Planet Builder

Chapter 135 Chapter 184 Chapter 185 Retrogrades (Subscription Monthly Pass)

"What's wrong?" In the family's room of three, the wife was sleepy.

"Quick, wife, get up! It's an air defense siren!" The husband quickly patted her to wake her up, shouting while putting on her clothes, "Son, get up quickly! We're going to evacuate!"

"The Zerg is here?" The wife woke up suddenly, and hurriedly dressed.

At this time, the loudspeaker of the neighborhood committee had sounded: "All owners and residents, please pay attention, go to the shelter immediately, please make emergency preparations, in order to prevent a fire, the community will conduct power outages and property inspections after ten hours!"

In the past month or so, they have practiced this scenario many times.

Volunteers started knocking door-to-door, reminding and helping people move.

In the entire Demon City, all the street lights in the city were on at this time, and the streets were bustling with people.

At this time, in the East China Sea, fighter groups and battleship groups were intercepting and bombing the insect swarm.

"The swarm suddenly assembled, about five days earlier than we predicted! It is expected that within a day, it will reach the coast of the magic capital!" In the Xuanwu command hall, Xue Yang sent an early warning.

The Xuanwu Command Hall is a command hall that exists in the virtual world and is connected through a global satellite network. Xuanwu executives and other necessary executives can join this command hall for operational discussions.

"The results of the detector show that the number of insect swarms this time is greater than the two previous attacks on Chozi District and Busan combined!" Liu Tianhuhui reported.

"We also detected the existence of some higher thermal radiation, there may be more advanced Zerg!" This is Ye Yun's judgment.

"The fleet is on standby, and mine formations are being deployed in the coastal waters!" Luo Anhui, one of the commanders of the Marine Forces of the Xuanwu Force, reported.

"Is the sea entrance blocked?" Qin Peng asked.

"It's blocked! We put down 20 nets and blocked the entire mouth of the Yangtze River with nets. Four hundred self-propelled artillery pieces were placed along the coast, and torpedo arrays and underwater missile launchers were arranged underwater. An aircraft carrier fleet Stand by!" Luo An said.

"Nuclear weapons are also ready!" He Hongwei's image appeared in the command hall. He is now at a secret base.

"Nuclear weapons are to prevent deep sea monsters! If it is not necessary, they cannot be used!" Qin Peng said.

No one wants to use this strategic weapon at their doorstep, which will have a dramatic impact on the urban agglomeration and the ecological environment.

"We are organizing the evacuation of the masses, which can be completed within ten hours!" Lu Mei said.

"The reserve team for the front line is being deployed, and within five hours, they can all be in place!" Lei Yuanfenghui, one of the ground commanders of the Xuanwu Force, reported.

"Dr. He, where are you?" Qin Peng asked He Xingzhou.

He Xingzhou said: "One hundred single-stage electromagnetic reconnecting cannons have been installed on the Great Wall of Steel, and one multi-stage electromagnetic reconnecting cannon is in the final manufacturing part. It can be completed within 20 hours, and we will send it to the front line immediately. Assemble!"

"Okay!" Qin Peng said, "To deal with those big beetles, we can only rely on electromagnetic guns!"

They don't want to give up the coastal defense like Sakura Island and Koryo Island and use missiles to blow this place to scorched earth!

"Everyone obeys the order, now we have entered a state of war, and the battle to defend the magic capital has begun!" Qin Peng shouted.

"Received! Swear to defend the magic capital to the death!" In the communication channel, there was a firm report.


Near the magic capital, a branch of a land force.

Commander Xie Lang is doing pre-war mobilization, and the team has been assembled urgently.

He shouted: "My department has just received an order from the superior to send some personnel to the G545 Steel Great Wall Section to assist in defense!"

"G545 Steel Great Wall section, on the edge of the magic capital, has not yet been completed. If the Zerg is blocked from the front, it is likely to take a detour from the G545 section to break through."

"So this line of defense, we will not have the protection of the Great Steel Wall, we will rely on our own weapons to defend. If necessary, we will pay with our lives!"

"I have explained the situation. Soldiers who are willing to go to Section G545, take a step forward!"

As soon as Xie Lang's voice fell, he heard the sound of neat steps. All the soldiers in front of him took a step forward, and no one stopped in place.

