Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 101 Pre-sale of Hulk 2.0! What are you waiting for? Kneel and lick! (1 more)

The newcomer area at this time witnessed the emergence of the sons of two worlds.

Everyone felt that the matter was over.

But too quiet!

I always feel that things are not easy!

"Damn it! What's with the damn familiarity rising in my heart?"

Could it be that "the children of these two worlds have been settled?"

"This is the child of the world, and two were settled in ten minutes? There doesn't seem to be any sign of a fight!"

"Do you think it is possible that they surrendered in the past, otherwise, how could they have reached Planet 34 so easily?

When this guess came out, everyone was stunned.

It's really possible!

However, this guess is really too bold, isn't it?

"Hey! Silently, it was settled?"

"What is the shock of the tiger's body, the arrogance of the king? This is so unintentional, the other party will kneel at the speed of light, right?"

"Who the hell is the son of destiny?"

"Oh... well, let's end it early, I'm tired, I can't take it anymore, Mr. Chen Mo has been making trouble for too long."

"Wang Yifeng is an idiot, Liu Fan is too short, Li Long shot in seconds, "617" has counted the former romantic figures, and looking at the present, only Chen Mo is strong and shocked me from morning to night."

Someone started summing up the big events of the day.

This sentence was affirmed by everyone.

"Day by day, day by day belongs to yes."

"Yeah, I remember that the first child of the world started a fierce battle in the morning. At that time, there was still a little suspense. Now the two children of the world have been flying directly, but it has been extremely silky smooth."

"It never stops!"

"Wuwuwu, it's too long, please let it go."

"I'm really tired today.

Keep fighting, keep fighting.

Make everyone feel tired.

At this time, even the 8 million ordinary newcomers who did not participate in the battle felt a little overwhelmed.

Because there are too many messages, the nerves are constantly stimulated.

It made them nervous, and the next moment they were very excited. Many people were even swayed by these news.

was brought to the rhythm.

The wallet also suffered.

All in all, so many events!

Can't even eat melon.

This will make the sky gradually darken, and some people are ready to go to sleep.

Decided to stop paying attention to things in the newcomer area.

This also includes Luo Bing and Li Long.

They just feel noisy.

Because the two of them are the parties and the victims!

"This time it should have nothing to do with me.

"Calm down, it's nice."

Wang Yifeng also breathed a sigh of relief, enjoying this moment of tranquility.

Chen Mo quietly took care of the Son of the World this time, that's fine!

It doesn't matter if it doesn't work.

Anyway, no matter what it is, there is no harm or benefit to him.

Right now, he just wants to pass the second stage peacefully. It is a pity that he failed to surpass Chen Mo, but if he can secure second place, he can!

His current main competitor is placed in the top ten.

Li Long, Luo Bing, and Liu Fan are all very vigilant opponents.

Of course, the most important thing is:

His father had already started to dislike him.

Said that if he dared to ask the family for so much money, and if he couldn't do anything, he would come over in person and slap him.

He also has to send military advisors to completely take over his planet.

Although this will greatly increase Wang Yifeng's strength, and he can also be a hands-off shopkeeper, he doesn't want to lose his freedom!

I don't want to be slapped by my father, it's very uncomfortable and shameless.


Suddenly, someone brushed out an exclamation mark in the newcomer area.

Then, right after that, he said:

"Everyone, take a look at the trading platform in the newcomer area. If you are interested in getting a good result in the competition, hurry up and prepare your money."

"Boss Chen Mo's scythe is waving."

"Friendly reminder, protect your wallet!!"

"At the same time, I propose that friendship comes first and competition comes second. Don't go up to it!"

"In the end, it must be Chen Mo, sad!!!

As soon as the news came out, everyone was curious.

One after another opened the transaction flat open.

I saw that there were many kinds of magic weapons and mineral resources listed on the trading platform.

Of course, that's not the point,

The point is a large swath of miners!

"Hulk 2.0 is brand new!

5 hours later, be online on time!

Pre-order now!

