Plane Universe

Chapter 2451: Apologize

There are always three top cosmic hegemons in human beings. What they lack is not the foundation and the realm of laws. Their law perception is already the limit of the ultimate universe.

The limit was long ago, and the secret method of the master of the universe was created, but even so, it was impossible to break through that threshold.

What they lack is that their state of mind is not strong enough, and what they lack is that their realm is not beyond enough, and naturally they cannot cross that hurdle.

As the last level in the original universe, the Lord of the universe is also the last level of strength in the growth stage, and all aspects of perception are indispensable.

The most test of the cultivator's ability!

Therefore, the secret code that can guide and increase the probability of breakthrough is extremely precious, and it is the basis for the rise of a group.

Why is the status of the Patriarchal Church so detached?

Isn't it because they mastered the inheritance?

With inheritance guidelines, a large number of ethnic groups owe them favors, and their status is naturally supernatural, and no strong dare to provoke them.

"Very good, you don't need to be so humble in the future. With your current strength, you are already qualified to assume the face of the race. You must not lose your identity, and you must also have your own demeanor. Some words and actions should not be opened, lest they come. I was underestimated by the alien."

The founder of the giant axe warned with earnest words, and finally said with a smile on his face: "I will be called the giant axe from now on."

Originally, these words should not be spoken by the founder of the Great Axe, but by the Chaos City Lord.

But the creator of the giant axe liked and valued Cheng Buyun too much, so I had to remind him a few words when I first met.

"Haha, indeed, this kid is unobstructed, so he should be reminded." Hearing this, the Lord of Longxing who was watching with a smile also interrupted quickly to resolve Cheng Buyun's embarrassment, lest he feel that the giant axe said I felt that I lost face, smiled and continued: "With your current level of strength, you are qualified enough to be in the same position as old guys like me. A great axe will not make everyone feel overstepped. It is you who should Status."

"Haha, I can fight back and forth with the old master of the universe like Lord of Sirius, and the last crazy method surprised me even more. Although the level of divine power is very important, the importance of combat power is still there. Above the level, the Lord of the universe is just one more time-space reversal than you."

The voice of Chaos City Lord also rang from the side. He was looking at Cheng Buyun with a smile on his face, and said with a ridiculous smile: "Or you kid don't want to give your strength?"


It was funny to hear what Chaos City Lord said, and the great human beings who followed all laughed loudly.

Cheng Buyun had to smile, and shouted to the founder of the giant axe, "The giant axe!"


The creator of the great axe is naturally very happy.

The title of the strong is also exquisite, it is a kind of identification, acknowledging Cheng Buyun's new status in the ethnic group.

Of course, there are responsibilities.

It is not easy to be the pillar of the ethnic group. Almost all opponents and enemies are strong, which is very dangerous.

Wanting to eat and drink, there is no such thing.

When the Venerable Universe is dead, he can reverse time and space and resurrect.

The Lord of the universe is dead.

Then it's dead!

After laughing, Cheng Buyun looked at Teacher Chaos seriously and said, "Actually, teacher, I know how to reverse time and space."

What, know how to reverse time and space?

The Chaos City Lord was shocked, and quickly looked at Cheng Buyun, and asked with a little suspicion: "But based on my data, World Tree controls the time and space talent, time and space cannot be reversed!"

Other great beings also quickly looked at Cheng Buyun, their faces full of surprise.

"Well, let's go back and talk about it, and solve the immediate matter first." The founder of the giant axe quickly interrupted everyone's curiosity. This is not home, and everything can be revealed without any worries.

The Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of the Universe also reacted, and his face was a little red.

Logically, based on their state of mind, they shouldn't behave like this, but what Cheng Buyun said is too amazing.


"Great Axe, the greeting is over, right?"

The feminine voice of the Zerg queen came over, "When you are finished, please come over and have a chat, and solve the current mistake!"

The founder of the giant axe first nodded towards the Lord of Longxing and Cheng Buyun, and said, "Remove the control of time and space and let the other party come over."

Then quickly turned around and looked around, nodded slightly and said, "No problem, please come over!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Zerg queen, mechanical demon god, and dream demon ancestor all teleported, and they flashed 10,000 kilometers in front of them, looking at the human side with solemn expression.

The atmosphere became serious.

The founder of the Great Axe said with a solemn expression: "The three, in your status, have united to oppress my little human being, isn't it a bit too much?"

For the blame from the creator of the Great Axe, the three strongest people in the alien universe had naturally prepared it early, but the little guy that the other party said was a bit wrong.

Whose little guy is so good?

"Can you give me an explanation!" The founder of the giant axe did not deliberately express his anger. When he reached his level, it was enough to put pressure on it.

No need to rattle!

"It can only be said that this is a mistake, I am very sorry, so in order to solve the mistake of our side, we will give compensation."

The Zerg queen's voice was extremely soft, and she bowed her head directly to admit defeat.

The Mechanical Demon God and the Dream Demon Ancestor also recognized the Zerzu Queen's statement, and at the same time expressed their apologies.

The wounded Demon Ancestor Meng didn't have the slightest feeling of anger or hatred at this moment, as if his injuries were not caused by Cheng Buyun.

The founders of the giant axe are here, and there is no resentment that can be expressed at this moment, and they don't want to go out of business.

Since it cannot be dealt with or suppressed, peace is beneficial to both parties.

It is impossible to fight for a little bit of face with humans.

And one-on-one, Yaozu can't fight humans either.

Because human beings have the trump card of the Original Universe, they don't need to fight you cruelly, they just need to slowly attack, and the monster race will be very uncomfortable.

Can only be beaten, but not attack, the situation will cause one-sided.

Now that a consensus was reached from the beginning, bowing down and surrendering to resolve this error quickly, it was much easier.

After a round of bargaining.

In the end, the three pinnacle races gave two top treasures to erase this huge misunderstanding.

The two top treasures, in terms of value, are not high, and in terms of the loss on the surface of Chengbuyun, they are simply not a fraction.

But the strong is nothing more than a face, the important thing is that the three peak aliens bowed their heads to humans.


That is tantamount to lowering one's head, and being an old opponent for endless years, that uncomfortable degree...who can bear it!

At least, the three apex alien cosmos masters present had ugly expressions, especially the gazes from the surrounding alien powerhouses that made them feel embarrassed.

I almost wanted to make an extra hole in the ground for them to get in, and to hide the bell and keep the eyes clean!

"I hope this huge mistake will not become a hindrance to the friendship between our two races in the future. Great Axe, Chaos, and Humans, I will leave first." The Mechanical Demon said politely.

"It's easy to talk, machinery, I will talk about you again in the future, please!" The founder of the giant axe also said politely.

Chaos City Lord and others also nodded politely.

The sight of the mechanical demon finally fell on Cheng Buyun, and he said softly with emotion: "Human beings will have you, it will be brilliant again, everyone please!"

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