Planet Escape

Chapter 299 Endless Sea of ​​Insects Enter the Fortress

As more and more civilized races enter the battlefield, the mad bugs are also suppressed. △¢four△¢five△¢中△¢wen【,

At the same time, after other civilizations saw the attack method of the Earth Federation, warships with electromagnetic weapons or physical attacks also used the same method to attack.

In less than half a day, hundreds of millions of bugs were wiped out.

When all the bugs were wiped out, the civilized race scepter once again sent a message to the controllers of each race.

"The rules of the final battle: Any civilization is forbidden to attack the planet, destroy the planet and obliterate it.

Destroy a Zerg brood to get a point, and destroy a civilized race to get all the points of that civilized race.

After all the Zerg nests have been hunted down, the final battle is over. At the end of the ranking according to points, the 3,000 civilized races ranked at the bottom will be wiped out, and the top ten civilized races will be rewarded for the final battle. "

After Xiang Gan got this information, he froze there. Because the rules of this final battle are different from the specifications of the final battle in the previous life.

The last battle in the previous life was also a point system, but there was no such clause as the elimination of the last 3000 civilizations. If the last battle of the previous life also had this clause, the human beings at that time would have died in it directly.

Xiang Gan feels that this rule is to make all civilizations kill each other. As for why there was no such rule in the previous life, it may be that there are very few civilizations in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy that can participate in the final battle in the previous life, so this rule is not needed.

However, even if the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy has been in chaos for a period of time in this life, it is still relatively stable on the whole, and there have been no battles between the major alliances. However, the battles between the Earth Federation, the Alliance of Evolved Civilizations, and the Avengers rarely involved minor races. So the number of civilizations in the Large Magellanic Cloud may have exceeded the standard. Caused the mandatory intervention of the rules of the game.

But the only thing that comforts Xiang Gan is that the other rules have not changed, otherwise his plan to calculate the Avengers will be completely ruined.

"Notify all warships that they are not allowed to attack any planets, and avoid any attacks that may touch the planets." Xiang Gan said to the starry sky.

At this time, the fleets of the major civilized races piled together also began to disperse consciously. Although I don't know where the bug nest is, a large group of civilizations gathered together. Even if there is a Zerg brood, those small races will not benefit.

So after eliminating the sea of ​​insects,

The major races began to slowly disperse around. They didn't dare to walk too fast, because they were afraid of encountering the sea of ​​insects just now. In the sea of ​​insects like just now, no small race can resist it.

The fleet of the Earth Federation is not like other civilizations. After Xianggan points out the coordinates on the star map, the entire fleet starts to move and quickly moves towards that position.

There are some small races, I don't know what kind of psychology it is. Actually followed the fleet of the Earth Federation.

For such a situation, Xiang Gan ignored it, and it was impossible for them to pose a threat to the Earth Federation. And the direction that the Earth Federation is going now is the core of the battlefield. Even if those small races keep up, they won't get any benefits, and may suffer losses instead. But these have nothing to do with the stem.

Soon, after flying out of a star system. In the cosmic void, Zerg patrols were found.

The number of bugs in a batch of Zerg patrols. At around 500,000, there can be as many as 800,000, and at least no less than 300,000.

However, the Zerg patrol team is much stronger than the bugs attacked just now. If they are singled out, a genetic nuclear weapon can only deal with 5 bugs at the same time.

In less than two minutes, a Zerg patrol team was killed by the Earth Federation Fleet. Such a small number of bugs did not require a concentrated fire attack from the entire fleet. Hundreds of thousands of warships were sent to attack for two rounds, and it was resolved.

Soon, three days passed.

The Earth Federation fleet has reached the depths of the battlefield, and a huge planet is slowly rotating in the distance. This planet has violated the laws of physics, because this planet is really too big. According to the results of the scan, the distance of this planet is about 70 billion kilometers. The outer atmosphere is more than 1 million kilometers away from the earth's surface. Such a planet is simply a giant.