"It's not a mine, what the hell?"

Many geniuses didn't care at first.

But seeing the astonishing price, they all lied.

At the same time realize that something is wrong.

In the past, they would only say one sentence: so expensive, only fools would buy it!

But several facts have proved that Chen Mo dares to hang up at this price, there is only one possibility:

Some idiots would buy it!

Everyone who realized that something was wrong, carefully checked the remarks.

Then all were stunned.

The same prospecting ability as an angel!

Find it 24 hours a day!

Even the smallest minerals, buried no more than 1000 meters, can be found!

Only for rent, not for sale!

Rental by day, 1 million yuan per day!

Wait until you see these messages.

Suddenly, the whole newcomer area exploded.

No newcomer pays attention to Chen Mo's winning or losing.

The 8 million newcomers on Planet 14 were also completely drowsy. Someone swished directly from the bed and bounced.

And Li Long, who just lay down, made the sound of sitting up in shock from a dying illness.

“Chen Mo...too deceiving!!”

He gritted his teeth.

At the same time, there are light and tears in the eyes!

Although his family is rich, there is still a gap between him and Wang Yifeng, who can withstand repeated squeezing.


He spent 200 million just because he called out to his brother, and he was already unable to cope with the extra expenses.

He felt the threat of poverty.

"God, if you buy a miner like this, wouldn't you have the entire planet's high-energy minerals in your hands?"

"One, enough to turn the tide!"

At present, "the most difficult thing in mining is how to quickly find high-energy minerals!"

With "this, I'm sure to raise my ranking by a notch...

"There are very few magic crystals on my planet, and I can't find one. With this, I can earn an extra tens of millions!"

"It's no wonder that Chen Mo's mining speed is so brutal, I'm afraid it must be the credit of this kind of miners!"

"I analyzed it carefully:

First, the cultivation speed of Chen Mo's civilization is very fast! The original miners have now grown up, and their prospecting ability is even comparable to that of angels!

Second, Chen Mo's civilization is very strong, the strongest individual, the son of the world!

Third, Chen Mo's civilization is rapidly cultivated, which is based on massive resource investment!

Fourth, what are the brothers waiting for? The sale will start in 5 hours, this is time for everyone to raise money!!

If you have a way, you can also kneel and lick the big brother Chen Mo, whoever can advance in the ranking. Big Brother Chen Mo points his finger at one hand and saves decades of struggle!"

"Justified! Agree!

"That's right, the amount of resources obtained by Chen Mo has broken the historical record. If so many resources are poured down, no matter what race they are, they will almost take off."

"More than that, Chen Mo's civilization is probably diverse, and its development potential is not small!

"I just want to ask, this 'Hulk' is mining at the beginning, followed by prospecting, and later, will he directly absorb elements and grow ore by himself?"

Afraid "~~ but I don't think it's impossible.

"What a joke, this is the real world, not playing games, but directly drawing energy to grow ores, why don't you say that energy is directly converted into matter! God-level civilization!"

"One million miners, who the hell can afford this?"

"Wow, I'm really out of money, let's not buy it together!

"Yeah, don't buy it from anyone, so everyone will keep the strength 2.4 in place!"

"Unite, brothers, this is a show of wool!"

"I don't care, anyway, my current score is stable at the 9 millionth, and my score will only get better and better.

Poverty "makes me sensible and at ease, no matter how awesome Chen Mo is, he will never take a penny from me.

"It's useless", the normal rent of an angel is 2 million a day, and there is not necessarily this obedience.

"Yeah, in fact, what Chen Mo sells is not expensive. They have calculated the market price."

"Damn, if you say that, if I buy one, I will save a million immediately? Then back and forth, doesn't this miner want money and prostitute Chen Mo for nothing~~


for a time,

The newcomer area is surging.

Many people rolled and crawled out of bed,

Get ready to raise money!

Order now!

"Dad, I need some money!"

"Don't do it!

"I swear, the last one! Really!"

Wang Yifeng was about to cry.

I am really afraid of what will happen!

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