Plane Universe

Chapter 982: Nine poles

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Frowning, Cheng Buyun asked, "Are you fighting for the Holy Alliance like this, did the Bright Holy See not lend a helping hand?"

"Ah!" Old Sur sighed: "Who wants to spend the grudge he has cultivated to treat an outsider, I have nowhere to go, so I have no choice but to beg for adults."

"Guangming Holy See ... trash!" Hogg said with a hate on the side, and a glare of hatred flashed in his eyes at the same time, but it was quickly hidden. He always remembered Cheng Buyun's words, when there was no strength, You must not let the Guangming Holy See know ... I already know what his wife has been sacrificed by them. Once known, the other party will definitely come to the other party and Cheng Buyun at any cost.

In his heart, he did not want to see the Baruch family improve once again. His strength was back again, and the strength backoff was small. What he was most afraid of was that his two sons had an accident, or Cheng Buyun, a person with unlimited potential, was besieged by the other party. At that time ... it was too late to regret!

"Yes, the light of the Holy See is indeed not very authentic, but it can't say anything, but the former king is still in power, and I rejected them, saying that I will always stay in the kingdom of Finlay." Old Sur smiled bitterly. .

"In short, they are not right. You took the soldiers to the border to fight against the Dark Alliance. For whom?" Said the monk Hogren: "It's not for their bright Holy See, but for them to have more believers."

"Bad guy!" The little guy stared, his small face tensed, and he didn't like the Bright Holy See.

"Okay, nothing, these are small things." Cheng Buyun shook his head. The Bright Holy See has now changed into a body of interest. A lot of bad things have been done, worse than before, because the roots have been rotten, go up Under imitation, can it not rotten? Finally he patted Old Sur's chest and abdomen and said: "Stop talking, relax, I'm going to start treatment."

"Thank you for your trouble, I can't do anything." Old Sur was excited, and his face was hard to calm down.

"Okay, take a deep breath." Cheng Buyun comforted.

It is not easy to heal the old Sur, it is necessary to use the grudge inside the body to moisturize the body of the old Sur, heal the Dantian that healed him, spend a lot of grudge, and exhaust himself half to death.

And of course, if someone practiced the "curing" mystery in the law of light, it would be easy.

The light of vindictiveness in Cheng Buyun's body slowly output, slowly healing the body of Old Sur, letting his entire mind relax, the injuries in his body are also changing, and some broken meridians are also slowly Healing.

Half an hour later, Cheng Buyun was tired and sweaty, and even Hogg, who was standing on the side, had a worried face on his face, not to mention the old Sur who was lying, and his heart was full of excitement.

Adults, in order to heal themselves. Do not hesitate to work hard to get the grudge, this kind of graciousness is too heavy!


Cheng Buyun closed his hand, and then his spirit was convulsed. A pillar of heavenly light came down from the void and shone on the body of Old Sur. The soft and white beam of light was filled with divine power, and he was instantly cured by half of his injuries. Under the irradiation, it immediately became intact.

Dan Tianzhong's fighting spirit also did not leak out, his body's hidden dangers were all healed, the whole person was radiant, his face began to become young, and the old feeling was gone forever.

This pillar of heavenly light full of divine power descended from the void. Even now it was daytime, this pillar of heavenly light was extremely dazzling, causing the whole Finlay city to look at this, and there was a lot of discussion.

Yesterday's peak banquet had made everyone relish, and now there is this heavenly beam of light full of sacred power. Many people who believe in the light of the Holy See knelt down in the direction of Lyon's Garfluor Palace on the spot.

"What a terrible sacred power, Cheng Buyun can't be underestimated." The Temple of Light in Finlay City, the Archbishop Tells, wearing a red robe with gold rims, stood in a courtyard inside the temple with all his eyes. Looking at the pillar of heavenly light coming down, against the powerful divine power emanating from it, suppressing the wormhole to bow down, the forehead was soon covered with sweat.

The beam of light quickly dissipated, and he slowly straightened his body, only to find that his back robe had already soaked the cold sweat.

Sensing the hostility in the Temple of Light, Cheng Buyun smiled faintly and didn't care much. This was just a little mouse.

The pillar of heavenly light he released would not be suppressed if there was no hostility, but the bishop of the bright Holy See, who does not host him, is estimated to be very few!

I wish he died soon.

After all, the face of the Bright Holy See was lost on Cheng Buyun, although he asked for it.

But with the dominance of the Bright Holy See since its inception, this kind of hatred cannot be resolved. As long as they have the strength and are not afraid of Cheng Buyun, they will definitely come to revenge.