Xie Lang looked at the young faces in front of him, feeling relieved and heavy. These warriors are at the most exciting age in their lives, and the G545 segment is destined to be more dangerous than other lines of defense.

This time, it is a life of nine deaths! They all understood the risks of this trip, but none of them hesitated!

With a straight face, Xie Lang glanced at the soldiers in front of him. He gave an order again and said, "Now, listen to my order. Anyone who is an only child in the family, take a step back!"

After he issued this order, everyone remained motionless, and no one retreated.

Xie Lang scolded: "Did you hear that, the only child, take a step back!"

Still no one moved, Xie Lang walked to a young soldier in the front row and shouted, "Liu Tong, why didn't you obey the order? I remember that you don't have any siblings at home!"

"Report!" Liu Tong raised his head and shouted, "I have brothers and sisters at home!"

Xie Lang scolded: "Nonsense, your file is with me! Can't you still fake it?"

Liu Tong continued to shout: "Report, my file is not falsified! But I have brothers and sisters, and the people of the whole country are my brothers and sisters! I will never back down!"

"You kid!" Xie Lang was about to scold a few more words, and everyone in the team shouted together: "People all over the country are our brothers and sisters, we will never retreat!"

Their voices are firm, their eyes are firm, and they hold their chests and heads up, as if they are about to go to a battlefield of blood and fire, but a podium of honor.

An indescribable emotion rose in Xie Lang's chest. He knew that at least half of these warriors were only children, and behind them were families.

But now, they have no turning back and regard death as home!

"Okay!" Xie Lang shouted loudly, "Everyone obeys the order. In order to protect our brothers and sisters, we will start the G545 segment immediately! When I come back, I will celebrate for you!"

"Get out!"


Chongzhou, one of the cities in the magic capital city group.

In a city hospital in Chongzhou, President Zhu Yu urgently called a group of doctors and medical staff.

Among them, there are experienced experts and directors who have practiced medicine for many years, as well as nurses who take care of clinics, and young people who have just graduated from college and come here to practice.

Zhu Yu said in a deep voice: "There is news from the Magic City that the Zerg will attack the Magic City within a day! There is an urgent shortage of medical staff on the front line, so a group of medical staff must be mobilized from nearby cities to support."

"Everyone knows that the front line is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, there will be life worries. But if we don't go, it will be our soldiers who will be injured and sacrificed!"

"So we have to go!"

"Here, I am not reluctant to be strong. If you are willing to go, just sign this petition. If you die on the front line, the hospital and the country will take care of your funeral and take care of your family."

"Time is urgent, let's get started!"

It's a petition, but it's actually a life-and-death situation.

After Zhu Yu finished speaking, he was the first to sign his name on the "Life and Death".

The director of surgery did not hesitate, and the second one signed his name. Then there were some doctors and nurses who signed their names even though some were hesitant in their hearts.

There were only the last two nurses left. The director stopped them and said, "Hu Juan and Bai Xue, you two don't need to go. You have just graduated, so stay in the hospital."

The two of them actually graduated from the medical university ahead of schedule. Because of the emergency and the urgent shortage of medical staff, a large number of students have graduated from the medical university.

"No, I'm going!" Hu Juan took the life and death certificate and said, "Everyone can go, why can't I? Isn't there a steel Great Wall? We must be safe in the Great Wall!"

"If Hu Juan can go, so can I!" Bai Xue said, "It is the first time that I can do such a meaningful thing, and there is no chance for others to go!"

They said it lightly, but the deans and directors could see it. They still couldn't hide their emotions, and the fear and anxiety in their hearts were written on their faces.

After the two signed the life and death certificate, Hu Juan saw that everyone's face was heavy, so she smiled and said, "We are going to go out soon, everyone is happy, why don't we take a photo!"

"Good idea! I'm going to post it on the Moments!" Bai Xue laughed. She also picked up a marker and said, "I'll write a sentence for you, look more solemn!"

Saying that, she first wrote four characters "Defend the Magic Capital" on Hu Juan's clothes!

Seeing them trying to be optimistic, Dean Zhu Yu smiled and said, "Write one for me too!"

"Come on, I'll write one too!"

"What are you writing, how can you be without me?" An old voice came, and an old man in his 80s was walking slowly.

Zhu Yu looked at it and said in surprise: "Old Xia, why are you here? You are retired, so enjoy your happiness at home!"

