great.

Judging from the original work, almost none of the six pinnacle races in the primitive universe has ever fallen.

Even if it falls, it will not fall into the hands of the enemy.

The race with the strongest in the universe is undoubtedly like a big country with nuclear weapons on the earth.

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