Plane Universe

Chapter 2488: The spring of mankind is here

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After the top-level meeting, the Lord of Chaos, after thinking about it, quickly customized the group strategy and passed it to all the masters of the universe, including the founder of the giant axe.

After all the highest levels agreed, he sent an email notification through the ethnic group.

The ethnic group issued an order, the content:

First, adjust the status of the Hongmeng Alliance and the power of the ethnic group. For more details, please see the attachment.

In fact, just like the Time and Space Palace, status is no longer based on strength, but the amount of contribution. It is just like the past, and it will never appear again.

If there is no contribution value, who will look at you.

If an ordinary immortal deity has more contribution points than a strong king, do you still have the face to look down on others?

Second, adjust the wealth application required for the resurrection of the strong, and only apply for the resurrection of the immortal gods of the ethnic group and the alliance strong at the lower level. 90% of the originally needed wealth is reduced, and only 10% of the previous wealth is needed. Points applicants can enjoy a 50% discount. If the contribution value is exchanged for the resurrection of an immortal **** who used to be a king, if you need 500 billion yuan to apply for resurrection, you only need a value of 250 after the rule is revised. The wealth of 100 million mixed yuan is enough.

This greatly reduces the cost of resurrection applications, and at the same time highlights the importance of contribution points.

Even if you don't apply for the alliance contribution value, it is only a wealth of 50 billion yuan. For the ultimate level of the king, it is two big cakes. With their wealth, it is not a problem to die several times.

Moreover, the resurrection rules have been revised more than this, there are many details.

For example, if the authority status of the ethnic group contribution value is high enough, the cost of resurrection will be greatly reduced. The old immortal powerhouses such as King Zhenyan make a great contribution to the ethnic group, and can even reduce the cost of resurrection to the original percentage One degree.

Even when he was resurrected, he would bring back all the wealth he carried before his fall from the long river of time and space.

These two points shocked all the strong players in the alliance.

The Lord of the Universe reverses time and space, and will never bring back all the wealth of the resurrection target, because that will be more lossy.

How precious is the divine body of the Lord of the Universe, will he consume his divine body for your little wealth of an immortal god?

Want to fart!

If you can resurrect yourself, you should be content and grateful.

Third, if the strong inside the alliance is besieged by a group of strong outsiders, don’t be afraid to play the Hongmeng Alliance’s own power. The Hongmeng Alliance and the ethnic group are your support. Even if you fall under the siege, the ethnic group will bear part of the loss. , The great existence will also resurrect the fallen powerhouse in time and space after a period of time.

This is obviously to tell everyone not to lose the face of the human race, and even if you are trapped in a heavy siege, don't make moves that will embarrass the Alliance for your life.

These three contents directly made the Hongmeng Alliance and the strong people feel extremely excited.

The application for resurrection has dropped to 10% or even less of the original. How can it not make many human powers feel proud.

I am excited about being a member of the human alliance and a member of the race.

Such a change in rules has greatly affected the vassal group.

In the past, internal points were more for buying treasures, secrets, etc., and they were not targeted, and they would not be based on points.

Now, with such a modification, the level of contribution points and so on is extremely important, and you can enhance your authority within the alliance, enjoy more benefits, and even discounts on some treasures, secrets, and resources.

Contribution points and other levels of influence are everywhere, as long as it is a variety of shops opened by strong players in the human alliance, they can enjoy preferential policies.

A treasure is purchased with Hunyuan. If 100 million Hunyuan is needed, then in exchange for contribution points, it is only equivalent to the Hunyuan wealth of less than 80 million.

Just like Chengbuyun's space-time palace, as long as a human powerhouse with a matching level, he can purchase important treasures that are not available in the clan at a lower price.

Even the Heavy Treasure can be exchanged in the Time and Space Palace with the contribution points, which is very attractive to the powers of the ultimate level of the king.

Who doesn't want to have a treasure body.

It can be said that a piece of ethnic notice was issued, which directly shook the heads of all powerful humans, and the whole person was dizzy and not knowing where they were.

In the past, the powerhouses who could enjoy discounted permissions were mostly super geniuses within the five strengths of the ethnic group, and ordinary powerhouses who had power status enjoyed many benefits.

It's different now.

As long as you work hard, even if your strength is low, you can enjoy it by contributing to the human alliance.

Especially the alien races under the vassal human beings are greatly excited, and their loyalty to the human alliance is directly filled.

Invisible, the cohesion is countless times higher.

If the alien race wants to overthrow humans, the vassal aliens will not agree to it. If the human race has overturned, then where can they find such a good master to serve.


In order to contribute points, a large number of human powerhouses want to try and can't wait any longer. They called out their friends on the spot to form an adventure team and set off directly.

There is no worries about the future, the momentum of all the human alliance powerhouses burst out, I am afraid it will scare the aliens.

A strong person who is not afraid of death is a terrible will.

As long as the contribution points are enough, what happens if it falls.

Don't fight now, when will you have to wait!

There are only two sources of contribution points. One is to make contributions to the human alliance and get the necessary contribution points, and the other is to exchange for training materials and treasures. All shops under the strong human alliance will get 30% off the original value of the treasure. Acquisition and exchange for contribution points.

Or the original price of the treasure is 90% mixed, depending on the seller's will.

The third is the record. Killing foreign powerhouses of the same level and above will get record contribution points. The foreign powerhouse killed must be the foreign powerhouse of the powerful group to be considered record contribution.

The average level of alien powerhouses is not converted into a record if killed.

Why do you have to kill the strong aliens of the powerful race to be considered a record? That is the strategy customized by the human race.

What's the point of killing the strong of the ordinary race? Can it consume the resources of the alien race?

For a powerful ethnic group, if the strong within the ethnic group dies, the Lord of the universe needs to reverse time and space, and it consumes the divine body of the Lord of the universe, thereby reducing the strength of the foreign strong.

To hold back the development of alien races.

Among the above three points, the first and second points are also the strategies that the human race has always pursued in the past. In the past, only record contributions were calculated, and there were no points rewards.

The contribution of the strong in the past cannot be exchanged for wealth. It is just a unit of measurement, which can be used with elevated authority.

Only if the Venerable Universe is above, contributions can be converted into wealth.

The new policy proposed for the second point is also the contribution policy pursued by the Time and Space Palace, and Chaos City Lord used it easily.

The more than eight million immortal powerhouses who had just returned from the resurrection were scratching their heads in a hurry.

At the moment, they are poor and white, and there is not much wealth in their accounts. If they have wealth, they don't even have to be able to apply for the wealth needed for resurrection.

Moreover, this resurrection was not free, so the wealth value required for the resurrection was not exceeded, and the account was almost completely emptied.

He hates pennies, so I can only ask people everywhere. Many of the powerful men are billion-year-old monsters. There are still a lot of powerful people you know, and you can still do it by borrowing some wealth to save the emergency.

Other strong human beings are also willing to borrow and help.

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