His name is Xia Wenbin, one of the former surgical masters, who has retired because of his age.

Xia Wenbin scolded: "Xiao Zhu, don't notify me of such an important matter! Although I am retired, my brain is not confused, and my hand can still hold a scalpel! You go to the front line to support, without me. , does it work?"

"What petition, get me a copy!" Xia Wenbin shouted.

"President, this..." The director hesitated.

Seeing this, Xia Wenbin stepped forward and took a copy himself, and while signing his signature, he blamed: "Mother-in-law! Hurry up and go!"


In the middle, a large logistics center.

"The magic capital is about to go to war, urgently mobilize supplies!" Wang Chang, the warehouse manager, shouted, "The convoy must set off now to deliver supplies to the front line!"

"Who wants to run? Ten times the delivery fee!" he shouted to a group of delivery drivers.

"I'm coming!" A driver stood up and said, "I've already signed up for volunteers, and there is no delivery fee!"

Having said that, he directly got into the car and went to the warehouse to load the car.

"Husband, we are also volunteers!" The husband and wife team Chen Ping and Wu Li are discussing.

"I'm going, you don't go!" Chen Ping stood up and said, "The front-line distribution is also dangerous. There are elderly and children to take care of in our family! No matter what, we have to leave someone alone!"

"I..." Wu Li still wanted to speak, but Chen Ping had already made a decision and said, "Listen to me, I'll go! You stay!"

Wu Li moved her lips a few times, and finally said, "Well, be careful on the road!"

"Don't worry, I'm driving a heavy truck. If I encounter any mutant creature, I'll kill it directly!" Chen Ping said, patting his chest.

Having said that, he went to the warehouse management to sign up, and soon went to the warehouse to load the truck.

After watching Chen Ping's heavy truck drive out of the logistics center, Wu Li walked up to the warehouse manager and said, "Wang Tou, I'm going too!"

Wang Chang wondered: "Didn't your husband just set off? He told you to stay, don't run this trip!"

"I know." Wu Li said, "but I'm also a volunteer and a delivery driver. There's a shortage of people right now, what if I don't go?"

"There are old people in your family, and young people below. You still keep it, and I will find someone else!" Wang Chang advised.

"I've decided!" Wu Li said, "the child has been delivered to his uncle's house, and they will take care of the old man."

"Besides, we are delivering the goods in the back, not to fight the Zerg."

"That's it, I drove. By the way, don't tell my husband!" she emphasized.

Wang Chang hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded: "Okay, remember, be careful along the way!"


On the city streets of the magic capital, there were two flows of traffic and people.

One is the evacuated masses, who are evacuating to the shelter in the safe area with their living supplies.

On the other hand, the soldiers, medical staff, and logistics personnel who entered the magic capital.

"Mom, why did they go backwards!" A little boy asked curiously in the evacuated team.

Mother glanced at the people who were going retrograde. They all knew that there was a battlefield ahead, and the man-eating Zerg was about to attack, but they rushed to the front without turning back.

She stroked her son's head and said, "Because, they are retrogrades, heroes who defend us and this country! Pioneers who go to the battlefield!"

"Without them, we would be eaten by monsters!"

The little boy seemed to understand but said, "Is that hero very powerful?"


"Then I want to be a hero too!"


At this time, someone in the crowd shouted: "A nation cannot be without heroes, and a country cannot be without pioneers!"

"Salute to you, retrogrades!"

This sentence ignited the evacuated crowd, who shouted: "Salute to you, retrogrades!"

"I wish you a safe journey!"

"Be sure to return safely!"

"We are waiting for your reunion!"

Sounds echoed in the sky above the city, and the retrograde people turned their heads with tears in their eyes.

Wiping away their tears, they moved on.

Ahead, we are about to see the majestic steel Great Wall!

Outside the Great Wall of Steel, countless mutant creatures can already be seen. They are lurking in the ocean, hiding in the sand, on the coastline, and eyeing the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Their terrifying appearance alone is enough to make people dread.

They seem to be waiting for an order, and then break through the defense line of this life! Extend the claws to the vast land of China and the 1.4 billion Chinese people!

The retrogrades swear in their hearts:

"Defend the magic capital, here we come!"

Writing here, I also want to thank our retrogrades, thank you!

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