According to the normal laws of physics, it is absolutely impossible for a planet with such a large mass to exist. Because of the pressure of the inner core of the planet, it is absolutely possible to form molecular degenerate matter. Then the gravitational force produced by molecular degenerate matter will directly collapse the planet, turning all the matter on this planet into molecular degenerate matter.

Of course, the mass of this planet can completely form a black hole. But now this planet is well suspended in the universe, and there is no instability at all.

Outside this huge planet, there are nine huge fortresses revolving around the planet. The size of each planet fortress is more than ten times the size of the earth, like nine huge satellites.

Outside the nine fortresses, there are densely packed worms, which fill the entire void of the universe. Even with the strength of the Earth Federation Fleet, it feels a bit difficult.

"Notify Ragesen and Sephiroth to activate the space distortion force field at the same time as the Destroyer, let them protect the two wings of the fleet respectively, and we will rush over directly." Xiang Gan saw the sea of ​​insects in front of him, no matter how many the Earth Federation wiped out, he would There are more bugs coming.

If things go on like this, even if all the genetic nuclear power stockpile stored by the Earth Federation is exhausted, it may not be able to eliminate these countless bugs. All of them are ready to activate the space distortion field, isolate the sea of ​​insects and let the fleet rush directly into the fortress.

Ten minutes later, the fleets of the Green Star Civilization and the Silver Wing Civilization ran to both sides of the fleet, and under the order of Xiang Gan, the space distortion field was activated at the same time.

In an instant, the Fleet Federation Fleet turned into a sharp arrow, and under the protection of surging space fluctuations, it rushed towards the fort surrounded by the sea.

The Earth Federation fleet plunged into the sea of ​​insects. It would be unlucky for the small races following the Earth Federation. Without the Earth Federation in front, how could they withstand the endless attack of insects? In less than half an hour, these few The fleet of a small race was completely wiped out.

It's not that they don't want to run back, but that they can't turn back at all, and there are also countless bugs surrounding them behind them. Originally, this encirclement was prepared for the Earth Federation, but the Earth Federation fleet ran away, and they were the unlucky ones.

No matter how these small races seek help from the Earth Federation, Xiang Gan has no plans to help them, not to mention that there may be a puppet civilization of the Avengers among these small races, even if they don’t, their life and death will be no different from the Earth Federation’s destruction of the oceans. relation.

After those small races were wiped out, the Earth Federation also went outside the fortress.

The huge fortress was solid under the protection of the protective cover. Even though there were countless bugs attacking the protective cover, they did not see any fluctuations on the surface of the protective cover.

Xiang Gan took out the fortress chip, and under the light of the scepter of civilized race, the familiar lines erupted again.

When the lines formed by the fortress chip touched the protective cover of the fortress, a dazzling light erupted on the protective cover. In an instant, all the bugs attacking around the protective shield were reduced to powder.

The light from the protective cover of the fortress shone on the insects, melting them like the sun shining on ice and snow. Even those bugs that were not very far away from the protective cover turned into powder one after another after the protective cover burst into light.

Three seconds later, after 3 million kilometers outside the shield, there were no bugs. There are tiny particles floating in the universe, these particles are the substances left after the bugs are turned into powder.

At this time, the protective cover opened a huge passage, and this passage can completely allow the Destroyer to drive directly in.

After the Earth Federation Fleet entered the protective cover, the protective cover was closed again, but this time the surrounding bugs did not attack the protective cover. Instead, they yelled at 3 million kilometers away, but they just didn't come forward.

Suddenly, the fortress chip on the civilized race scepter began to melt, and after the entire fortress chip disappeared, the gate of the fortress in front of the fleet slowly opened, and at the same time, a data link began to connect to the Destroyer. (To be continued..)

ps: The landlord has something to do at work tonight, and he drank too much. I can only code one chapter out, dizzy, and can't cheer up at all, I'm sorry.

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