Plane Universe

Chapter 2779: Gratuitous contribution

A treasure with a high degree of fit, the power that it can exert will naturally increase a bit, which has been the case since ancient times.

This is true whether it is a low-level cultivator or the strongest in the universe.

Cheng Buyun naturally understands this. After feeling Xiaohong's reluctant mood and willingness, he immediately smiled and said, "Well, let me let Time and Space create another magical fantasy, but you have to cover it up. "

After Xiaohong nodded quickly, saying that he would not mess up the matter, and he must take a good look at it, to satisfy the older brother.

It takes a while to create a magical illusion, but Cheng Buyun didn't explain it immediately.

The savage giant has also reached a final stage, and directly said domineeringly: "The distribution plan is arranged in this way and cannot be changed, and there is no need to raise any opinions."

Everyone heard the savage giant's resolute tone, only to listen.

Even the Chaos City Lord could not put forward his own opinions at this time to refute the final decision of the savage giant.

"Well, now... let's talk about the value of magical illusions."

The savage giant took a serious look at all the powerhouses, his expression was full of deep meaning and said lightly: "The distribution plan is a distribution plan, not a free gift. If you want to get it, you have to pay."

"No matter what, the magical illusion is the ultimate treasure that time and space spent great effort to refine, although most of the resources are taken from the race, but... it is him who contributes and spends time."

"So... the pricing of Shenhuan depends on his opinion."

The savage giant looked over. Everyone looked at the same thing. They all looked over, wondering what Cheng Buyun thought about.

Cheng Buyun could only smile when he heard Senior Giant Axe putting himself on stage, thinking for a moment, but shook his head secretly. This matter is not easy to handle, and the value is set high.

I'm afraid that even his teacher, Chaos City Lord, can't buy it when his family is bankrupt. Isn't that... a cheating.

But... if it is set low, it will damage the interests of the ethnic group.

As a result, it is very difficult to deal with.

The impact is not only the present, but will continue to be the case in the future. Could it be that...the magical fantasy can only be placed on the shelf of the ethnic treasure house for everyone to appreciate?


As if seeing Cheng Buyun's embarrassment, the savage giant laughed, and immediately said: "Don't be embarrassed, you just need to give your opinion as you wish."

City Lord Chaos also smiled and said: "There is no need to have many concerns."

The expressions of the powerhouses of the ethnic group are undoubtedly very nervous, even if they are temporarily not eligible to be assigned the right to use the magical fantasy, it does not mean that they will not be eligible in the future.

Once...the price is too high, a set of one hundred and eighty thousand treasure points, the price is too high to imagine, who can afford it!


After thinking about it, Cheng Buyun slowly said his proposal and said: "Or, set a treasure of 20,000?"

Twenty thousand treasures?

In terms of the magical power effect, this price is too low to imagine, and everyone did not expect Chengbuyun would say such a price.

Almost immediately fell into a dullness.

"The price is a bit low. Such a price is not only harming your interests, but also harming the interests of the ethnic group."

The savage giant shook his head, looked at Cheng Buyun and said with a serious face: "How do you consider such a price?"

"Senior Great Axe."

Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "I also thought about such a price."

"For a long time, my human race has not been considered rich, so the seniors who are sitting here have not received too much gift from the race. This is how I think about it."

Cheng Buyun said with a smile on his face: "The value is set high. No matter how the plan is exchanged, the limit is the strength of my ethnic group. The road to practice requires a lot of wealth. If you exchange it for magic Most of the gains are used up, but what affects... is the improvement of strength."

"So...for the future of the race, it is very necessary to customize a suitable price on the fantasy."

"Furthermore, the ethnic group has to use the plan of replacing it first, so that some strong ethnic group can easily exchange for the magical illusion. After all... only the strong can reap more wealth in the turmoil."

"If I can, I am willing to reduce the magical illusion to ten thousand treasure points!"

Ten thousand treasures?

All the strong men who were sitting were shocked, their eyes widened in an instant, shocking incomparably.

This is probably not much different from the cost of refining!

Indeed... the refining of the illusion is very expensive.

What a high value of a material!

"Ten thousand treasure points is a bit too much." The savage giant immediately shook his head and vetoed it.

"Not too much."

Cheng Buyun said: "I have calculated that the ethnic group still has a good profit in terms of 10,000 treasure points."

"You forget yourself!"

The savage giant's eyes flickered, and he had a little guessed what Cheng Buyun would do.

Sure enough... he smiled and said, "I will work for the ethnic group for free!"

"How can this be!"

"Paying but not gaining, that is not in line with the rules of the ethnic group."

"No, time and space, you can't do this."

"Let you pay for nothing, where can I wait!"

The crowd was raging, and everyone expressed their different opinions.

After all, if Cheng Buyun contributes freely to the ethnic group, what will they do in the future?

"Then what to do?"

Cheng Buyun spread his hands and said with a smile: "Does the ethnic group and I share the benefits in half? It's just a number, and I can't really get it!"

All the strong have nothing to say, feeling blushing with shame on their expressions.

The ethnic group still owes Chengbuyun one hundred thousand treasure points, and... this one hundred thousand treasure points is only a temporary compensation plan... because the ethnic group is too poor and temporarily decided to give a small part of compensation.

In the future... When the ethnic group becomes rich, it needs to continue to be added.

After all... the large number of secrets that Cheng Buyun contributed to the ethnic group last time, in terms of preciousness, is not comparable to wealth, even the millions of treasures cannot be compared. he said, only numbers!

When wealth reaches a certain level, it becomes a bunch of numbers because it cannot be used.

Because once it is used, it will have a huge impact, which will have a huge impact on the people present here, on the ethnic group, and on the large number of powerful people below.

It may even cause the collapse of the ethnic group in all aspects.

So... that pile of wealth is just a number!

It can only be placed somewhere for him to enjoy it in his leisure time.

Of course, being so blunt is not for Step Yun to show off his credit, but for the sake of the next thing.

He glanced at the teacher meaningfully and said: "Now, it's not just about the magical set, but...I have refined many treasures this time."

Many treasures?

All the strong people of the ethnic group present, including the savage giants, were shocked in their hearts. They looked at Cheng Buyun with surprise, and looked a little excited.

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