Planet Builder

Chapter 97 Chapter 108 Chapter 109 EUV Alliance Disbanded? (Subscribe plus update X2)

Looking at the camera, the chip that is less than the size of a fingernail, a burst of pride and pride surges in everyone's heart!

At this time, several foreign experts walked out of the testing area. After encapsulation, they also participated in the detection.

Foreign reporters quickly stepped forward and asked, "Professor Akai, how is the chip test result?"

"Mr. Hoyle, may I ask if what He Xingzhou said is true or false?"

The reporters noticed that the expressions on the faces of these professors and scholars were not good-looking.

Among them, an expert in the semiconductor field, Royle said in a difficult tone: "After testing, it is indeed a three-nanometer process chip with good performance."

Other foreign scholars also fell silent, and no one objected. You know, in the beginning, many of them expressed doubts!

Hearing this news, foreign reporters were dumbfounded! They had been instructed before that if there was anything wrong with the chip, they would magnify it a hundred times to report!

But now, they have not found a problem!

A reporter from Kangaroo Country did not give up and asked, "Are you really testing the Loongson chip? Is it possible that it is another chip?"

This was an introductory question, but at the scene, a reporter from China said to him with contempt: "At present, we are the only chip in the world that can make a three-nanometer process. Who do you think will be the chip?"

"Ah...this?" The reporter from Kangaroo Country was taken aback for a moment, as if that was the case.

Immediately afterwards, these foreign reporters fell silent collectively, and some even cut off the live broadcast and photography. They don't plan to report this to the country!

The reporters from Shenzhou on the scene were collectively excited and reported frantically: "my country has developed the world's most advanced extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, and produced the world's first three-nanometer process chip!"

"Hello everyone, I'm a reporter from the Phoenix News. I'm at the press conference of He Xingzhou in the magic capital. We have just learned some exciting news..."

"The world's first three-nanometer high-end chip was born, and my country broke the world's chip blockade!"

"Godson is born! Boom News is live streaming for you..."

At the scene, seeing the chip in He Xingzhou's hand, the invited entrepreneurs cheered.

Xiao Dong hugged Tian Jun, and the two old men shouted like teenagers, "We have our own high-end chips, great!"

They had forgotten at this time that at the press conference not long ago, the two of them were tearing each other apart.

Li Kongming hugged Fu Yuquan, one of the leaders of the research team, and said excitedly, "Old Fu, sending you out this time is the wisest choice I have ever made in Huaxin Group!"

"It's all worth it!"

And those researchers who are involved in research and development, they come from all over the world, various units, enterprises, research institutes, at this moment, they are all cheering!

Some people screamed in the sky, and the sullen breath that had been held for decades was finally able to vent today!

In front of TV, in front of the Internet, people are also celebrating.

"Qinghua University sent a congratulatory message!"

"Congratulations from Jingcheng University!"

"Shancheng Vocational and Technical College sent a congratulatory message!"

"I want to say, He Xingzhou YYDS!"

"You are great, thank you!"

"Hahaha, I can finally use the domestic high-end smart electronic products, @毩wei, @米米, @biaty... all made for me!"

"Today I'm so happy, I call 'Godson' Niu Cha, and each person will give out 100 red envelopes!"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage of "Godson Niu Fork" was instantly filled, but the so-called Long Ge disappeared.

He Xingzhou was still holding the "Godson", and everywhere he went, there were cheers and applause.

Seeing this scene, all members of the EUV Alliance felt like they had eaten shit, and the uncomfortable expressions were visible to the naked eye.

"Is the verification true?" a semiconductor manufacturer asked unwillingly.

The representative of Intel said solemnly: "It is true that among the experts sent to verify, there are our people."

"How can this happen?" Haimo, the representative of ASML, was going crazy. "How did they do it? Why can they build a new generation of extreme ultraviolet lithography machines before us?"

In the past, ASML was the only company in the world that could manufacture extreme ultraviolet lithography machines, but from now on, it is no longer!

And the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine made by He Xingzhou is even more advanced than theirs!

His proud sense of superiority was completely shattered! Even began to doubt life!

"Gentlemen, our blockade failed!" said the representative of IBM. "The world's semiconductor and chip industry, the highest flag is now being erected in the East!"

