Plane Universe

Chapter 2595: Secrets in the submerged iceberg

Although Mei Lan Divine Emperor has not experienced men and women, but the time life span of existence is also very long. Regarding this matter of love, not to mention countless people, but also very understanding.

Cheng Buyun is outstanding in every aspect, but when it comes to liking it, that is impossible.

Once contacted, it was said to be fancy, for her, it was a very inappropriate contempt.

It was the mother who said this, so she couldn't get irritated. If she said this to another person, she might turn her face immediately.

"But Meier."

Holy Lord Fire Phoenix put away the lazy color, restored the serious expression that the strong should have, and said: "Cheng Buyun, this kid, is actually very good and has a great future. If you pursue him, I am in favor of him. Worthy of your noble status."

Here again, the Meilan God Emperor couldn't laugh or cry, and said sternly: "Mother, Cheng Buyun and I are just friends. I like his steady character and manners. When it comes to love, it is not enough."

"Love, it's all based on mutual understanding. For cultivators of my generation, age is not a problem, let alone tens of billions of years older, even if it is a hundred billion years old?" Holy Phoenix said with a light smile: " To us, life span is only a unit of time, a span of years, and it cannot be allowed to become an obstacle to communication between the two parties. This is inappropriate to recognize!"

The Meilan Divine Emperor was speechless. Why didn't she understand what the mother meant. She was reminding herself that she should find a partner.

The fire and phoenix clan has few main veins. There are only a few people in the human form, and the number is very rare. Especially the female clan, each of them is extremely important.

Because of the female Huofeng tribe, the first offspring conceived are the most noble, and can inherit more than half of the blood from the mother.

Just like her, she continued half of the noble bloodline of her mother, Fire Phoenix Holy Master, and her life was about 3,000 times, close to 4,000 times, which was considered high in the entire family of mythical beasts.

And her offspring will not be too bad either, at least they have a life level close to two thousand times, and then the fourth generation, about one thousand times.

After that, it hardly became popular.

In fact, the blood is diluted.

It is an unavoidable result.

But the male tribesmen of the Huofeng group can't do this at all. The offspring born from their wives are about one-tenth of their own blood, and the speed of dilution is faster.

It will not work after almost two generations.

The identity of the Mythical Beast Clan could not be kept at all, it could only be regarded as the partial bloodline of the Fire Phoenix Clan.

If the Huofeng tribe wants to stay strong, it needs the hard work of the Phoenix Divine Beast, because the descendants of the Phoenix Divine Beast are the first generation of the Fire Phoenix tribe at the same level as the Fire Phoenix Holy Master.

Of course, human females are required to give birth to offspring. If they are not feathered females, then the offspring are the Qingluan tribe.

This point needs to be distinguished, the Qingluan tribe is a divine beast, and the Huofeng tribe is a human divine beast family, two concepts.


Seeing her daughter's unlovable look, Holy Master Fire Phoenix knew that he couldn't push too hard, and even said: "Okay, okay, I won't force you to do it!"

"I don't know how I brought up your daughter, but I don't like men. Could it be that I like women?" Holy Fire Phoenix said in amazement.

The more he talked, the more outrageous, the Meilan God Emperor immediately stood up.

"Well, let's talk about business."

Holy Lord Fire Phoenix hurriedly stopped, and after hesitating for a moment, he revealed, "According to the guesses and conclusions of Holy Emperor Xuanyuan and other Holy Emperor powerhouses, Cheng Buyun estimates that people are still in the ice lake, and they are likely to have great opportunities. ."

"Opportunity? Sinking iceberg?" The Meilan God Emperor was stunned, and said with a look of surprise, don't lie to me: "That ruined place is so barren that even any strong person will dislike it. Chance? And it's a great opportunity. Is that kidding?"

She didn't say that her mind got into the water. After all, it was a guess and judgment made by many holy emperors. If you didn't agree with it, you couldn't deny it. That was disrespect.

I can't talk nonsense in private.

"Well, yes, chance, great chance, if the guess is correct," the holy master of fire and phoenix nodded his head and said with envious expression: "I think about this kind of chance, but unfortunately there is no such chance."

"I think you are comforting me!" Blueberry God Emperor pouted.

The more you talk, the more outrageous, how many talents does her mother have?

The absolute pinnacle of Saint-level powerhouses is not much worse than grandpa's tyrannical strength.

As far as strength is concerned, in the entire heavenly court, only the eight great emperors can stabilize the mother. The other great emperors are tied at most, and more great emperors are more than their mothers in strength.

Moreover, in terms of the number of treasures, it is also one-of-a-kind, and it is not much worse than the Saint Emperor.

Do you think it's normal for such an existence to envy the chance encounter of a little **** emperor?

Unless this chance is so big that even the strong Saint Emperor covets it.

"You don't believe it?" Holy Fire Phoenix smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "Your level is still too low, so some secrets are understandable. The sinking iceberg is very difficult. Even the holy emperor must have it inside. Fight."

"I ask you, have you ever thought about the terrifying environment within the submerged iceberg?" The Holy Phoenix Lord asked with an extremely serious expression: "It can be said that there is no place in the entire Hengshi Secret Realm that is as sinister as it."

"It looks ordinary and barren, but the danger is extremely high. Take an ordinary **** emperor as an example, in the sinking water iceberg, it can cause huge losses to the limit **** emperor."

"Although it is unavoidable, the ordinary **** emperor will fall, but the limit **** emperor may not be any better."

"You should imagine that in normal times, it is impossible for an ordinary **** emperor to cause damage to the limit **** emperor, even if it is impossible at all, the **** emperor faces the limit **** emperor, and the latter can almost slap him to death."

"It can be done in the sinking iceberg."

From the mother's words, the Charm Blue God Emperor can naturally understand that a space blockade by the ordinary God Emperor, as long as the distance is far enough and not within the mysterious attack range of the Extreme God Emperor powerhouse, can naturally delay the time and cause huge losses to the latter.

If it can escape in the end, then the ultimate divine emperor will lose more than the divine emperor.

The cohesion of the divine body of the two sides is different, and it takes more wealth to recover.

For example, the saint master and the **** emperor, the former loses a little divine body is a huge amount of wealth, recovering ten thousand times stronger than the **** emperor.

It is also like she is in the highest heaven, and her position is comparable to that of a Taoist power.

"So, what secret is the Shenshui Bingberg hidden?" The Meilan Divine Emperor was completely shocked and almost blurted out and asked.

And the Holy Lord Fire Phoenix didn’t think much about it. Now that it’s been revealed, it’s not a secret. He even said with a smile: "The secret is that there is an extremely powerful innate sacred treasure hidden in the sinking iceberg. , The entire sinking iceberg is the holy treasure itself."

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