Planet Builder

Chapter 110 Chapter 134 Chapter 135 Destination of Migration (Monthly Pass Plus X2)

"What's the situation?" He Xingzhou asked quickly, he has been paying attention to this matter. He Xingzhou believes that the migration of mutant creatures under the ocean is definitely not caused by random or simple territorial expansion!

He Hongwei's tone became heavy, and he said, "Put on the aura, and I'll send you the message."

He Xingzhou immediately put on the Lingguang smart glasses, and a conference room with a VR perspective appeared in front of him.

"This is the strategic analysis room of the Xuanwu Base!" He Hongwei sat in it, with several generals and experts beside him.

"Comrade He Xingzhou!" One of the dark-skinned, sturdy and burly men introduced himself, "I am the captain of the No. 4 frigate of the Marine Fleet of the Xuanwu Force, Xue Yang."

Next to him was a thin, dark-skinned old man. He introduced himself: "I'm Ye Yun, a professor at Shenzhou Ocean University."

"Hello!" He Xingzhou greeted.

He Hongwei said: "Captain Xue and Professor Ye are both in the task group responsible for tracking migratory mutant creatures. After several months of continuous investigation and tracking, they have obtained preliminary analysis results."

Xue Yang first introduced: "During this time, we tracked 17 migratory groups of mutant creatures, launched attacks on them, and killed about tens of thousands of mutant creatures."

"We found that every migratory team has a leader leading the way. The leader's intelligence is quite high, and he can reasonably direct mutant creatures to use their various abilities to avoid our attacks or counterattack us!"

On He Xingzhou's side, he received a bunch of information about the changes in their attack on mutant creatures, as well as the information on the leaders of mutant creatures that were photographed.

These guys are big and small, the little ones are the size of rabbits, the big ones are even medium-sized whales, or giant octopuses.

Ye Yun added: "During this process, we captured some mutant organisms and installed trackers in their bodies. Some were lost and some were found. Fortunately, we have enough spies to take these seventeen migrating organisms. The road map of mutant creatures has been drawn."

A three-dimensional map appeared in front of He Xingzhou, on which was the route map of the 17 migratory teams of mutant creatures.

It can be seen that most of the 17 mutant creatures came from the direction of the Cherry Blossom Sea, and a few came from the direction of the eastern Pacific Ocean along the North American coast, which should have migrated a long distance.

And these seventeen teams finally gathered in one place!

"It's actually here!" He Xingzhou said in horror when he saw the map.

That coordinate is located in the Pacific Ocean, the most mysterious and the most mysterious sea area in the world, the deepest trench in the world, the Mariana Trench!

It is also known as the Mariana Trench, with a total length of 2,550 kilometers, an arc shape, and an average width of 70 kilometers. Geologists have judged that it should have formed 60 million years ago, similar to the period when the dinosaurs died out, and it may have been formed by an asteroid hitting the earth!

And the Mariana Trench is the deepest sea area in the world. The deepest part of the trench is 6-11 kilometers. If the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, is placed at the bottom of the trench, its peak will not be able to emerge from the water!

Humans know very little about it!

"The Mariana Trench is not suitable for marine life at all!" Ye Yun said, "It is one of the worst areas on earth with high water pressure, complete darkness, low temperature, low oxygen content, and lack of food resources. "

"Although we have discovered that very few organisms survive under the trenches in our deep-sea exploration, such a large-scale biological migration is completely contrary to common sense!"

Xue Yang said: "And the waters they dive into are very deep, and our manned submarines can't dive into that deep waters."

He explained: "Conventional submarines generally do not dive more than 300 meters. Nuclear submarines can dive to a depth of 400 to 600 meters. The water pressure in deep water is too high, and manned submarines continue to dive. There is a danger of sinking. So it can only be detected with a deep submersible that has no self-protection ability."

"And the unmanned deep-dive probes we launched often dived below 3,000 meters and were sunk! We couldn't detect the bottom of the trench!"

He Xingzhou pondered for a moment, and said, "Some of them have evolved wisdom so much that they will never do anything that will kill you!"

"This shows that there is something at the bottom of the Mariana Trench that makes them rush! Or, there is a certain advanced Zerg here, calling them."

