Plane Universe

Chapter 946: Scary facts

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"Yeah, I don't get it!" Dai Luo shook his head and looked at Adam with a heavy face. "I hope that your Dawson Chamber of Commerce's choice this time is correct. Once that person can't fight against the many upper class nobles, Dawson You should be very clear about the results of the Chamber of Commerce, and you do n’t know what you are for! Although that man has a little friendship with the Master Qianluo in the Temple of Life, this incident is related to many noble seniors. For the sake of many interests, Qianluo Adults can only keep that person at most, and it will be very difficult for you, the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, to survive in the Magnolia Continent in the future. You can even say that without your foothold, have you ever thought about it? "

"So it's urgent to get out now." Dai Luo persuaded.

Depends on the situation, this old man, Deloitte, has a friendship with Adam.

And it's kind of very affectionate.


Adam shook his head secretly, and now it was too late to withdraw. Even if he could withdraw, the Dawson family had to pay a huge amount of interest to hold the anger of the high-ranking nobility.

Besides, why should we withdraw?

The Dawson family waited for hundreds of years to wait for a strong man in this sanctuary with such a character. It is impossible for them to give up!

"Don't say more, the lord is still waiting for my news. Will the Minister of Administration of Ferros see me or not?" Adam asked, looking sideways at him with his head on his side.

"Why, so anxious?" Dai Luo slowly sighed, "I really don't know what your Dawson Chamber of Commerce plans, the Holy Land is so good to break through? Even if it breaks through the Holy Land? What can an ordinary Holy Land fight against?" There are so many nobles? The strong men of the sanctuary ... are not behind these high-level nobles. "

Nagging and talking, Dalo did n’t say if Ferros would like to see himself, Adam suddenly angered, and shouted: "Old man, do you believe me or not? I will not bully the old man for a while, See if you do n’t have a fist as big as a sandbag, you old person ca n’t afford it in a circle. "

"Fuck things." Delo heard Adam's threat, and immediately jumped up quickly, slapped it on the head of the former, slap him in the head, and grinned his teeth before the former continued to teach. : "Just like your small body and want to hit someone? Just like you, at the end of the year, I don't know how many people like you do not know **** someone!"

"Old guy, bully you?" Adam rolled up his sleeves, looking like he was trying hard.

Dai Luo looked ridiculously, making Adam very helpless.

Seriously, do n’t look at the old guy as he is very old, but when it comes to his strength, he really ca n’t compare with him. This old guy is a 7th-level strongman. He is only 5th-level himself. Nor is he able to bully him.

"I can't look down on you if I don't practice." Dalo continued to laugh, but when he saw Adam being silent, he sighed slightly and said, "Come with me, Master Ferros is willing to see you."

"It's nagging for so long, so I won't say that." Adam said sarcastically: "When people get older, they talk more, old guys, can't they find someone to talk to, so when I see me, they keep talking?" "

Although his mouth was damaging, he was moved in secret.

Uncle Dailuo has a deep friendship with his father. It can be said that he is as close as a brother. He can give his back to the other's life and death!

Although the father was gone, the relationship between the two sides was not lost. The Dawson family has always been quite cared for. Unfortunately, this practice is too large, and Uncle Delo ca n’t take it, and ca n’t persuade the patriarch of the Lane family to help. .

He can guess all this!

After all, with the sentiments of both sides, Uncle Delo must have spoken to Patriarch Lane.

The two soon arrived in a luxurious reception room deep in the mansion. In the reception room, a man in his forties was waiting.

This man is very typical of the western race, with blond hair, blue eyes, aquiline nose, and a handsome face. He was well-dressed and dressed well, and he seemed very angry.

This man is the Minister of Administration of the Magnolia Empire. It can be said that it is a high weight in the entire Magnolia Empire. It can be said that under one person and above tens of thousands of people, the Minister of Military Affairs also gave him three points.

After all, the Magnolia Empire now has no war, and the military ministers have little say.

And once there is a war, the importance of the Minister of Military Affairs is above him. Is war a source of merit, and other nobles will naturally get closer to the Minister of Military Affairs.

"Admiral Ferros." Seeing that the other party was already waiting for him, Adam immediately stooped to see the gift.

"Adam, sit down!" Ferros waved his hand and pointed to the seat next to it. After the servant had served the tea, the old housekeeper also respectfully withdrew and he said solemnly: "Adam, you come to the Duke of Lane today See me, what's the matter? Okay, if it's for Cheng Buyun's thing, you don't need to say it. Uncle Delo has already told my father before that our Lane family can't reach out to help. "

"You should be very clear that our Lane family is strong and has a high voice in the Yulan Empire, but it cannot affect the nobles in the other three empires. After all, many mall nobles have united, and our Lane family has to avoid the three points!" Fei Ross looked at Adam with a little bit of intolerance. If the Ryan family could hold it, how could Uncle Delaw's position in his father's heart not reach out?

