Plane Universe

Chapter 2475: Reversal of time and space

But the human race can't afford it, doesn't mean Cheng Buyun can't afford it either.

Why are there so many strong ancestors?

No power to provoke?

It is not the credit of the Lord of the Nine Nethers who rely on it.

The ocean of divine power in the range of nearly twelve light-years, the cosmic energy absorbed in one day is enough to resurrect a high-level cosmic master.

Cheng Buyun's divine power ocean size is ten times worse than that of the Lord of the Nine Nethers, but the foundation is also very strong, and a large number of immortal gods can still be resurrected.

Just take it slow.

If the resurrection is not finished in one day, then two days,

Or one year, ten years, ten thousand years.


The World Tree clone suddenly appeared and teleported to the Qianbao River, and then hurried towards the location of the virtual universe headquarters.

The master of the universe of the virtual universe company, the place to reverse time and space is where the teleport point of the kingdom of God is.

Almost a strong person in the virtual universe company, anyone has been here, it is easier for the group to resurrect.

It is also the rule of the five major forces of mankind, and the strong are more likely to be resurrected when concentrated.

The sixth teleportation point, a number of immortal gods and powerhouses are going to the Kingdom of God teleportation point, but suddenly, an order from the virtual universe is issued: the sixth teleportation point is temporarily closed, please wait for the next step for the time to reopen.

"The sixth teleportation point is closed?"

"What happened again? It turned off all the teleportation points of the kingdom of God."

Many human powerhouses who were preparing to teleport to the sixth kingdom of God suddenly froze this command in place.

At the same time, the powerful immortal kings of several time-space palaces also flew over and began to maintain order.

"According to the order of the Lord of Time and Space, the sixth teleportation point has become a forbidden zone. All the strong within 10 billion kilometers of the sixth teleportation point, please leave immediately."


"By the order of the Lord of Time and Space..."

Hearing the command of the Lord of the Universe, all the human experts near the sixth teleportation point immediately responded.

I also understand why the sixth kingdom of God will be closed.

Obviously, the Lord of the Universe is preparing to reverse the time and space to resurrect the fallen powerhouse in the company.

Soon, everyone within 10 billion kilometers of the teleportation point area of ​​the sixth kingdom of God was emptied.

Including the immortal kings and powerhouses of the several time-space palaces, they all retreated far away.

One by one the strong stared at the void of the sixth divine kingdom teleportation point, holding their breath, and waiting.

The scenario of the Lord of the Universe reversing time and space is rare in billions of years.

Even many strong people have no chance to see it once in their lives.


The light and shadow shook, and a huge to the extreme pressure appeared, covering nearly a trillion kilometers. Countless human powers who sensed the emergence of this pressure suddenly trembled and their souls were shaking.

Almost unable to maintain himself, he was crushed to the ground at once, and he didn't even dare to lift his head.


The crisp sound of the shaking of the leaves was accompanied by bursts of crystal clear green light waves, and all the strong human beings covered by this green light wave dispelled the fear in their hearts.

When everyone stood up respectfully, and then looked at the place where the huge pressure was coming from, they saw the behemoth above the distant void at a glance.

An extremely large shadow of a tree suddenly appeared above the void of the sixth divine kingdom teleportation point, extremely exaggerating the height of the extremely majestic main trunk, and the dense canopy that was huge enough to make anyone stunned.

Hundreds of people in the vicinity were fortunate enough to see clearer and more spectacular scenes at close range, all of them stared blankly.

With their vision, when there is a chance to see such a tyrannical existence of such a huge body, even the Venerable Universe has a rare opportunity.

The number of Venerable Universes sitting in the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company looked at them in surprise at this moment.

"It's the Lord of Time and Space."

"The sixth teleportation point of the kingdom of God, this is preparing to reverse the time and space groups and revive the strong in our company."

"It should be."

"Reverse time and space, I have never seen it before. Go, go and take a look."

A large number of immortal masters, even powerful masters, and cosmic masters are moved by the wind.

"This kid has only been born for two days, and this has come out to cause trouble again." The Lord of Longxing naturally also sensed the powerful pressure released by the clone of the World Tree. He even shook his head at the moment, his eyes spreading over. My mind is floating, I want to see how outrageous Cheng Buyun is in reversing time and space.

How many strong people can be reversed from time and space at once.

The Lord of Chaos City, Lord of Frozen, Lord of Darkness, Lord of Youhou, etc., naturally also paid attention.

And also talk to each other by voice.

"Look, this little pervert has made such a big battle. Obviously, he wants to make trouble." The City Lord of Chaos also muttered. Cheng Buyun took a list of powerhouses to be resurrected, and he also figured it out. .

Just as he used to reverse time and space, he usually took the list of strong people who had enough qualifications to be resurrected, instead of exhausting them all at once.

In this way, Cheng Buyun obviously wants to do something big today.

Cheng Buyun naturally felt the gazes of Teacher Chaos and other experts looking at him, and he pursed his mouth and smiled, and the World Tree immediately moved.

With the movement of the soul's mind, a large piece of void time in front of him began to regress, scenes of scenes were quickly reversed, and countless illusory lights and shadows appeared in the void.

It's like a movie playing backwards, all scenes are reversed, such as talking, flying, etc. Time is going backwards fast.

Unreal light and shadow.

The light and shadow are so fast that people can't see clearly, it's too fast.

A lot of light and shadow almost disappear in a flash, as if the time has been accelerated hundreds of millions of times.

A large number of immortal gods are dizzy, and even the cosmic masters can see a hazy light and shadow.

It was just a few seconds, and a soft drink resounded throughout the entire space-time: "Done!"

Suddenly, the many lights and shadows in the void stopped, and several powerful flying figures appeared in the scene, especially the woman with long black shawl hair and beautiful face wearing black patterned armor. A large number of strong people exclaimed.

"It's the Black Phoenix King who fell from my Virtual Universe Company 600,000 years ago!"

"Needless to say, I saw it."

Many human powerhouses who knew this powerhouse light and shadow directly exclaimed.


The backward time and space began to look back, like a spring pressed to the extreme. If the World Tree clone chooses not to shelter the light and shadow at this moment, it does not need to bear any loss.

But if you want to resurrect that figure and bring it back to normal time and space, you need to be punished by time and space rebound.

But if he does not resurrect his person, how can he reverse time and space?


The surrounding time and space burst into a mighty roar.

A powerful and suffocating rebound power began to come and cover, and the World Tree clone must use its power to counter this pressure.

And such consumption is nothing to the huge world tree clone.

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