Plane Universe

Chapter 2494: Venerable Zhenyan was frightened

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Naturally relaxed.

The goal has been achieved. What is unsatisfactory and uncomfortable when seeking resources for Teacher Zhenyan?

He also had a good relationship with Brother Yun, so he dared to say that.

If he had changed Teacher Chaos, he would not dare to go.

Can only secretly helpless.

"In short, I thanked Brother Yun, it made me feel a lot more comfortable." Luo Feng secretly felt that Brother Yun's status had undergone tremendous changes, but his treatment of himself remained the same.

It's still the same as before, as long as I have a request, I will try my best to agree.

This deep friendship made him a little embarrassed.

However, guilt comes and goes fast, just remember the friendship in his heart, he just feels happy now, and quickly pours the wine and said, "Come on, Brother Yun, I respect you, haha!"

Cheng Buyun smiled happily and also picked up the wine glass.

After a few glasses of wine, Luo Feng said too much, "Brother Yun, thank you for taking back the ownership of the earth for our earth line. I thank you for the blind parents."

I’m just talking about this now, isn’t it a bit late?

But Cheng Buyun didn't say much, he nodded and smiled, and said, "I am also a human being on the earth. Taking back ownership of the earth is a matter of course. Why do you say this."

After chatting, Luo Feng talked about his previous adventures in the mysterious realm of ancestors.

He was chased by King Barking Mirror, panicking, and being swept away by a space vortex in a void, he encountered a heart of the original treasure space in a mysterious place.

But that original treasure has not been fully formed. Through some tactics, which space heart merged with the demon killer clan clone, it was slowly said that it got a super trick.

Cheng Buyun naturally knew that this was an encounter with Luo Feng. He consumed all the energy essence in the heart of space, made the clone of the demon killer clan, and increased the talent of space.

He patted Luo Feng on the shoulder and said: "Awesome, very lucky, even this kind of original treasure can be encountered. The most rare thing is that it is enough to get it. In the end, he even played with the foreign powerhouse, the cow!"

Luo Feng laughed.

"However, don't explain this to the teacher, otherwise he will be so angry that he will hit people. The original source is a very important treasure material." Cheng Buyun laughed.

When Luo Feng heard it, he looked around carefully.

As if afraid of the sudden appearance of Teacher Chaos.

How can he know that the original treasure is a very important material, but in that situation, what can he do, if he doesn't grab it, it won't be obtained by the alien.

Besides, using an original treasure that is of no use to oneself can enhance one's cultivation talent and let one more powerful super secret technique. No matter how you look at it, this transaction is profitable.

The teacher came, and he thought so too.

After chatting for a while, Luo Feng stood up and said, "I'm leaving. It's time to go back and tell Teacher Zhenyan to make him happy and tell him that Brother Yun has not forgotten him."

"Well, go, work hard and strive for breakthroughs. The world master is still too weak for you."

"The level of life is high, and rank is very important."

Cheng Buyun reminded: "Besides, don't forget that the Milky Way is your territory. I am just guarding it for you now. The future depends on you. If you don't have any strength, you can't protect the safety of the earth."

"I will work hard."

Luo Feng nodded heavily.

Xu Xin had told him about the recent events on Earth, and all the alien races had been driven away, and the results undoubtedly made him very happy.

The earth is always the hometown of the people of the earth, if someone takes it away for a while, it can be snatched back.


With the brilliance flickering from the Kingdom of God, Luo Feng once again rushed away from the original secret realm. He didn't even see his wife and was not afraid of kneeling on the washboard.

All his goals were achieved this time, and of course his character would immediately tell Venerable Zhenyan the good news.

Returning to the palace on Zijing Island, Luo Feng couldn't wait to fly towards Venerable Zhenyan. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the palace, he shouted: "Haha, teacher, I'm here, teacher let me in quickly."

Venerable Zhenyan in the palace heard Luo Feng yelling happily outside, and his body was shocked and he grinned and shouted, "Come in."

Looking at Luo Feng with a glorious expression on his face, Venerable Zhen Yan also smiled and said, "I haven't seen him for a long time. What good things have happened again that makes you so happy."

"Haha, teacher, great thing!"

Luo Feng landed on the stone table in the courtyard. He sat down and said with a mysterious and happy expression: "Guess where I came back just now?"

"I can't guess this. Tell me, what is the good thing? Tell me to make me happy for you." Venerable Zhenyan also grinned happily. There are only a few people Luo Feng knows. It shows that something great happens, how can it be impossible to guess.

One is where the Lord of Chaos is back, the other is where the Lord of Time and Space is back, and the third is where Alice is back.

Luo Feng said happily, "I came back from where Brother Yun is."

"Where is the Lord of Time and Space?" Although Venerable Zhenyan had already guessed it, he was still surprised at the moment.

"Yes, where did you come back from Brother Yun."

Luo Feng solemnly nodded his head and looked at Teacher Zhenyan and said seriously: "I saw the teacher's heart is distressed and unhappy, and the disciple's heart is also uncomfortable, but the disciple doesn't have the ability to help the teacher, and it is quite painful."

"So you are going to see the Lord of Time and Space." Venerable Zhen Yan only felt that he was full of emotions. He really didn't mean that, but he didn't say anything happily.

"Well, in order to obtain a treasure for the teacher, the disciple found Brother Yun and spoke directly." Luo Feng nodded and said.

My goodness, Venerable Zhenyan almost couldn't catch it in one breath, and he fainted to the ground.

Seeing that the teacher looked wrong, Luo Feng repeatedly shouted: "Teacher, are you okay?"

Venerable Zhenyan came back to his senses, suppressed the worry in his heart, gritted his teeth and asked, "Then...what happened later? The Lord of Time and Space was not angry, right?"

He was really worried about the status and status of the Lord of the Universe, and he really couldn't do some things.

"Brother Yun agreed." Luo Feng said happily.

Did you agree?

Venerable Zhenyan looked dazed, and his breathing became short.

"But." Luo Feng looked at the teacher's excited look, but deliberately made a turn, and made Venerable Zhenyan question him again and again, making his heart very uneasy.

"Teacher, teacher, don't worry."

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Brother Yun didn't give the Supreme Treasure on the spot, but just gave the Supreme Point."

"Treasure Point?" Venerable Zhenyan was even more surprised. The Treasure Point is thousands of times worth the Treasure Point. Generally, the level of the Venerable is not commonly used, and most of it focuses on the Treasure Point.

"Yes, Brother Yun said in the end, I will give you a hundred treasure points." Luo Feng finally said the result.

One hundred treasures?

Suddenly, Venerable Zhenyan was confused.

The whole person was dizzy on the spot, as if the expression of wandering nine days away was so funny.

It was as if he had been greatly frightened again, the whole person was stupid and stunned, his eyes were blank, and he didn't even react when the wine glass in his hand fell.

PS: I'm sorry, everyone, I forgot to publish the chapter.

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