"All our members will be affected!" AMD, Qualcomm, Broadcom, etc., these international giants, in their irritability, began to think about the future.

President Foster's eyes were straight, he didn't know what to say.

At this time, a call came in, it was from the leader of Bai Ying, and he cursed: "Foster, look at your achievements, Dongfang has created a lithography machine and a chip!"

"We are about to lose a lot! Now we are not forcing them to make concessions, but they will show off their power to us later!"

"You have to take responsibility that you cannot shirk!"

"Commander... me!" Foster wanted to explain, but Commander White Eagle hung up the phone.

Foster only felt a panic in his heart.

But Godson's breakthrough, the impact has just begun.

The representative of Qualcomm couldn't sit still, he said loudly: "Since we have failed the blockade, what's the point of our discussion here?"

"Soon, they will produce all kinds of high-end chips! Before, these were our markets, and our company lost tens of billions of dollars in revenue every year!"

The representative of Intel also said: "Yes, our high-end chips should be opened in the eastern market! Otherwise, we will dig our own graves!"

"Wait until Godson takes over the market, then it will be too late!"

"I agree, this agreement is completely unscientific!" Representatives of AMD, IBM, Nvidia and other companies shouted.

More and more delegates protested, saying: "The agreement must be changed, we cannot face such losses!"

Even Haimo of ASML said: "We ask to sell lithography machines to the East!"

Foster stammered and said, "Da... Don't be impulsive, we can also discuss new plans."

"What a shit new plan, if it doesn't work, we'll quit the EUV alliance!" Qualcomm's representative shouted.

"This EUV alliance can only damage our interests, it's okay to wait!" When the others heard it, they followed suit.

"!" Thinking of the terrifying consequences, Foster didn't take a breath, and just passed out during the video conference.

The delegates all saw this scene, but no one cared. Even if this old man is dead, he won't do their business, they just want to consider their own interests now!

"The EUV alliance has already existed in name only! It's better to disband in place!" Someone whispered.


The whole of China is celebrating the breakthrough of the "Godson" extreme ultraviolet lithography machine and chip.

At the gate of He Xingzhou's hometown, the leaders' cars and the community's cars blocked the water, and some people put up banners to celebrate.

Jingcheng University of Science and Technology, specially pulled out a red banner on the campus, and wrote: "Specially celebrate our student He Xingzhou and the team to jointly conquer the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine technology!"

"He Xingzhou is going to be famous in history!" Seeing this scene, the teachers were a little envious and proud. The school committee has just passed a decision to erect a statue for He Xingzhou in the school!

You know, even the big guys who have been selected as academicians of the Academy of Sciences will definitely get such an honor!

The students are even more incredible. Someone went directly to the dormitory where He Xingzhou once stayed to check in:

"God bless me, let me not fail this year!"

"I came to visit, is this the dormitory where Senior He Xingzhou once stayed?"

"To tell you the truth, He Xingzhou and I are roommates! We have an old relationship!" Feng Tao was bragging to a group of juniors, attracting envy and admiration from the juniors.

"Senior, add your contact information? I have a question for you!"


And in the windmill country, at the trade organization conference held.

Today, White Eagle, Sakura, Hans, John, etc., are collectively silent!

Just yesterday, they were aggressive, demanding that Shenlong fully liberalize the financial market and amend various laws, but now, these people are pretending to be dumb and not saying a word.

Seeing this, Shenlong said: "There is news, everyone must know it."

His tone was extremely proud, "Just today, our Shenzhou has broken through the world's most advanced extreme ultraviolet lithography machine technology and manufactured a three-nanometer process chip."

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Shenlong's younger brothers sent congratulations, but the others were still pretending to be dumb.

"So!" Shenlong said, "In the semiconductor, chip and related industries, I suggest that we should cooperate for a win-win situation, not to engage in small circles. In addition, I hope everyone can be friendly to us in the East, and treat your Anything that doesn't follow the rules will be changed!"

"I advise everyone to be more self-conscious."

Everyone can't feel aggrieved. Shenlong means that if you are not conscious, I will help you to become conscious.

