Plane Universe

Chapter 2441: Provoking the Mechanical Demon

Good guy, Nima is huge!

Many foreign experts are all shocked.

Looking at the behemoth quietly floating above the sky hundreds of light years away, the shocked expression was dull.

It is strange that anyone can be calm when seeing such a behemoth.

Nima was too shocked.

That's a one billion kilometers guy, with a diameter of 20 million kilometers thick, and a tree canopy covering a range of three billion, the majesty of the divine body.

No master of the universe can be compared.

Moreover, such things are definitely special beings, and their level of life is definitely not low, at least they must be thousands of times higher.

Thousands of times the life level, yet so huge.



"My God, as I guessed, the human Cheng Buyun really has a super huge clone. It's just such a big clone, but it can't be estimated. It's terrible. No wonder the divine power seems to be without money."

"Such a huge thing, with its divine power, even if it stands still and fights it with the Lord of Sirius, it is estimated that it will have to crash by itself in the end."

"Too Nima is exaggerated!"

Many powerful aliens saw Cheng Buyun waved and appeared the clone of World Tree. After being frightened, they started talking with a bang.

The powerhouses of the three great alien races turned black when looking at the behemoth hundreds of light years away.

The black paint is dark, blue and purple, purple and blue.

The bright colors are also called the colorful ones, which are very beautiful.

"God, this is the world tree that you call one of the four big clones of Buyun in Chaos?" The Lord of Lieyang was stunned. At first he just thought that even if it was a clone of the world tree, it was at most the ancestral tree. Percentage of the body, or at most a tenth of a body shape.

did not expect!

So huge!

It is larger than the ancestral gods, and even almost twice the height and diameter of the opponent.

"It's really an exaggeration. A behemoth of this height, I'm afraid I won't fight back and let me fight. I guess I can't help him!"

"It's a bit exaggerated, I don't know how I didn't get it."

The two great human beings are shaking their heads, and the encounter of Buyun is so exaggerated that no one can believe it!

The Frozen Lord turned his head to look at his Chaos City Lord, and said with a smiling soul, "Brother, you are really hiding it."

I am numb!

At the moment, City Lord Chaos also looked at Cheng Buyun's World Tree clone with a shocked face, and fell into amazement.

He did not expect that Cheng Buyun's World Tree clone was so outrageous.

The clone of the World Tree he saw back then was just a sapling with a height of 100,000 kilometers. How could he have imagined that it has now evolved into such a giant.

Can you imagine?

It's ridiculous!

Moreover, the level of divine power aura, in his vague induction, should be the level of the peak limit universe overlord, very close to the ordinary level of the existence of the universe lord.

A breakthrough is directly the limit of the Universe.

My disciple's realm of law is as I predicted before, extremely close to the Lord of the universe.

It's too strong.

City Lord Chaos finally put aside the worries in his heart for a while, did not think about anything, and enjoyed all the beauty in front of him.

With such a huge world tree clone, it is enough for the old guys who despise Cheng Buyun to drink the boss's pot.


"Queen, your guess is wrong. As I guessed, Human Chengbuyun has a huge plant clone, and this huge plant clone has provided him with a lot of divine power, which is why the Lord of Sirius before them The three of them couldn't do anything about the reason why humans became Buyun." Meng Yaozu sighed, a little disappointed in his heart.

Since Chengbuyun possesses such a clone, then there is no way to speak of the super treasure.

The method of planting and framing directly aborts.

The mechanical demon was also extremely disappointed. He rushed to lead the battle, not because he had greed, but the purpose was to **** the super treasure from Chengbuyun that was unnecessary.

But now that I missed it all for a while, he was the one who was most annoyed.

Can't wait for a sword to smash human beings to death.

"I saw it, and this result is something I don't want to see." The Zerg queen sighed. She really hopes that, as she guessed, human beings become a super treasure because of the super treasure, and she does not want to see it. The person has a huge plant life clone.

Because a huge clone makes the latter even more terrifying.

Such a huge guy, when he became the Lord of the Universe, was even more terrifying than the Lord of Chaos City.

It can even be said that the other party's huge plant clone has not reached its limit, and it will evolve for the last time.

I am afraid that by then, the height will reach billions of kilometers or more, the diameter will be about hundreds of millions of kilometers, and the envelope will be tens of billions of kilometers.


After Xiao Hong started again, but the behemoth stayed in place, the huge tree showed a face like a cloud, and jokingly provocatively said to the mechanical devil: "Come on, let you see my skills. ."

"The little one doesn't even exist as the Lord of the Universe, so he dared to provoke me. Who gave you the courage?" On the metal face of the Mechanical Demon God, there was a lack of expression on the metal face, and his eyes were extremely cold.

Then stepped forward and walked straight to the world tree.

God is huge? Ha ha!

I'm afraid it's not that I haven't learned the power of a super strong.

The Mechanical Demon didn't even look at the world tree clone of Buyun at all.

It's just a target.

Of course, the behemoth blocking him is not a threat to him, and it will even delay his chance to attack Cheng Buyun's human body.

But such a huge plant certainly has no reason to let it go.

Soon... the time is just waiting for the eggs, the two are getting closer and closer.

The great beings of mankind have many questions alone, but they are very clear about what Cheng Buyun wants to do.

Jiuyouhai cooperates with such a huge world tree...his!

The degree of perversion even surpassed the Lord of Jiuyou countless times.

"Haha, it's really arrogant, dare to face me directly, it seems that it has been smooth and smooth, making your brains gone." The mechanical devil smiled coldly, but there was a mockery of Cheng Buyun. Brainless.

"Isn't it brainless? You will know when you come!" Cheng Buyun's face on the trunk of the World Tree clone opened his mouth slightly, and the words rang in the ears of a large number of powerful people.

It is arrogant to provoke the strongest man in the universe!

Also swelled!

"Very well, you will learn a lesson for your innocence." The mechanical demon stood in front of the world tree, and began to shrink the divine body, returning to the normal body level, and then rushed towards the world tree with the big sword.


A sword light suddenly appeared, splitting the world and descending across the void to the top of the world tree.

The huge sword light that came down seemed to be an ordinary blow, and its power was not great, but its huge sword light contained a lot of mysterious runes, and all its powers converged to the extreme, and it circulated perfectly.

The secret technique level of the strongest in the universe has completely surpassed the master of the universe, at least to the level of the sixth order, and the power of the original universe is already the limit that the original universe can exert.

Although the World Tree tried its best to resist, mobilize its own divine power, and blasted out the most powerful secret trick, but the difference in rank and power was too far away.

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