Plane Universe

Chapter 2854: Tired to coma

Year by year.

Time passed slowly under the eyes of the three witnesses.

Cheng Buyun's extremely miserable scene is a fact that happened under his nose. It is really cruel. To be honest, time and space are a little bit too late.

He even tried to remind him several times, but he was completely suppressed.

If I remind him at this moment, it is not helping Cheng Buyun, but harming him.

It really feels like the years of life, the process of the tower breaker is miserable, and the people watching may not be as good as it is, just as sad.

Time and space even had the idea of ​​a closed mind not to look at it, but... I felt that it was too disrespectful, so I finally held back.

very sad!

He is not an unconscious rule program, but a living life that is different from flesh and blood, and it is no different from humans... or even other intelligent lives.

It's just a different kind.

There are also thoughts, desires, and emotions.

He was not as indifferent as Cheng Buyun said, as if he didn't care about everything.

In fact, he also cares about things, such as Cheng Buyun, is one of them.


His gaze returned to Cheng Buyun, he was already in a daze, and his consciousness was close to the edge of losing consciousness. At this moment, even if someone outside affected him with a shocking sound such as roaring and roaring, it would not have any effect.

It was just because of the obsession and persistence in his heart that he hadn't completely fainted.

At this time, he wouldn't even hum out, lying down like a corpse, without breathing, his body could still tremble gently from time to time, as if the nerves of flesh and blood hadn't died completely.

Even in such a cruel situation, he could continue to persevere without falling into a coma. It can be seen how powerful his willpower is.

In the dark, there are two mysterious existences, Ta Ling and the owner of the ethereal voice, who are also surprised to see, the latter said with emotion: "What a persistent will, it reached its limit half a year ago, but it can still persist to this day. And it is very likely that you can continue to persevere, how rare."

"The power of will, has nothing to do with strength, is the most intuitive thinking in the wisdom of life, it is persistence, desire, self..."

Ta Ling smiled and said: "The most feared thing in cultivation is to give up halfway, and you can't persist. It can be said that willpower is a crucial quality to become a strong person."

"This is just a very superficial external cognition, power of will..." Before the ethereal voice was finished, Taring interjected, "I understand the power of will, you don't need to point it out to me."


Time passed slowly in the chat between the two mysterious beings.

In another three months, Chengbuyun lying on the ground has already become a piece of mud, especially on his head, his hair has all fallen off, his face is withered and there is no blood, and his eyes are as pale as snow. With a mummy.

You can even see the surface of the skin, including the head of the face. All the exposed skin is covered with cracked cracks, like a chain of cracked earthworms wrapped around it, very terrifying.

If ordinary people suddenly watched such a scene, I am afraid that they will be scared to sleep for three days and three nights.

so horrible!

The dense cracks are like cracks in the abyss, as long as you see it, you won't look at it again.

Fortunately, the three people who can see Cheng Buyun's scene are not ordinary people. This little scene is really nothing. I don't know how many scenes tens of thousands of times more terrifying than this.

Suddenly, almost without warning, Cheng Buyun disappeared abruptly.

If it weren't for the puddle of water that had accumulated in the octagonal tower, it would prove that he had existed, just as it had never appeared before, and disappeared so completely.

"Ha, finally touched the protection mechanism, the little guy fainted!" Taling knew what was going on at a glance, and even said: "It's really rare. It's rare for a cultivator to get tired to sleep in a coma. See you."

"Well, it is indeed a bit rare, this persistence, even I am moved."

The ethereal voice admired and said: "Ordinary members, it is difficult to do this step. Most of them give up when they exceed the limit."

Ta Ling said in a hissed tone: "That is too painful. The soul feels torn all the time, like being cut by countless knives. The pain is not something ordinary people can bear."

He presided over the construction of the cultivation tower, so naturally he has the most say.

The owner of the ethereal voice also knows this, and he also understands the content of the cultivation tower, and also helps to complete it from the side, so naturally he also knows the details.

"This young man is really extraordinary and has great potential!" The owner of the ethereal voice also rarely showed a little joy at this moment, which can be heard from her words.

"That's natural!"

Ta Ling smiled and said: "An existence that can be paid attention to by the owner is not capable, then doesn't it mean..."

"Nonsense, how can you question the master's gaze?" The ethereal voice master immediately yelled.

Taring hurriedly shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't have any, don't give me a hat, I can't afford it!"


Cheng Buyun, who had left the soul network, was in the room at this moment, and he had fallen asleep. His body was unharmed, and he did not have the horrible appearance seen in the Tower of Will.

As if everything is illusory!

But all this is just the protection mechanism working. Before, everyone just didn't see it. He was really that way in the implementation before.

What is unreal?

What is real again?

Illusion and reality are just a thin line apart.

Do you think it is fake?

In fact, it is true.

But to turn illusion into reality, this kind of power... it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

But now is not the time to write this.

After touching the protection mechanism on the Will Tower of the Soul Network, Cheng Buyun fell asleep for more than a month before regaining consciousness and opening his eyes again.

When he woke up, he was still in a daze, asking three questions about what he was going to do before, where am I, and who am I.

Suddenly I can't remember what happened before, as if I lost a part of the memory in the Tower of Will.

Suddenly I can't remember what happened, I only vaguely remember... I was rushing to the eighth floor of the Tower of Will, and the process was very painful. I only remember that the soul seemed to be torn apart by people, and then patched together. Restore the soul.

Then it tore and integrates again.

The cycle is endless, endless!

But the strong is always the strong. The strongest difference between the soul and ordinary people is that you can read the memory. Even if you lose your consciousness and not reach a coma, the soul’s self-consciousness will also look at all details in detail. To the eyes.

Of course, in order to do this, the soul needs to be very strong, and it must have a clear self-recognition power.

And once there is no clear self-awareness and self-identity, then...the trouble will be very big.

Usually... the character of this kind of existence is likely to be very evil, or it may be a Virgin type existence.

Generally speaking, it is the second personality of ordinary people!

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