Plane Universe

Chapter 993: Xiong Er arrived

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"Sir, no, there are too many World of Warcraft, and our warriors can't resist." Hillman said with a sense of intolerance, but said helplessly: "No matter how late, I'm afraid I can't really go!"

Under the charge of Warcraft, the population of Wushan Town is getting smaller and smaller. The more people there are, the faster they die!

Every time the flying Warcraft in the sky comes down, it will cause huge casualties below.

"Let everyone disperse to the north and we will be safe as long as we reach the chaotic leader." Hogg immediately ordered helplessly!

When he had just ordered, there was a stream of light in the sky, and a shadow hovered over Wushan Town. This shadow immediately issued a powerful roar, which stopped the warcraft who were still killing humans. The body was trembling with fear.

Hogg and others looked closely, and a brown-haired ‘bear’ Warcraft hung in the sky!

The brown bears can hover in the sky again. Everyone knows what bears are.

"Bear of the Earth!"

Hillman exclaimed on the spot.

The bear of the earth standing in the sky seemed to hear Hillman's exclamation at this time, and immediately turned around and bowed his head, showing a friendly expression, and glanced here.

"This ... what's the situation?" Hogg was a little dumbfounded, wondering what was going on.

The current situation is that ordinary Warcraft is about to kill people, but the earthly bears of the sanctuary level are not allowed, suppressing their attacks and protecting the humans in Wushan Town.

Hogg had some guesses in his mind. Wouldn't this bear of the earth be Cheng Buyun's pet?

"Quickly organize the retreat of the people." A thick voice spread to Hogg and others on the spot, and immediately made them awake. Now is not the time to think about these things.

"Come on, organize the retreat of the people." Hogg couldn't care what was going on. Whatever he did, it was justified to retreat the people first.

The remaining three thousand guards immediately ran away in Wushan Town. Those powerful Warcraft who had stagnated in place, they also avoided it far away, with the suppression of the earth's bear in the sky. These Warcraft, whether it is seven There is also an eighth level, even if the ninth level of Warcraft does not dare to have a little change, the Warcraft flying above the sky also landed on the ground, the body shivering, and buried his head under the chest.

This bear of the earth is ‘Bear II’, and it has become so strong a few years ago. Over the years, there have been secret codes taught by Cheng Buyun, coupled with the best experience training, the strength has changed dramatically!

Under the infinite momentum he exudes, let alone these ordinary Warcraft rebellion, the body is almost unable to move!

Ten minutes later, the population of more than 100,000 in Wushan Township, only 30,000 people remained under the **** of Hogg and retreated in the direction of Finlay City.

If you want to retreat to the north, Finlay City is the only way to pass, and it is also the latest dew. They are now racing against time, and it is impossible to detour!

These tens of thousands of people have encountered countless Warcraft barriers along the way. If it was not Xiong Er who was escorting, suppressing the Warcraft along the way, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape!

"Mr. Bear of the Earth, thank you for your help!" When Xiong Er landed and escorted the people to escape with himself and others, Hogg showed a sincere smile on his face, and asked to bear Xiong Er in a respectful manner. : "I wonder if you are Mr. Warcraft?"

"I am Xiong Er, and my host is Cheng Buyun, Mr. Hogg." Xiong Er blinked those tiny eyes and said with a smile on his face: "Lei? Why haven't you seen him?"


Hogg and Hillman secretly said, but Hogg quickly replied worriedly: "Lei had entered the World of Warcraft Mountain a few months ago and did not know the situation."

Now these World of Warcraft are rioting, I hope lei is all right, now when mentioning lei, his heart is caught, very worried about lei's safety!

"It should be okay. Although I don't know the reason for this riot of Warcraft, such a move is uncommon. I estimate that there has been a change in the Warcraft Mountains. The biggest possibility is that the king has appeared and is not satisfied with his territory. So the move came out to occupy the site. "Xiong Er thought for a moment. The Warcraft Mountains spanned thousands of miles and were more than a thousand miles wide. Such a large site would be satisfactory if it is the King of Warcraft in the Holy Land. He flew along the road. As you can see, the World of Warcraft in the World of Warcraft only attacked the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance. The border between the two great empire, O'Brien and Magnolia, did not even have a Warcraft.

Obviously, the king also knew that the two empires were not very easy to provoke, and they dared not bully, only to bully the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance, which were several levels weaker than the two empires.

Although these two forces are weak, they are not so easy to bully. Although there are many holy warcraft in the Warcraft Mountains, they are not as good as the number of holy warriors among human beings. Then the level of this king is estimated to be weak. Go, I'm afraid it is the level of God's domain.

Xiong Er's perception is a bit worse, but he is not stupid in thinking about things. He is clear about the life habits of Warcraft, and the strongman of the Holy Land Warcraft level will not easily come out to provoke humans.

Along the road, there was the coercion of Xiong Er. A large number of Warcraft encountered basically shivered under his momentum, and in the fear of the people, they slowly approached Finlay City.

At the moment, the city of Finlay has lost its former momentum, and there are ruined ruins everywhere. The high walls around it have also been broken by strong external forces.

The people in the whole city were in deep water, and there were mournful screams of crying and dying everywhere.

