Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 113 Destiny twins, twin sisters! (4 more)

This is the first time Chen Mo has encountered such a thing that has been destroyed by millions in an instant.

very curious!

There must be a child of the world, or a powerful magic weapon.

"Master, we were ambushed, and the other party did not block us at the passage, but suddenly attacked when we were halfway into the world passage."

Without Chen Mo speaking, Titan immediately reported it.

However, in addition to the loss of some organic matter,

approximately equal to no loss.

Everyone is calm.

"The other party can actually hide from the 'magic eye ambush you?"

Chen Mo was curious.

You know, the magic eye has been upgraded through perception genes.

Able to directly see high-energy reactions!

And the other party is also very courageous.

The planetary passage cannot be destroyed, and although the passage is expanding, it is still narrow overall.

Therefore, ordinary civilizations regard the planetary passage as the strongest fortress and strictly guard against it.

This is the first one who dares to put the enemy in to fight.

"It's the son of the world, the other side has two!

One was hiding outside in advance, the other was resisting hard inside, and when we attacked the planet passage, we were attacked from front and back.

"However, our strategic purpose has also been achieved, and the other half of the army has spread all over the planet."

"Under the suppression of the children of the world, we are returning quickly, but the speed of intelligence gathering is very fast.

Titan respectfully said.

As he said that, he was also a little unbelievable.

Can one world have two children of worlds?

Not to mention the Titans, even Chen Mo was stunned.

Son of two worlds... a mermaid?

"This world is really extraordinary, no wonder it is valued by the Temple of Heaven, is it the twins of destiny, sisters?"

Chen Mo came to be interested.

Destiny twins are an extremely rare phenomenon.

That is, the children of twin worlds.

There is also a special induction between the children of the twin worlds.

In some primitive races, this is used as a means of communication over long distances.

Even in the star soul world, it has magical effects.

Belongs to the sub-type of the most extreme world.

Not to mention that it is very in line with the human aesthetics of the Star Soul World.

If you take it out and sell it.

Meet the taste of XP.

Able to sell for a ridiculously high price.

The bottom line is that it can be sold for 64.8 billion.

As soon as he spoke, the little fox sorted out a message.

【Planet 67】

[Civilization level: 1.0-level civilization, population 20 billion, ocean planet, with twin world sons, the overall average strength is around 2.5-level, and 7-level and above individuals, about 5 million)

[Energy level; low energy level planet, extremely rich in fishery resources, with titanium ore, a very small amount of Tiberium ore, a small amount of magic crystal

"The overall strength is high, but there are not many senior individuals."

"It's an accident, there are Tiberium ore, which is a valuable thing."

Chen Mo glanced at the approximate data.

The most dazzling ones are the Destiny Twins and Tiberium ore.

He sometimes evolves and needs this precious mineral.

|| The two should be the geniuses that the Temple of Heaven values. "

"The twin phenomenon is the world of star souls. There are very few discoveries. No matter how strong you are, it is indeed worth cultivating and observing."

"Huh? The appearance characteristics of the mermaid are actually female.

"Can you reproduce without males, or is it parthenogenesis? Hermaphrodite?"

Chen Mo is having fun.

This is a long experience.

In general, among lower races, single-sex phenomena are common.

But intelligent races are generally divided into males and females.

"But even so, the Temple of Heaven did not pick up the twins of destiny (Wang Haozhao), but took the risk of taking away the son of the orc world."

"It seems that the opponent's talent is really powerful, or the aesthetics of the Temple of Heaven is indeed unique.

"Unique aesthetics, different from the large group in the universe....

Chen Mo couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

"If this is the case, then the "consciousness disturbance" they are affected by is different from the Star Soul World and the surrounding star districts!"

"This means, is there any evil god in the central area of ​​the Temple of Heaven, or is it some kind of powerful creature blowing?"

Chen Mo reported the discovery to the Federation. .

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