Plane Universe

Chapter 2564: The submerged iceberg is a sacred treasure


Beyond the realm of the **** king and the strong, the legendary character "Yuan"!

That gap is a bit too far.

Cheng Buyun was a little helpless, now he is still working hard for the realm of Venerable Universe.

"Don't be too discouraged, I will be there sooner or later." Shikong Shen shouted, "As long as you have the financial resources to afford it, and reach your true God level, I can help you use the gas of lies to strengthen yourself. I'm afraid you don't Wealth is affordable. Yanhuang gas is really expensive. It costs about 10,000 units of energy."

"A trace of the 10,000 source unit of Yanhuang Gas?"

Cheng Buyun sprayed it on the spot, and he didn't need to know how much this one was equal to. The value alone was enough to shock him, and he could barely speak.

Yan Huang Qi, as time and space said, is extremely expensive.

Ten thousand original units, what is that concept?

The universe in his entire body is now no more than a hundred source units, or the kind that can't be used. If you want to get 10,000 source units of energy, when do you have to grab it?

I am afraid that if you want to have the energy of 10,000 original units, it is estimated that you will not be able to reach the realm of the king!

Cheng Buyun exhaled fiercely, helplessly.

However, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he said excitedly: "Why do you want to change it? Isn't this cosmic secret realm in front of you alive? Can't you catch a bit?"

"It can be captured, but the Yanhuang gas is not loaded with utensils, and ordinary materials can't hold that level of energy. If it leaks, it will be a disaster for you."

Time and Space sneered, "Do you want me to capture it?"

Cheng Buyun had nothing to say, frowning and said, "Could it be that you can't contain this scorching gas with your own abilities?"

Time and space were silent, and it took a long time to sigh, and said: "I remember telling you a long time ago that the jade pendant in your hand is just the body I temporarily resided in, not the original body I actually own, don't you remember it!"

When Cheng Buyun was silent for a while, he looked up and apologized and said, "Time and space, I'm sorry!"

"It's ok."

Time and space are as calm as ever, and no one can see the appearance of rising.

It's just that Cheng Buyun is sad and scolds himself secretly for forgetting such an important thing. It really shouldn't.

He secretly swore that as long as there is a chance in the future, he must regain his body for time and space!

But Cheng Buyun never thought about it.

Time and Space has lost even the original body, and he still has such a strong ability. I really don't know how strong his level is.

Really as he said when he met Cheng Buyun?

Lord Yunlaishan, what level of strength is it, even time and space can't protect his personal safety, and he is forced to even need his body, so he directly shuttles with his wisdom to find opportunities for revenge?

Like a layer of fog, it is difficult to see clearly!

Who knows!

It is estimated that it will take a long time to solve the mystery. After all, Cheng Buyun's current level of strength is really a bit low, and it is not accessible at all.


Through the information of time and space, Cheng Buyun understood that the yellow smoke that appeared just now turned out to be the scent of flames and yellows, and also explained his previous doubts why none of the contaminated stars had been lost.

Although Yan Huang Qi is also a kind of energy, it has only one functional effect, which is to enhance the life level and create Yan Huang body.

The Yanhuang Body, the most peak physique that can be said to be almost the highest, is only a lot worse than the Hongmeng Body.

With the body of Yanhuang, invincibility below the control level is not too much.

What level is that?

Cheng Buyun really yearned for it. Suddenly, he remembered something, as if...want to get the aura of Yanhuang, it is not as difficult as he imagined!

Because at this moment he remembered that in the near future, Lin Lei would break through the limitations of the Harmony Space and become the first-level controller of the Harmony Space.

Based on the friendship between yourself and him, shouldn't it be too much to ask for some grandeur?

Hongmeng’s air is a very precious treasure for those below the level of the master, but what is it for the master?

After thinking of this, Cheng Buyun smiled like a child, looking forward to it, Panlong Universe’s supreme **** mission, hurry up!

Only when the Supreme God mission broke out, Lin Lei would have the opportunity to transform into a master.

As for why he didn't lead the emergence of the Supreme God's mission by himself, that was because he didn't want to interfere too much, because all actions were recorded in the Hongmeng universe.

Only letting the flow take its course, after the Supreme God's mission broke out, could he help Lin Lei with his own actions, which was the safest, most practical, and most in line with his own interests.

It's not that I can't wait.

The extremely bright future is worth looking forward to!

Pack up your happy mood and focus on the present.

Cheng Buyun does not fight because of the huge wealth that he may have in the future. It is good to sit back and enjoy the results, but sometimes the process is also very important.

Everything is taken from the hands of others, it is good, but the result will undoubtedly greatly affect his strength.

The strong are to be killed step by step, not where they sit and practice, thus becoming a strong!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As he progressed towards his destination, Cheng Buyun felt a coldness enveloped his body.

It can make him feel the cold, which means that there is a very strong thing nearby, releasing its own energy, covering the nearby area.

The sinking iceberg is not far away!

Sure enough, after a while, Cheng Buyun saw a huge white celestial body appearing in front of him. According to the distance, this huge white celestial body was about 10,000 light-years in diameter at the bottom. It was strangely shaped, like a huge mountain rising and suspended. In the void, bursts of white mist surrounded, many nearby stars were frozen.

A large number of stars reflected bursts of light because of the icing, making the void appear a strange sight.

Extremely gorgeous!

Slowly approaching the past, Cheng Buyun felt a icy breath appearing all over his body, eroding his divine body and slowly consuming his divine power.


Cheng Buyun smiled brightly, "Shen Shui Bingshan is indeed well-deserved, and even I can't resist the mighty power it radiates. It's no wonder that even the existence of Saint-level is unwilling to venture here."

In terms of the general strength of the Lord of the universe and the level of treasures he possesses, the defense is not much higher than Cheng Buyun.

Even the latter was damaged by this ice power, and of course the general master of the universe couldn't resist the erosion.

"Sure enough, I feel nothing wrong, this is an innate treasure!"

Suddenly, Time and Space spoke, making Cheng Buyun directly confused and shocked!

What to say?

Innate treasure?

where is it?

With hindsight, Your Excellency Cheng Buyun looked at the sinking iceberg just a few feet away, his eyes widened, and he asked in unbelievable exclamation: "No, time and space, the sunken iceberg is a sacred treasure. ?"

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