Ye Yun reminded: "Judging from marine geology, the Mariana Trench to the north is actually located on the same geological line as the Cherry Blossom Trench, at the junction of continental plates!"

He Xingzhou zoomed in on the map, and the Cherry Blossom Trench line extended to the south to the Mariana Trench.

"Under the ocean, there may be many migratory teams that we haven't discovered yet." He Xingzhou said, "Their purpose is surprisingly consistent!"

"This Mariana Trench must be detected!" he said, "We must find out what the Zerg is doing!"

He Hongwei agreed: "The Mariana Trench is not far from our sea area. If the Zerg gather in it, it will definitely become a threat to us!"

"We have organized a large number of deep-sea exploration teams to conduct exploration."

"The most troublesome thing now is that it is difficult for our marine weapons to attack the deep sea. It is very difficult for deep-sea probes to operate under water pressure under 10,000 meters. When encountering mutant creatures, almost 100% Hundreds are destroyed!"

"So we need a reliable submersible with the ability to protect itself," concluded He Xingzhou.

"That's right."

"I see." He Xingzhou said, "Our Sentinel Research Institute will immediately start the research and development of deep-sea probes."

"Please also continue to explore the Mariana Trench, and it is best to find a safe deep diving route map."

He Xingzhou slowed down and said, "I have a hunch that when we detect something under the Mariana Trench, it should be when the Zerg Crisis and the Xuanwu Plan are announced!"

There must be something unusual happening in the trench, and this news is likely to be the trigger for the outbreak of the Zerg crisis!


He Xingzhou returned to the Sentinel Research Institute and immediately organized a team.

Within three days, hundreds of elites gathered from research institutes, universities, and enterprise units across the country.

The project leader, Liu Tianhu, is from the Shenzhou Deep Sea Base. The submersible developed by the project team he led has dived to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. But at that time, there were no Zerg in the trench.

So this time, He Xingzhou equipped him with deep-sea weapons experts to help him lead the research and development together.

"We have two goals!" He Xingzhou said, "First, to create a deep-sea probe that can move freely under water up to 10,000 meters, detect and have self-protection capabilities!"

"Second, during this time, explore a safe detection route for the execution of the mission!"

He Xingzhou doesn't expect the submersible to be able to withstand the crisis of the Zerg. He only needs to let the submersible reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench smoothly and find out the situation there.

"Target, 10,000 meters underwater! Start work!" Liu Tianhu immediately went to work.


"Time is getting tighter!" He Xingzhou felt more and more tense when he learned about the Mariana Trench.

"Before the Xuanwu plan was announced, I set five tasks. Among them, the Great Wall of Steel has been launched; the global quantum information network has been completed; the nuclear power plant is under construction; the "Zerg Dictionary" is also deciphered by Academician Song and Academician Pan; the last one!"

Before the Zerg and Xuanwu plans are announced to the world, He Xingzhou also needs to design a super AI of the military system network to assist in combat.

It is named Xuanwu system, and Min Jie, academician of the Quantum Academy of Sciences, is leading the design and development.

"Sister Zhilan, help me find the information about the Xuanwu system!" He Xingzhou called out to Xu Zhilan.

"Okay, I'll tidy up now!" Xu Zhilan immediately went to communicate with Min Jie's team.

Using the AI ​​system, she soon sent detailed information.

"The algorithm framework of the Xuanwu system has been completed. It is integrated and upgraded on the framework of Lumi AI Intelligence and the Desert Auxiliary Combat System, adding a more advanced military analysis system and weapon control system..."

"There is no big problem overall, but to do better, we have to upgrade it from weak artificial intelligence to strong artificial intelligence!"

Weak artificial intelligences are AI systems like Lumi and Damo. Although they are smarter than other artificial intelligences and can facilitate people's life and work, they lack the ability to think independently and solve problems.

Strong artificial intelligence is to give AI systems the ability to think and solve problems. If strong artificial intelligence continues to be upgraded, it will be silicon-based life!

"Unlocking strong artificial intelligence requires 100,000 units of energy." He Xingzhou did not hesitate to unlock it directly.

"Strong artificial intelligence is a software technology, and software needs to be undertaken by hardware. Even our Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe supercomputer cannot carry the computational load of the Xuanwu system."

"So you need a quantum computer."