"Thank you sir!" Old Sur stood up, groping his whole body with joy, and finally thanked Cheng Buyun respectfully.

"Okay, don't thank me anymore, what do I say, at the end of the day, you can afford it, let me be your asylum guard of the Lyons family, I am now capable, and it should be helpful, don't worry about it. Cheng Buyun smiled and waved his hand.

"Adult, then you have a good rest, we won't disturb." Old Sur looked at Hog secretly, letting him follow him away, and let Cheng Buyun recover.

Not much he can do.

"Wait a minute." Cheng Buyun stopped them, and smiled in their puzzled eyes: "I stayed here for a month, and I need to go back. If something happens, you can let the Dawson family give me Signaling."

"This, sir, wouldn't you recover it first?" Old Sur said with a worried expression. According to the information just now, the sire expended Dawson's energy. He was very clear. The huge cost of arrogance can be compared to ten thousand nines Strong.

"This is not a day or two that can be recovered, it takes time, well, don't talk about these." Cheng Buyun said: "I just told you that your Lyons family has children who are willing to go to my site to develop, just let They come. But the thread says that I will not give them too much care, everything will follow the rules. "

"Of course, I can't let them humiliate adults if they don't have the ability. Please rest assured that I will send the best disciples of the Lyons family to practice." Old Sur guaranteed his pat on the chest.

Cheng Buyun nodded his head, took out several books in his hand, and gave each one a copy to two people, saying, "Here is a top-grade secret code of vindictiveness, several secret recipes of moves, and a copy of the world. Experience, one for each person, I hope you can train more people under the younger generation. "

"Thank you for your gifts." Old Sur took it with excitement, no politeness, since he knew that the asylum-sister became the sanctuary strongman that day, he had already been with his second and third brothers, as well as Cox. The outstanding grandson had discussed it, and all of them died for the adults.

Cheng Buyun's personality, after getting along with him several times, although he didn't spend much time with him, he still knows the character of the other party. He still knows his life well for adults and must not treat his family badly.


Now the benefits are not coming!

The secret code of vindictiveness at the best level, they do n’t have the Lyons family. It is said that the secret code of vindictiveness at the highest level, even if you ca n’t feel the nature of heaven and earth ... Without the realm of the sanctuary, you can open the door of eternal life with the increasingly powerful fighting strength , Into that brand new world!

Moreover, there is more than a secret code of vindictiveness at the highest level. The adult also gave a gift that can understand the nature of the world. This gift can be said to sell the entire Lyons family and can not afford it.

A few years ago, the Lyons family received a million-fold return.

I have to say, Cox's eyes ... very poisonous!

At a glance, Cheng Buyun was different.

Hogg also had to sigh that Cheng Buyun went to Wushan Town a few years ago, it was his kindness that made him receive him, and he received such a generous return. The best and most stable foundation.

At the beginning of this month, Wharton, who was just six years old, also showed a strong talent under the test of the Dragon Blood Needle. The blood concentration is high enough to practice the Dragon Blood Secret Code passed down by the family!

By the way, this matter hasn't been told to Bu Yun yet. At the moment, he told Cheng Buyun about it and got the congratulations from Old Sur.

"Very good. It's rare that Wharton has such a talent. Don't waste it. Don't let him practice dragon blood fighting spirit, let him lay the foundation, and let him practice after he is twelve." Cheng Buyun With a slight smile, he nodded and said, "Let him let him practice the natural experience I gave you. If Lei goes back, he will have time to help his younger brother."

"I will, Wharton, I will definitely train it well. I still wanted to let him go to O'Brien Warrior Academy for training, but now that you have established an academy in your territory, I want to send him to you." Hogg Smile suggested.

"No, just let him go to O'Brien Warrior Academy. He will let him go when he is eight years old." Cheng Buyun wanted to see if the little guy Wharton could find his wife in O'Brien and O'Brien. The seven princesses of the Empire of Ryan meet ... know each other ... and get married and have children!

He really wanted to see if his Panlong universe would change history.

Although there are not many things that he intervenes, there have been changes!

He really wants to see what is going on in the Dragon Cosmos, and why lei these days set ‘people with uncertain fate’, they will definitely become the masters!

Why is there only eight people with uncertain destiny in the entire Hongmeng universe, why not nine or even ten?

And why did the old guy Hongmen pay so much attention to his inner universe, staying here without practice, guarding so that it will not leak.

These are all things he wants to know!

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