Plane Universe

Chapter 989: Dragon Blood Warrior Transfiguration

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"Haha, okay, just come back." Hogg looked at the young man who rushed to him, his face smiled comfortably, and after a long time he patted the young man's shoulder and said excitedly: "I haven't seen you in five years, you grew up, long I have become a talented person, and I am finally at ease with you! "

There was not much praise in father's words, but from his father ’s slightly trembling body, lei was able to expect that his father was just like himself, so excited in his heart, "Father, let you worry, the child has grown up, And successfully graduated from Ernst School of Magic! "

"Haha, okay, the people of my Baruch family are extraordinary. The fifth-ranked name in the history has finally lived up to my expectations for you, and lived up to the efforts of your brother Yun Yun to train you, but ..." Hoge was slightly He smiled, stared at him, and said in a different color of lei, "but my son's talent, I know, you have more than such a little strength, show it."

Hogg looked at him with a smile on his face, as if he had expected him to hide his strength.

"My father was so powerful, I actually guessed that I was hiding my strength, and I am worthy of being the great owner of Baruch's generation." Lei smiled and patted his ass.

"Brood boy, I haven't seen it in a few years, but I know how to slap the horse." Hogg smiled and scolded: "Don't bring me a hat, I know what I know."

"How could it be that my father was not unique in his eyes, otherwise he would not be able to tell the difference between Brother Buyun." Lei once again patted a fart, so cool that Hog was all over, it was worth the matter Things he brags all his life. Looking at his father's appreciative glance, he smiled again, his face dignified a little, and said, "Father, you will not be intimidated by my hidden strength!"

"Go, my son, I have experienced more storms, so a little thing wants to scare me? Even if you tell me that you are a strong man in the sanctuary, I can't be scared. Say it!" Hogg began to look. I look forward to it, my son is so dignified, the hidden strength will naturally not be low.

"Nine-level earth and wind two-line peak magician, warrior eight-level, magician can shock the sanctuary at any time!" Lei slowly said his hidden strength, immediately hogged a horrified, horrified gaze staring at the face Holding him, his voice quivered and asked, "What are you talking about? The Peak Twin Magician? Can you hit the sanctuary at any time?"

Lin Lei was excited, but the appearance was not fluctuating again. He replied again: "Father, what you hear is true, I, lei-Baruch, level 9 earth wind dual system peak magician, warrior 8 level The strong. "

"Haha, okay, it's so good, my Baruch family finally appeared a strong man, it's so good, I can finally close my eyes at ease, even if I go to hell, I can give Baruch An ancestor of the family, I can tell them very loudly that I have cultivated a strong man for the Pakistani family. "Hogg has been a bit incoherent, and what is said in it is probably not even his own. know.

Looking at the father who was out of control and dancing and tearing, Lin Lei's smile did not disturb. The pressure of the father in these years, he was very clear. As a son, he could not share the pressure of the father, which made him ashamed.

At a young age, he can only practice hard, hoping to share the pressure with his best achievements, so that his father will not be so sad!

Finally, all this paid off.

In the future, he will work harder to cultivate and let his father be proud of having such a son!

After being happy for a long time, Hogg finally stopped, and praised lei for a long time. At the same time, he also mentioned Cheng Buyun from time to time. There was a lot of gratitude in the words.

Without Cheng Buyun, no matter how talented lei is, it is impossible to become a ninth level dual-line magister in such a short time!

Twenty-year-old Shuangfeng Pinnacle Great Magister, said it would scare people to death!

"It's a pity that your bloodline concentration is not enough, otherwise your warrior level will not be so low!" Hogg said with a sigh on the last face, "but it is already a rare, twenty-year-old great magician I am afraid that I will wake up laughing when I go to sleep. In the future, you and Wharton will be able to support the glory of Baruch ’s ancestors. I will look directly at the glory of your two brothers! "

Although the sad expression on his father's face was fast, lei was still in the depths of his father's eyes, looking at the glory of the family-the ultimate warrior!

Lei is very clear why his father is so, the glory of the Baruch family is the ultimate warrior-dragon blood warrior.

The glory for thousands of years is not something that such a powerful magician can be exchanged for, only the Dragon Blood Warrior is the glory of the family!

Thinking of this, he said with a smile on his face: "Father, I still have something to tell you!"

"What's the matter?" Hogg asked in surprise.

Lei did not answer, walked away a few steps, took a deep breath, his face showed a little excitement, and finally swept his father, closed his eyes and calmed down!

Hogg looked at lei as he walked aside. His eyes were a little surprised. He didn't understand why, but he didn't ask, but chose to wait. He also wanted to see what his son wanted to do. !


Lei opened his eyes, and his eyes shot coldly. In his roar, the surface of his body also changed, and the skin on the surface spooked a piece of black scales, and those sharp black scales pierced him. A more expensive magician's robe.

At the same time, there are black scales on his thighs, arms, neck, etc., and ten fingers with both hands also have sharp claw-shaped hard nails! Finally, a single horn like a thorn appeared on the forehead. Even on the back spine that Hog could not see, he had a thorn like a thorn on the entire spine.

It's not over yet. Under his spine, a three-meter-long black scaly tail stretched out from under the robe and swayed slightly!

Looking at the changed look of lei, hogg widened his eyes on the spot, and looked at the monster like lei, his eyes were shocked on the spot.

"This is ... this is ..." Hogg's trembling voice shivered and he couldn't even speak. The excitement in his heart was beyond words.

Isn't this the Dragon Blood Warrior change that has been recorded in the family?

Why would lei transform the dragon blood warrior?

Wasn't the blood concentration of lei in the test that year?

How could this be the case, did you negligently make mistakes?

I turned this idea in my heart, but soon he was denied by him. Under such a big event, how would he neglect the carelessness? This is related to the glory of the family, and the question of whether it can rise from the new. careless!

What should happen to you halfway through this!

Father was stunned, and Lei was also very excited, watching his father finally scared by himself, he was very happy, and his blue face showed a kind of smug expression that was difficult to speak.

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