Plane Universe

Chapter 2782: The strength of ethnic power soars

The master of Peng Gong was extremely free and easy to throw the peak of the sword to the treasure mountain, and then took away the dark gold plate dragon stick, the corners of the savage giant's mouth were cramping.

If it wasn't for Peng Gong’s master to be strong enough and his status was important, he would definitely have to punish him and deprive him of the qualifications for the distribution of the magic set.

Haven't got the magic set yet, how dare you be so arrogant?

Not even the pinnacle treasure!

The Lord of Longxing smiled more exaggeratedly, and threw the sword given to him by the previous race on the treasure mountain and directly abandoned it.

In the future, he will not use this broken sword.

He uses his hands and feet as weapons, the most suitable ones are claw weapons, and the magic set is undoubtedly very suitable, and there is no need to find another weapon.

At the same time, the powerhouses of the ethnic group have also noticed that the fifteen treasures of weapons are the treasures specially refined for them by Chengbuyun. They are made according to the characteristics and needs of the strong on the scene, and they are the most suitable for his strength. weapon.

Able to maximize and perfect display of strength.

Of course, with this major premise, no matter how strong the treasure of the top level is, it is also the top level, and it is definitely not better than the treasure of the peak level in terms of power.

In normal times, of course, everyone will not abandon the more powerful peak treasure, and go to the top treasure to defend themselves.

No matter where the pinnacle treasure does not work well, wherever power is placed, not the top treasure can be compared.

But this huge shortcoming has disappeared under the blessings of the magical phantom and the too-balanced.

For example, after the master of Peng Gong has a magical set, his power is already extremely high. There is no shortage of the power of the peak attack to the treasure, so he naturally chooses the attacking treasure that is most suitable for his own power.

Abandon that peak sword.

It is undoubtedly reasonable.

It can be given to other cosmic masters who don't have a magical set.

The most extreme top treasure might not be worse than the peak treasure.

This batch of fifteen treasure artifacts took a lot of effort into Buyun and discussed with Xiaohong Empress and time and space for a long time. In terms of quality and value, how precious the top treasure weapon is close to two thousand treasure points.

A general peak attack treasure is worth only three thousand treasure points.

The pinnacle treasure from a foreign race is undoubtedly the worst grade.

Even, Lord Peng Gong thought about it again, and once again touched the pinnacle armor on his body to recognize the lord, and then once again snatched a top-ranking soul treasure, a top-ranking flying palace.

Then the contented person walked aside and watched as if there was nothing wrong.

With such behavior, the face of the savage giant and the Lord of Chaos City twitched slightly, his face!

Cheng Buyun and Xiaohong chuckled again and again. The ultimate soul treasure, in terms of value, is much higher than the peak treasure weapon, and even surpasses the peak treasure armor. The master of Peng Gong exchanged the peak treasure armor for the ultimate soul treasure. Not counting, but also walked away a top flying palace.

The bargain is too big.

The so-called first action is the strongest, and then how to calculate the value, that is the next thing.

In this way, the actions of the master of Peng Gong, individual ethnic powerhouses also began to imitate, removing all the supreme treasures originally carried on his body from the state of recognizing the master, and then rushing to the supreme treasure that he had long desired.

The Lord of Youhou was not slow in his movements. When the figure flickered, he already had a long sword in his hand, but it was the ultimate peak attack treasure that the Lord of Longxing abandoned.

And another strong ethnic group, who was a step slower than him, could only look at it unwillingly, but instantly took away the war knife that Lord Peng Gong didn't want.

The actions of the two were so fast that the powerhouses of other ethnic groups sighed, but they had no choice but to choose the top treasure.

Fortunately, the fifteen attack artifacts specially refined by Chengbuyun were not inferior to the peak treasure, but their power was much weaker. terms of taking advantage of it, it is better than the sword and the sword.

The Lord of Youhou, the most suitable assault weapon, is actually the spear, of course, the battle sword and the long sword can also be used.

His teacher, Lord of Darkness, is best at sword weapons.

This is because the foreign race did not know this, so I gave the peak long sword treasure, otherwise... Most of them are war swords, some strange weapons, such as whips, short sticks, short spears, short knives, canes, halberds and other unusual treasures. Types of.


After the excitement of the scramble, almost all the powerhouses of the ethnic group took the opportunity to renew their own treasures, both in terms of power, luxury, and value.

Just like the Lord of Youhou, who were just barely considered high-level cosmic masters, the worst of them now are the top treasures, especially the two key treasures, the soul treasure and the domain treasure.

Changed from the previous level, it was only a high-level small best level, now... it is already a top level and more precious level, almost at the level of two thousand treasure points.

Soul and domain treasures are the most expensive types of the treasures.

Equivalent to five times the value of a weapon.

The soul of two thousand treasure points and the treasure of the domain are relatively ordinary among the top treasures. Generally, the top soul treasures and domain treasures of the stronger levels are not a problem at all.

At this moment, any strong ethnic group present has more than five thousand treasure points.

Individual such as Youhou Lord is more than ten thousand.

The peak treasure is three thousand, the domain, the soul, and the palace treasure are two thousand each, plus a pair of battle shoes, just over 10,000, which has not yet calculated the value of the overweight suit.

There are a lot of powerful players willing to buy the power of the ether balance, even if it is 10,000 points.

Even tens of thousands of people are willing to give.

Tai Heng sets enhance the basic strength, it is a kind of treasure that is strong when it is strong.

The sum of many treasures can make Youhou Lord, who just barely considered the power of the higher cosmos Lord level, instantly push it to the fourth level.

The main level of the fourth-order universe is considered a top powerhouse in the universe.

A level that most alien powerhouses dare not provoke.

The high level of the human race, at this moment... the strength has more than doubled.

"Everyone has changed? Then Chaos will put all the treasures away first, and then put them in the ethnic treasure house for Time and Space."

The savage giant saw that everyone was already busy, and even looked at Xiang Chengbuyun and said: "Time and space, this time I really have to thank you for the race and for everyone. Thank you for everything you have done for the race. We will discuss the credit later. arrangement."

Cheng Buyun shook his head and said that he had no opinion. The treasure was taken out, and naturally it was for the ethnic group. There is still a possibility of putting it away. At the same time, he said in a serious tone: "As for the contribution and gift, then forget it. Wealth in terms of lack of resources."

"Then how you do it, you have to be rewarded for merit. This is the rule of the ethnic group." The savage giant said: "I know, you are now very rich and lack everything, but the rules are the rules and cannot be changed. After all, you Now I am just a cosmopolitan, not even the master of the universe. There is no shortage of resources now, but it does not mean that there is no shortage in the future... Another point, the fact that the ethnic group is poorer now does not mean that the future will continue to be as poor as it is now."

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