Various roars of excitement from Warcraft have turned this city into hell!

A few heads of Sanctuary Warcraft revolve around the siege of the Temple of Light, the tallest building in the city of Finlay, and beside them there are eight human Sanctuary strongmen who do not know to attack.

In the city, the most offensive here is countless, and countless different levels of Warcraft surround the square of the Bright Holy See and fight!

In the aristocratic area, the Duke of Lyons on the Champs Elysees, Old Sur also organized a population, fiercely resisting the offensive of the Warcraft, attacking their Warcraft ... is a nine-level black pattern purple bear.

This purple-patterned black bear carries several eight-level World of Warcraft, a large group of seven-level World of Warcraft, a large group of five- or six-level World of Warcraft, and is attacking like crazy. Every time, the Lyons family is paying the price.

A large number of family guards died.

There are too many World of Warcraft, and flying World of Warcraft is too difficult to defend!

The casualties were getting bigger and bigger, and finally even the Lyons family members sacrificed a lot.

"It's not a way to go on like this, grandpa, let's withdraw!" Cox suggested with blood stains.

"Okay, get in touch with the men and women of the Dawson family. The two of us will rush out of Finlay City." Old Sur held a large sword and resisted the attack of the purple-lined black bear. Warcraft was stronger than humans, although both sides Nine-level strength, but he is really difficult to resist this nine-level purple pattern black bear.

After a while, the Lyons family of horses withdrew from the family, came to the street, and joined the Dawson family of horses.

However, such a dazzling group of people, so many in number, that add up to a thousand people, causing countless Warcraft around to swarm towards them here!

When Xiong Er and Hogg came near Finlay City, Xiong Er felt that the Lyons and Dawson families had withdrawn into the street, and immediately scolded, "This group of stupid!"

"Mr. Xiong Er, is this?" Hogg turned his head inexplicably, questioning his face.

"I'll explain it later, I'll go back and you're on guard." Xiong Erfei got up and didn't make it too clear, but Hogg looked at him and flew in towards Finlay City, already knowing what was going on. Well, I am afraid that there is an unstoppable disaster in the Lyons family.

On the Champs Elysees, the Lyons and Dawson families were suddenly turned over by a large number of Warcraft. The guards of the two families screamed that they were bitten, killed, and killed by Warcraft. section.


In the demeanor of the two peoples, a shadow fell from the sky, and at the same time, a slap shattered the Bimont of the ninth peak, a blood rain was flying, and he would crawl on the ground and wait for the dead old Sur A dog's **** head made him tremble with excitement, his body trembling and looked up at the brown bear standing more than two meters high!

"What a surprise, don't hurry up and organize the clan, withdraw from Finlay City, and when do you have to wait?" Xiong Er directly cursed and scolded: "You fools, hurry up!"

"Oh oh oh." Old Sur, like a goose, turned over and climbed a little bit mechanically, looking at some of the clan who died around him, and his face was sad from it, too miserable,

"Roar roar!"

The two men had just lifted the injured and dying clan, and were about to evacuate the city of Finlay. A holy warcraft apparently also noticed this side. The other side abandoned the siege of the temple of light and flew quickly to this side, landing next to it. .

This is a purple-eyed golden ape. The body of the sanctuary-level purple-eyed golden ape is more than 20 meters in height, which is as high as eight floors. Those eyes are like two large wheels of color, especially this one. The vigor of the golden ape monkey looming around the surface of the body made the air oscillate.

I saw its two wheel-like eyes glared, looking at the little black bear on the ground, yelling: "Where did you come from, and dare to attack my king's men? Don't kill me, hurry up and catch, lest I will kill you later. "

Seeing such a horrible golden ape monkey, old Sur immediately fled wildly.

Instead, Xiong Er pouted, blinking his tiny eyes, and said slowly: "I don't want to fight with you. I'm here to save people. Can I do something convenient and let me take away these insignificant people? ? "

He is so good-tempered, also because the other party ’s king does not want to cause Hogg and their people to sacrifice here for his own reasons, so he is good to say good words, otherwise with his strength, where is this golden retriever monkey Eligibility to speak!

"Huh, these humans are our food, let you take it away, what a joke, let me die!" Although the golden ape monkey knows that the breath from Xiong Er's body is not very easy to provoke, he has a number behind him. Many Sanctuary World of Warcraft, and wanted to show their face in front of the new king, did not put Xiong Er in his eyes at all, and when he fell, he directly raised one of his feet and slammed it down from the sky. Xiong Er stepped into a minced meat!

"Go to your special drop, shameless face, go to death, stupid!" Xiong Er was also angry, right fist, slammed at the big feet of the golden ape monkey.

The incomparable body of the two sides, the people who watched from a distance pinched sweat for Xiong Er!


A shock wave spread away, blowing up corpses and other objects on the ground. In the next few clicks, the huge body of the golden ape monkey bounced up and was jumped up by the bear two punches. The whole body was The quake fell back and threw to the ground, forming a huge pothole in the street, and then a loud cry of pain echoed through the sky.

"Aooo ~~ It hurts me, it hurts, and my legs are broken!"

In the pothole, the golden ape monkey holding his broken hair leg, climbed up in pain, and sat on the wall of the pothole, yelling wildly.

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