In the technology tree of quantum optical brain, quantum computers are divided into various ways, mainly superconducting quantum computers, optical quantum computers, biological quantum computers, etc.

"The unlocking of a primary optical quantum computer requires 500,000 units of energy? The unlocking of a primary biological quantum computer requires one million units of energy?" He Xingzhou saw that these two ways were too difficult.

Even if it is unlocked, humans currently do not have the ability to manufacture. In comparison, a superconducting quantum computer that only requires 200,000 units of energy to unlock is the most suitable choice.

"To unlock the superconducting quantum computer, you need to unlock the normal temperature superconductor material technology and superconducting quantum chip technology. This will cost another 300,000 units of energy..."

"A quantum computer operating system is also required, and unlocking requires 100,000 units of energy."

He Xingzhou had already encountered the dilemma of insufficient energy, so he thought of a way to solve it. He temporarily went to a nuclear power plant to conduct "secret energy research", so that the power of the nuclear power plant was turned on to the maximum, and it only took a few days to complete the absorption.

"It's still the power of the nuclear power plant! I saved hundreds of thousands of units of energy in a few days!" He Xingzhou said with emotion, "The energy conversion rate is too important!"

He unlocked the previous technologies one by one, digested and absorbed them, and went to his alma mater, Beijing University of Science and Technology.

Jingcheng University of Science and Technology has a first-class quantum technology research laboratory in the country, and they have some experience in superconducting quantum computer technology. Min Jie's team is there.

When He Xingzhou returned to his alma mater, it was inevitable that he would be seen, which naturally caused another sensation.

"Professor He is back to school!"

"Someone saw that Professor He appeared in the Quantum Technology Research Building!"

"It's true, there has been research on superconducting quantum computers over there, and Professor He must have cooperated with them!"

Inside the school, the students were discussing, and some people went for a stroll just to see He Xingzhou.

In order to avoid this situation, the school simply arranged for someone to block off the quantum computing research building, not for the researchers to enter, to prevent fans from being too enthusiastic to disturb the research.


"He Xingzhou went to study quantum computers?" Internationally, people have been paying attention to He Xingzhou's movements.

Because they know that He Xingzhou's movements represent the trends of Shenzhou's scientific research.

White Eagle, Hairy Bear, Hans, and Gaul immediately made judgments.

Quantum computers use the principles of quantum superposition and quantum entanglement to perform calculations, and their computing power increases exponentially.

When the technology is mature, a quantum computing core the size of a grain of sand can surpass the most powerful supercomputer in the world in computing power!

You must know that the Shenwei TaihuLight supercomputer in Shenzhou is composed of 40 computing cabinets and 8 network cabinets!

Quantum computers are completely disruptive technologies. With it, all fields of science and technology will usher in a new era!

Therefore, the scientific community claims that whoever masters the quantum computing technology first will master the quantum hegemony in the new era!

Quantum computing technology, this is the final hurdle before the announcement of the Xuanwu plan!

Because of this incident, Bai Ying summoned his partners to conduct an international conference together.

"Everyone, Shenlong is already researching quantum computing technology! We must not fall behind this time. Everyone knows that quantum computing technology is related to the development of science and technology in all fields!"

"So I hope that we can all work together to conquer quantum technology together!"

John complained: "We lost a lot of communication technology last time, and we didn't get any compensation!"

Bai Ying said: "We will discuss this matter later, but now we will discuss the matter of quantum technology. In terms of quantum computing, we have always been in a leading position, and we are willing to take out our leading technology and share it with everyone!"

Maple Leaf also said: "We also have some leading technologies in quantum computing, which can be shared!"

Hans, Gaul, Gaoli, Sakura, etc. saw that they were a little weaker in quantum computing. Since they can white P, why not do it, they agreed: "Then let's join!"

Seeing this, John could only put away his grievances and said, "Again? This method has failed several times!"

Several times the script seems to be the same, not only him, but other members also find it annoying.

"Absolutely not!" Bai Ying said to himself, "I promise, this time the script is different, we will succeed! This time we have a secret weapon!"

Thanks to Super Fan, Ant Worker Ant, 19~95, 20~86, Ailing DE Cat Cat, Ge Wanxiao and other book friends for their rewards.

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