Plane Universe

Chapter 2694: self-reflection

It wasn't a battle on the same level, just the first contact, Cheng Buyun was beaten by the fiery lord and couldn't take care of himself.

In other words, Cheng Buyun didn't expect that the fiery Lord would use his hands and feet at the same time, and he would suffer a big loss by accident.

The result was that his combat experience was still too little.

Of course, it is also because the strong human race does not understand the fiery Lord.

The strong on both sides have never encountered each other before, and naturally not much knows about their temperaments and the details of the battle.

Generally, the powerhouses of both sides who have never encountered it are only based on their life strength and hearsay, judging by some deeds, the strength of the other party is in that position.

The Fiery Lord looked down at the step cloud crawling on the ground, but did not chase further. Instead, he said with a cold tone and disdain: "How, did you see my guidance?"

Cheng Buyun stood up rolling, staring at the fiery lord with extremely solemn eyes, and received a slight blow in his heart. He did not expect that he would be restrained by one move.

As if a lot of mistakes and omissions, I suffered a great loss.

"The power gap between you and me is too big to be counted. For your provocation against me, it is reasonable to punish me."

The Fiery Lord said with a serious and indifferent expression, "But my clan and you humans have no enmity in the past, and today there is no resentment. You are a junior again, so I won't be embarrassed by you anymore, go!

Cheng Buyun wanted to compete, but the other party's attitude made him helpless, so he nodded and said, "Thank you, the fiery lord, and see you in the future, please give me some advice!"

Quite simply, Cheng Buyun turned and left.

The Fiery Lord also did not embarrass Buyun at all as he said, but quietly watched him leave.

In fact, he was secretly shocked in his heart.

The strength of the human kid is very strong!

There was not much trauma from being hit by himself.

At the same time, it was the secret method of the strongest level in the universe, and his power was absolutely at the top level. He felt that the latter was not easy to provoke, so he was so generous.

He doesn't want to cause this huge trouble!

Being able to be peaceful, naturally try not to provoke.


The strong in the First Universe Era, not any strong would kill wildly. Many of those strong wanted to enhance their own strength as much as possible in the last limited time, perhaps there is hope in case.

Crazy killing can't solve the problem!

On the contrary, it will arouse a lot of disgust from foreign races, and the gain is not worth the loss.

In the First Universe Era, the Fire Wings could only be regarded as a small and small power group. Without the strongest in the universe, they could only survive under the shelter of a lone traveler.

Naturally, the human race cannot be offended.

After all, the human race has the strongest in the universe, and the strength of the race is not weak. The two Lords of Chaos City and Peng Gong, which one is easy to provoke?

"The potential of human beings is really tough and terrifying. Even without the protection of the strong man, the strength of the ethnic group is not weak!" The fiery lord looked at the disappeared figure of Cheng Buyun and shook his head with emotion. Left here.


Walking among the mountains, Cheng Buyun's expression on his face was tense, and he recalled the brief battle in his mind, but he couldn't settle down for a while.

Thinking silently.

The battle just now was too self-confident, so I looked down on people, thinking that based on his own heritage, any strong person could ignore it.

A little bit of accomplishment, complacency, arrogance and self-confidence, should be alert.

That's a good thing!


The flame erupted, and Cheng Buyun moved away, ignoring it.

I'm still thinking about my own mistakes, reflecting on it!

If I had been more cautious during the war just now, I would definitely not end in such a tragedy. The price of underestimating people is very heavy.

Although such a price can be paid by myself, it is completely unnecessary.

The so-called caution in words and deeds, mistakes and bad habits are accumulated little by little and cannot be corrected in time. The future will definitely have an unparalleled influence, and will even bury one's own future.

After thinking about it, Cheng Buyun understood that self-confidence is one thing, but one cannot be arrogant.


Being able to reflect on one's own mistakes and correct some behaviors in time is naturally a very good habit.

Cheng Buyun has today's achievements, not because of luck, but something.

The powerful mental state cultivation gave him the most clear understanding of himself. Because of the little complacent achievements he had made before, he was well corrected this time.

Cheng Buyun, who smiled again, walked the mountain road confidently, bursting out with a strong fighting spirit, burning his soul, and filling the surrounding with huge will oppressive power.

Even the invisible wind was affected by this force of will, and the flow slowed down.

Suffering is sometimes not a bad thing, it may be an intangible huge gain.

Experience! Experience!

This is the reason!

Growing through experience is something that cannot be learned behind closed doors, that teachers cannot teach, and that wealth cannot buy.

After this time, Cheng Buyun added a bit of growth, making his will more tenacious, and a loss also made him understand a little bit of truth and gained a lot.

The benefits are greater than getting a few top treasures.


Wandering among the mountains, the environment and reference objects that Chengbuyun will see are all recorded in detail, made into a map, and marked on the map.

Of course, this newly created map only has a general outline, and the route reference objects are clear. However, the inside of the marked caves has not been explored, but only marked out. There is such a place here. The cave is there.

The environment inside the cave, the degree of danger, etc., are not at all.

Although the scope of the inner area of ​​Qingfeng is not very large, it is not as huge as the outer waters, but it is tens of millions of light years in diameter, and the environment is extremely dangerous.

Don't dare to teleport at any time, so exploring the inner domain is more troublesome than in the outer domain.

Because most of the time, I can only rely on the feet of the strong here, even if it is flying in the air, it is slow and not fast.

I'm afraid that I can't react too quickly when flying, and I will encounter danger.

The flame born out of thin air, that power is no joke.

It is not a joke at all here in the inner domain that many strong people have encountered it before.

Suddenly... the walking Chengbuyun's soul consciousness moved slightly, and he noticed that a reference object was a bit wrong on the side of the mountain range. At a distance of more than 300,000 kilometers from him, there was a giant rock that faintly transmitted life fluctuations. Breath.

This vitality fluctuating breath is very weak, and if it is too weak, it is likely to be ignored.

But Cheng Buyun everyone has a very strong mood and will, especially in terms of psychic illusion achievements. It is very difficult to deceive his spiritual sense on the level of consciousness.

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