Plane Universe

Chapter 929: A word reminder

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Back in the manor, a banquet was opened in the restaurant.

Everyone eats happily!

Finally, everyone returned to the hall. Cheng Buyun pointed at these heavy iron boxes and smiled: "Here is our traded goods this time, giving an additional 10,000 Needles."

"Your trust is so trustworthy to us Dawson Chamber of Commerce, please rest assured that we will intensify the manufacturing of the subsequent magic crystal cannon, and we will dispatch the other materials at the fastest speed." Shi received the space ring, and then in a wave of utterances, he left the Xinyue Yazhu with the old men who had cracked their mouths to the ears.

With the magic crystal cannon, it is natural to train artillery, no training is required, but the shells that are fired are not accurate.

The training of artillery is naturally presided over by Landis, and the establishment of the artillery is also simple. The members can be selected from the ten soldiers ’army in the muddy city.

The weather is clear, there are no clouds, and the breeze is blowing!

Cheng Buyun sat in a rockery pavilion, drinking a sip of tea from time to time, looking at a magic book in his hand. These magic books are naturally contributed by the Dawson Chamber of Commerce and are part of the cooperation between the two businesses.

In fact, to his point, the magic spell is no longer important. He is different from the ordinary ordinary magician. Others or have a sense of the law. The ban on the spell may also need the help of the magic spell, but he does not need it.

As far as the forbidden curse of earth magic is concerned, the forbidden curse "Meteorite General" can be cast in the beckoning room, or the earth element of the earth can be violent, and the sky collapses and destroys a city.

As the laws of the soil system increase, he can do more. For example, it is easy to form a wall of hard boulders on the ground.

He wants magic spells. The first is to wonder what kind of magic this Magnolia Continent has. The second is for the students in the college. In the future, there will definitely be magic talents in the territory, let alone in the future. , I am afraid that some people with magical talents are not revealed now.

Talent, no practice, no test, who knows!

The third thing ... He also wanted to see how the blooming effect of other magic is, so that it can also have more inspiration, which will have great benefits for him to perform magic in the future.


A deal negotiated with Dawson was reached in Cheng Buyun's territory. Innumerable goods and scarce resources were transported from the O'Brien Empire, the Roo Empire, and even the Magnolia Empire, and these goods were transported to the chaotic territory. In the north, Cheng Buyun's territory.

With the passage of time, more and more materials have arrived, and countless metal iron ore, weapon armor, leather, and various living materials have made the quality of life in the entire territory leap, compared to many peaceful areas. Not much worse.

At the same time, a decree that is almost food price also makes more civilians happy.

"Starting next month, on October 1st, the prices of all grains in the territory will be reduced to within two copper coins, and the people in the territory will be informed!"

"If you have any objections to this, please understand. At the same time, the main cities of our territory will start buying grain at the price of four copper coins per pound from the end of this month. Please ask the merchants who need to sell to the main cities of the cities. Details!"

Fortunately, there was no stick to kill, and there was a way for the major grain merchants.

Once the price of food in the territory is lowered, all the shops selling food are turning around, which is simply Monroe. Except for the civilians who have no food in hand, the civilians who have food at home will not buy it.

"It seems that the food business cannot really be done in the future. The road is so far away. It has been transported from O'Brien, Magnolia and other empire. It takes more time and can't make a few dollars. Who wants to do it? Ah! "A middle-aged man looked at the bulletin board with a look of distress.

There are many people like him!

These people have one thing in common, they are all people who do food business.

But after these people went to the main palace, they came out with a smile on their faces.

The city's main government gave these grain merchants a business to make everyone shine.

Starting from next month, as long as the grain merchants who get the unlimited sales brand from the city's mansion, they can buy food from the city's mansion at 2.2 copper per pound, and then transport it to other areas of the chaotic leader for sale.

In this way, saving time and effort and making a lot of money, every businessman immediately agreed, the price is 10% higher than the market, what is afraid, the price of food in other places is high, here two more copper coins are purchased, in other The place can definitely sell for the price of 6-7 copper coins, three times the profit, so that these grain merchants are like the blood of chicken blood.

For the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, it is really not difficult to transport food and other issues. Over the thousands of years of accumulation, they have a large number of space rings, so bringing the food, that is, the time for the strong to lie down, is attached.