But now they are not as skilled as others and are not qualified to refute.

They all looked at Bai Ying, and now they can't stand the pressure.

Bai Ying coughed twice and said, "We will discuss this later."

He also knew in his heart that there had been cracks in the partners who cooperated comprehensively.

Shenlong continued to speak: "Although today is discussing trade issues, I have to raise one thing."

"In the field of life science and technology, we should also pay attention to and cooperate. It's not that I am alarmist. The problem of marine pollution and mutant organisms has reached the point where it is out of control!"

"Within a few years, it will affect our lives and safety!"

Bai Ying said directly: "Today is not an environmental protection conference, we will not discuss this issue!"

Seeing this, Shenlong knew that they were unwilling to mention this issue, so he could only give up.

The trade conference ended "successfully", of course, for Shenlong, who gained many benefits.

For Bai Ying and others, they all regretted participating in this conference.

In China, the news of the chip breakthrough has fully inspired the market. All listed companies related to domestic semiconductors, upstream and downstream, smart products, and electronic technology are all rising.

Seeing this, foreign capital has also poured money into it.

The Loongson team announced that they will quickly replicate the Loongson EUV lithography machine and expand production capacity at the fastest speed!

Huawei and Huaxin Group also announced that they have ordered Loongson chips and will open up the high-end product market!

It can be said that the breakthrough of the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine has greatly increased the national strength of China, and there are fewer and fewer means that can be restrained by foreign countries!


He Xingzhou had a rare rest for a few days, and he was also very tired these days.

He wanted to go out for a walk, but he is now a celebrity, and wherever he goes, it will attract attention and even cause street congestion.

There are also various official units, enterprises, research institutes, and universities that invited him to attend events or give speeches, and he directly pushed them all down!

In desperation, He Xingzhou could only choose to squat at home and rest for a few days.

"Brother, now they're all guessing, I'm your relative!" During the video call, He Mengyao was sitting in the dormitory, wearing a cute cartoon T-shirt, and introducing to He Xingzhou.

At this time, there is no one in her dormitory, otherwise if people see her video chatting with He Xingzhou, I am afraid that the fans who come to He Mengyao's dormitory that day will be blocked!

"You'd better keep quiet!" He Xingzhou said, "Otherwise, in your university, don't think about finishing it quietly."

"Hmm!" He Mengyao laughed, "When they find out later, they will be shocked!"

"By the way, when my roommate watched your live broadcast, he also said that he would be your daughter-in-law! Brother, do you want me to introduce you to me? My roommate and my classmates also have beautiful women!"

"He doesn't have time!" This was Xu Zhilan's voice. She was also in He Xingzhou's residence. This was the duty of her personal secretary and bodyguard.

"Hee hee, I forgot, and Sister Zhilan is thinking about my brother!" He Mengyao laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense." Xu Zhilan blushed and spat softly.

He Xingzhou glanced at Xu Zhilan. She was wearing loose home clothes, sitting on the sofa with her long legs crossed, her eyes pretending to be working, but she was always secretly glancing at herself.

"Is she already in love with me?" He Xingzhou thought to himself, as the saying goes, love grows over time, not to mention that there is a beautiful woman with outstanding abilities and looks.

"Brother, Sister Zhilan is so beautiful, why don't you hurry up!" He Mengyao was still fanning the flames, "Isn't this the daughter-in-law that the state gave you?"

"Huh? It makes sense for you to say that!" He Xingzhou laughed.

Xu Zhilan didn't speak, pretended not to hear, but was secretly happy.

The two were joking, when Xu Zhilan suddenly sat upright, frowning slightly, and said in a low voice, "General Manager He, something has happened."

Seeing her so serious, He Xingzhou knew it was no small matter.

He said to He Mengyao, "I'm working, let's talk next time."

"Hmm." He Mengyao obediently turned off the call.

He Xingzhou looked at Xu Zhilan and asked, "What happened?"

"It's news from the Ocean Monitoring Station!" Xu Zhilan handed the smart glasses to He Xingzhou, and the video data was directly transmitted to his lenses.

(It will be added sooner, so I made a decision against myself. If the monthly pass is changed to a 200 monthly pass, I will add one more change, rush rush!)

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