Plane Universe

Chapter 2746: Supreme Palace

"Hahaha, poor ghosts, don't need to bow down and bow down, let the lord Xiaohong leave!" Xiaohonghou's clear voice was transmitted across the void, directly making the expressions of some foreign powers full of surprise.

Empress Xiaohong?

No way!

Isn't she the mechanical life that the lord of human time and space carries around?

Why are you here, and still in that pinnacle palace above the void?


My god, the lord of time and space has the highest treasure palace?

The faces of a group of aliens were filled with unbelievable expressions, shocked, greedy, envy, and other expressions, making Xiao Hong Empress laugh more presumptuously.

"You, help me pull hatred." Cheng Buyun also shook his head, but he didn't blame Xiaohong Empress for his presumptuous behavior.

What if the aliens know that they have the highest treasure palace?

I can still grab it and go!

With his current level of strength, even facing the strongest in the universe at the general level, he can't fight it, but there is not much problem to escape.

If you have more cards, you don't care.

Back in the same way, the Palace of Heart Fantasy broke away from the hinterland area in a few months and returned to the periphery of the inner region. Once here, it was much easier to open the Qingfeng realm.

Flying from the void, within a few days, he separated from the inner periphery of Qingshan Realm and reached the waters.

Qingfeng Realm itself is a big mountain. As long as you don't go deep into the mountain's belly, it is extremely easy to leave outside, you only need to fly out of the void.

A peak of the treasure palace, the movement caused by it is still not small, the main thing I saw is a lot of foreign powers, among which a few talked with other powers, and they will spread immediately after they are revealed.

Passing one by one is natural and fast.

With the discussion, individual human experts naturally heard it, and felt very shocked.

The Supreme Treasure Flying Palace is not an ordinary thing, but a treasure that can protect your life, a treasure that even the strongest in the universe can do nothing, who is not shocked and excited.


The Chaos City Lord and several top human powers had just arrived near the Ten Thousand Airspace at this time, and they were rushing to a natural wormhole, preparing to go back to the group together in Zhensha River, forming Buyun.

But I didn't want to. At this moment, I was shocked when I heard the news from the master of Qingdong and other strong people.

The top-level flying palace treasure, just this one, and the treasures they carried alone were not as precious as this treasure.

Although the Flying Palace Treasure is not the most expensive treasure, its price is slightly lower than that of the Domain Treasure, which is about four and a half pieces of the Treasure Value.

Approximately the value of three pieces of treasure armor.

Of course, this calculation is based on the most common flying palace treasure.

If this flying palace is of the top grade, or the top grade, it is of higher value, even greater than the value of a supreme treasure weapon.

"My God, where did this kid get this kind of treasure? It's already outrageous enough. Now that there is another treasure like this, who can take him? It's enviable, this kind of luck is worthy of it. He is the child of luck, the chosen one of heaven." The Lord of Longxing was all frightened, and there was some upside-down when he spoke, giving people a sense of speechlessness.

Ordinary people don't understand at all, what is he talking about, and what is the meaning of the last two sentences?

However, the few people present were all powerful human beings who had a great understanding of Cheng Buyun, and naturally knew what the Lord of Longxing meant.

"The flying palace at the peak level, no matter how powerful it is, with its incomparable material defense, the strongest in the universe is helpless, powerful!" Lord Peng Gong laughed and praised, feeling the luck of Cheng Bu Yun, a little envious in his heart.

He also spent endless years in the universe and got the best harvest, but he was nothing but a top-level domain.

The Supreme Treasure armor he was carrying was still acquired by the founder of the Great Axe, because he wanted to roam in the inner realm of Qingfeng Realm, so he took advantage of it and changed it from the race to his hand.

Lord Peng Gong didn't have a clone, he was roaming in the middle of the mountain, which was very dangerous and needed some shelter.

"Sure enough, as long as he goes out, he will definitely gain something. He is already mentally prepared, but he didn't expect to make such a surprise." The Lord of Xujin was also full of sorrow, with an expression that could not compare to that perverted thing.

Just one word!

If you refuse to accept it, it's not better than that!

Seeing everyone sighed and shocked, only City Lord Chaos smiled to himself, but didn't say much, stealing pleasure from himself.

The old man is really bad.

I don't want to tell everyone that the so-called peak treasure palace is actually the treasure harvested from the last time Step Yun opened the secret store. It is not the harvest of these thousands of years.

At the same time, he was also thinking, after thousands of years have passed, what precious gains have been made by Step Yun going to the inner and outer periphery, really make people look forward to it!

The Lord of Longxing suddenly said weirdly: "At this moment, this news spread suddenly, but it was spread by some alien races. I don't know if it is true or not."

"It should be true, otherwise, ordinary foreigners don't talk nonsense." Peng Gongzhi shook his head and laughed excitedly: "Only, I also believe in the chance of becoming a cloud. The peak treasure is very precious to us. It is also extremely difficult to encounter, but he...I have a lot of confidence."

"It must be true." The Frozen Lord asserted, his tone and expression called determination.


Everyone laughed happily, agreeing with excitement.

"I want to know if it's true, I'll know if I meet after a while." City Lord Chaos suppressed his smile, pretending to be serious.

Believe you a ghost, the old man is very bad!

Knowing the facts but not telling them, it made everyone speculate indiscriminately and dubiously.

Soon, the five people of Chaos City Lord and his party passed the natural wormhole, and after a while they arrived at Zhensha Sea.


As soon as the natural wormhole emerged, the Lord of Longxing looked around, but did not see the slightest figure. He immediately said: "Strange, the Lord of Time and Space is later than us, and he hasn't arrived yet."


The Lord of Chaos City looked at a void and laughed: "Look, there is a very powerful power over there, and the basic power level induction is not emitted by ordinary treasures. At the same time... judged according to the aura of divine power ..."

"It's the boy of the Lord of Time and Space." The Lord of Longxing said quickly.

Sure enough... Soon, a streamer appeared from the horizon and flew towards where they were.

"Sure enough, it is him. Such a breath of divine power is very special. It is different from the general Lord of the universe. It is so easy to identify." The Lord of Xujin also laughed.

The two Lords of Peng Gong and the Lord of Frozen also had smiles on their faces. Cheng Buyun's divine aura was rather special, between the Lord of the Universe and the strongest in the Universe.

Very characteristic.

And such characteristics, they also know what caused it.

The phantom of the streamer became clearer and clearer, and it was even possible to see the flickering of the secret patterns on the phantom of the streamer. The subtleness of the secret patterns was very charming and gorgeous.

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