Under the impact of thousands of tons of food, the entire chaotic leader was turned upside down,

All the rulers behind the scenes dropped teacups.

Te Di Di, they are the leaders who control the chaos with food. In this way, who would listen to them?

Especially the Holy See, gritted his teeth with hatred.

If everyone can afford food without suffering, will the people still pray to the gods?

"Damn, the **** Dawson Chamber of Commerce!" Tutan City, Josh hatefully split the table in front of him in half, with a savage wave of a machete in his hand, and a cursing mouth. .

"Calm down, it's useless to lose your temper now. It's reasonable to think about what to do." Doan scowled slightly and displeased.

"Three uncles, it's been more than a month, don't those guys have promised to deal with Cheng Buyun with us?" Qiao Si took a deep breath and had to calm down his anger, suppressing his temper and saying, "Don't those Greedy guys, can you fight to see if the other party hollows out that magic crystal mine vein? "


Duoan smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "These guys know that Cheng Buyun is not very easy to mess with. Millions of troops plus many strong men, and the road is far away. The Principality troops we control are compared with each other in quality. The gap is too great. "

"This is an excuse. There are so many of us, are we going to kill Cheng Buyun directly?" Qiao Si gritted his teeth and said: "As long as Cheng Buyun dies, his entire territory will collapse. How will we do it then? Count. "

Doan glanced at him for a few seconds before saying, "This is where the problem lies. How many masters do we need to send to attack the forbidden city? You have to know that there is the other party's base camp, there are many masters, so we will check now. The news found, where there is a strong personal guard, a tulip **** team, these two are very powerful against the strength, the weakest one has five levels of strength, and the mud seal city also More than this kind of power, where there are two special teams that are all six-level grudges, and ten are all three-level elite warrior corps. With such power, have you thought about how many strong people we need to discharge are Attack? "

Qiao Si's face was dull and his face was ashamed!

"Ah!" Doan sighed. This is an ordinary member of the other army of the other party, and officers of all levels are even counted up.

The rank system of officers in Cheng Buyun ’s territory is known to almost all people. The captain ’s level is only one level higher than that of ordinary members. The squadron leader is one level higher than the squad leader, and the captain is higher than the squad leader. At the first level, the head of the regiment is stronger than the captain of the brigade.

Needless to say, the regimental commander is all seven ranks.

This huge force is even stronger than some kingdoms.

Comparable with Cheng Buyun's territory, there are several powerful kingdoms.

Otherwise, with the greed of the group of guys, they had already rushed to rush to grab the magic crystal ore vein in their hands.

To assassinate Cheng Buyun, once unable to get his hand and surrounded by the army, I am afraid that dozens of nine-level strongmen have to drink and hate on the spot.

Moreover, Cheng Buyun is a strong guy. I heard that he is still a magician and has lived in Xinyue Yazhu for many years. Under the guard of his personal guard, he undoubtedly increased the possibility of assassination.

"Aren't we going to take him out of the way? Can't we send the strong man to make trouble in his territory? Do we Evans family just let him step on his face? Doesn't the family have a strange voice?" Looked at his third uncle, hoping to get a positive answer from the other person's mouth, to comfort his wounded heart.

A disciple of a Sanctuary family was forced into this position and had already lost his face.


Duoan sighed in his heart. Cheng Buyun was already full of wings. Even if his family sent a family corps, it would be the result of losing both sides at best. Of course, the family's senior officials cannot make such a bold decision.

As for the civilian system of sending masters to attack each other, this seems to be an incredible thing in the entire Magnolia continent. It will definitely be scorned by all the nobles, and it will be spoken by some great sages, which will make the Evans family completely. Is famous in Magnolia mainland.

You say that the two sides are really facing each other. It's understandable to do so, but if you do it secretly, it will be looked down upon.

There is a kind of shouting that you announced that the two sides are in a state of war, and then you have no problem attacking the other's system.

After all, you can do this, and so can the other party.

The two sides reached no limit, and members of the Evans family did not dare to leave the family one step. Once they left, they would be assassinated.

"This won't work, nor will it work, then what should we do, we can't go to the killer to organize a mission?" Qiao Si angered.

But this remark seems to remind the dreamer that the family does not want to face up to the cloud, but it does not mean that no one can go. The killer organization is one of them. As long as they have the money, they even assassinate the powerful sanctuary. Dare to take.

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