When my father was a teenager, he was attacked by a thief when he went out to play and was stopped by Uncle Delaw. That time, he caused a serious injury to Uncle Delaw and almost couldn't even save his life. Grade, from that day on, my father was grateful to Uncle Delaw.

Immediately after his father took control of the family, he made Uncle Darrow the head of the house of Lane and let him enjoy his old age.

In fact, this incident is not a big deal in the eyes of their Lane family, but other nobles are afraid that one day those civilians will overthrow their dominance and they will no longer be able to oppress or exploit the lower-level people.

Once they lose their existing status, they will also work like civilians and work hard every day to have food!

"Thank you first for the care of the Lane family." Adam bowed down and gave a smile, said: "But I came here today for this matter, but not for pleading, but for the sake of His Excellency Cheng Buyun."

For decades, the Ryan family has taken care of their Dawson guys in Magnolia City. For the Ryan family, the Dawson family has always been grateful, and the general political bias towards the Dawson family, so these decades The Dawson family formation accelerated their pace.

"Huh?" Ferros' face was very weird. This Asian did not speak the last words. He heard him confused, "So ... are you here?"

"Your Excellency Cheng Buyun wants to meet Arthur the Great." Adam looked at Ferros with a smile, with anticipation in his eyes, and even an excited smile on his face that could not be hidden.

"To meet with?"

Ferros repeated Adam's words once, his brows frowned, and there were two meanings: face and beg and see.

The meeting is that the two parties meet in equal capacity. Cheng Buyun is only a nine-level strongman. Even if he is at the extreme level, his identity is far lower than that of Arthur the Great, and he is ruled by the Magnolia Empire on the Magnolia Continent. The strength, the people who have not reached the realm of the sanctuary are mortals, and they are not qualified to be equal to the Arthur the Great.

Even if Cheng Buyun now occupies the territory of a kingdom, its status is at most equal to that of the Kingdom of Finlay.

Even if Clyde came to Magnolia City, the emperor capital of the Magnolia Empire, he did not dare to use the word face-to-face to see Arthur the Great!

"Yes, see you!" Adam repeated again, his tone sinking a bit.

"Are you sure?" Ferros looked a little surprised, looking at Adam's face, with a little speculation in his heart.

It's just that Adam's face is as usual, and no wind is revealed. Only the excitement of the body hidden under the face is difficult to hide, which makes Ferros's mind a little certain.

"Yes, Master Ferros, I'm pretty sure." Adam smiled.

"Well, I will enter the palace to see Arthur the Emperor. I will communicate with His Excellency Cheng Buyun. You can go back and wait for my news. As soon as there is a result, I will send someone to the Dawson family mansion." Cheng Buyun's name, Ferros also changed a word at this time, and also used a little respectful tone in his mouth.

"No, I'm here. Just go back like this. I can't explain to Cheng Buyun." Adam shook his head and refused.

"Yes, you sit down first, I'll go back as soon as I go." Ferros nodded, not far from the palace, and meeting Arthur the Emperor didn't take much time.

Adam nodded and nodded, thanking with a smile: "Thank you Lord Ferros."

Ferros smiled and waved his hand, stood up and walked outside the reception room, but after turning around, his face was very dignified, his expression was uncertain, his footsteps were hurried, and even Dailu who was waiting outside just responded and immediately left. Going to the Palace of the Duke of Lane and walking towards the palace.

The spies outside the Duke of Ryan saw Adam did not come out and left, but instead, Ferros, the imperial minister, hurried to the palace. The man with a flexible mind had turned around and left to inform his master.

The nobleman who received the message guessed in his heart, Isn't Cheng Buyun ready to visit Emperor Arthur and plead with Emperor Arthur?

Humph! !

Even if Arthur the Great came forward, it would not be easy for him to do so!

Many nobles united, and the royal family of the Yulan Empire might not be able to suppress things. Only Cheng Buyun would admit their mistakes, and they would relax.

In fact, since this time, these nobles have been secretly discussing whether to send a large army in the past to wipe out the forces of Cheng Buyun in the chaotic leader, but they have not waited for their discussion, but this happened in the Yulan Empire region. Caught Cheng Buyun's many subordinates.

This allowed their plans to change, and if they could solve the other party without consuming too much, the nobles naturally did not want to waste their money and coins.

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